2013-2014学年高二英语课件: Unit 4 Global warming-Reading (新人教版选修6)

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1、高二选修6Unit 4,英 语 课 件,Reading,What is the greenhouse made and used for?,A greenhouse is made of glass and is used for growing plants, especially during cold weather.,How does it work? The air inside is warm because the glass traps the heat from the sun and keeps it from escaping. This makes the greenh

2、ouse heat up and so the plants can grow throughout the cold period.,What are the “greenhouse gases”? In the atmosphere surrounding the earth there are gases, which are called “greenhouse gases”, including carbon dioxide, methane (甲烷, 沼气) and water vapor.,What do you think greenhouse gases do? They t

3、rap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.,(Paragraph 1),Introduce a debate over the issue of global warming.,Raising a question,Skimming,(Paragraphs 2-3),Illustrate how global warming comes about.,Giving examples, using graphs, explanation.,(Paragraphs 4-5),List two different attitudes amo

4、ng scientists towards global warming.,Giving examples, making contrast.,(Paragraph 6),Its up to readers to think and decide whether people should do something about global warming or not.,Using a question, leaving readers to think over the issue.,Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.,gases

5、,quantities of,global temperature,catastrophe,high levels,consequences,States,positive,Choose the best answers according to the text.1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. The temperature of the earth increased about one degree Fahrenheit during the 20th century.B. The carbon dio

6、xide content in the air increased by 70 parts per million from 1957 to 1997.C. All scientists accept the data in graph 2 except Charles Keeling.D. Janice Foster says that more carbon dioxide will make plants grow faster.,A,2. Which of the following is Dr Janice Fosters opinion?A. The result of the t

7、emperature increase will be serious.B. The amount of warming is nothing serious.C. We neednt worry about high levels of carbon dioxide.D. Global warming is a natural phenomenon.,A,浓度单位,Answer the questions. Who wrote the magazine article? What is the name of the magazine? Sophie Armstrong wrote the

8、magazine article. The name of the magazine is Earth Care.,Post reading,2. What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article? They are Dr. Janice Foster, Charles Keeling and George Hambley.,3. What do they think about global warming? Do they agree with one another? They dont agree w

9、ith each other. Dr. Janice Foster thinks the effects of global warming could be very serious.,George Hambley thinks global warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. Charles Keeling believes it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that is resulting in a big increase in car

10、bon dioxide.,4. What are the two graphs about? Graph I shows the temperature increase of one degree Fahrenheit between 1860 to 2000. Graph 2 is about the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, 1958-1990.,5. What is the main topic of the article? Global warming/ the warming of the earth.,2. Check

11、the statements on page 27 True: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 False: 1, 2, 4, 9, 10Correct sentences:1. The temperature last century increased much.2. Not everyone believes that global warming is caused by human activities.,4. Natural gas is not a greenhouse gas but a fossil fuel.9. George Hambley thinks that more

12、carbon dioxide is a positive thing and it will make plants grow faster.10. It is unknown what the effects of global warming will be.,DebateInstructions Get into groups of six. Decide which three in your group are going to agree with the statement (Group A) and which three are going to disagree with

13、the statement (Group B)., Group A discuss why they agree with the statement; Group B discuss why they disagree. Group A and B get together. Tell each other the reasons why agree or disagree with the statement.,Supplementary materials for debating Global warming 1. The planet has warmed anywhere from

14、 0.5 to 1.0C (1 to 2F) over the last century.,This small amount makes a huge difference, causing glaciers to melt and, potentially (潜在的), sea level to rise. We could see even more of this in the future, (maybe another 3C, or 5F),global warming,global warming,2. A definition of global warming would h

15、ave to include a measurable, consistent temperature rise, like the one we have seen in recent history. A question remains Is it an unusual change? Much debate about that one.,3. The earth gets one kind of energy (visible light) from the sun and gives off another kind (infrared红外线). This kind is what

16、 gets trapped by green house gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere.,Green house gases4. The global warming green house effect really is a bogus (假的) term. A greenhouse keeps warm by physically trapping the air inside and preventing convection (对流). The atmosphere helps keep the planet warm by trapping outgoing radiation instead.,


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