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1、Entropy n.熵,平均信息量;负熵;Positron average life/positron mean lifetime 正电子平均寿命;Electronic, photonic, neutrino, proton, neutron 电子,光子,中微子,质子,中子;speculate英spekjuleit 美spkjlet 词典解释vt.思索,猜测,推测vi.投机;推测;思索nonunitary;Unitary adj.单一的;单位的;整体的Art is all about bringing together disparate things and making something

2、 unitary. 艺术就是把各不相关的东西联系到一起形成一个单一的事物。He viewed mind as an organized, unitary, and dynamic interplay of ideas. 他把心理看成是各种观念有机的,整体的和能动的相互作用。hyperbolic英hapb lk 美ha pblk 词典解释adj.双曲线的, 双曲线函数的;夸张的;holonomyhlnmi 词典解释n.完整;Poisson bracket 词典解释泊松括号;lorentzian action 罗伦兹行动;alkalislklis 词典解释n.碱金属;碱( alkali 的名词复数

3、 ) ;Hamilton英hmiltn 美hmltn 词典解释汉密尔顿(姓氏,男子名)男子名 苏格兰人、北爱尔兰人姓氏 汉密尔顿住所名称,来源于古英语,含义是“有疤痕的,断肢的,弯曲的+山”(scarred,mutilated,crooked+hill) ; 地名 澳大利亚、百慕大(英) 、加拿大、津巴布韦、美国、新西兰、英国 哈密尔顿;residual electrostatic interaction 剩余静电相互作用;integral英intirl 美ntrl, ntrl 词典解释adj.完整的;积分的;必须的n.整体;积分;eigenstate 词典解释特性态;特征态;本征态;能态an

4、gular momentum eigenstates 角动量本征态;momentum英mumentm 美momntm 词典解释n.物动量;势头;动力;要素,契机degenerate 词典解释adj.退化的;堕落的;变质的;变性的vt.使退化;恶化;使变质;衰减vi.退化;堕落n.堕落的人;腐化的人;精神变态者;退化的动物matrix英metrks 美metrks 词典解释n. 矩阵;模型;基质;母体,子宫diagonalising matrices of larger di-mensions than the simple 2 2 matrix;matrice 矩阵;diagonalise v

5、.使对角线化;diagonalcatercorner例句与用法:对角线或对角面A diagonal line or plane. 兵,小卒价值最小的棋子,一次可向前移一方格或在第一步可移两格,只能吃对方靠对角线前方的一个子,当到达第八级时可升为除王以外的任何一棋子A chess piece of lowest value that may move forward one square at a time or two squares in the first move capture other pieces only on a one-space diagonal forward move

6、 and be promoted to any piece other than a king upon reaching the eighth rank. determinant英 dit:minnt 美dtmnnt 词典解释n.决定物;决定因素;行列式;免疫因子adj.决定因素的;限定性的;eigenvalueainvlju: 词典解释n.特征值orbital angular momenta 轨道角动量;magnitude英m nitju:d 美mntud, -tjud 词典解释n.巨大,广大;重大,重要;量级;(地震)级数The interaction between the elect

7、rons, from their electrostatic repul-sion, causes their orbital angular momenta to change, i.e. in the vectormodel l1 and l2 change direction, but their magnitudes remain constant.torque acts on the atom 力矩作用于原子;z-component z-分量;we chose eigenfunctions of S to antisymmetrise the wavefunctions 我们的选择函

8、数的antisymmetrise 波函数;empirical rules 经验规则;empirical英empirikl 美mprkl 词典解释adj.凭经验的;经验主义的;以观察或实验为依据的Pauli exclusion principle英pauli ksklu:n prinspl 美pali ksklun pr nspl 词典解释泡利不相容原理,不相容原理;they occur in the ground conguration of elements inthe periodic table 他们出现在地面控制 形状元素元素周期表;vector model英vekt mdl 美vkt

9、 mdl 词典解释矢量模型quantum mechanics英kwntm mknks 美kwntm mknks 词典解释n.量子力学The derivation of this equation 这个方程的推导;The derivation of this equation by the vector model that argues byanalogy with classical vectors can be fully justied by reference to thetheory of angular momentum.a general angular momentum ope

10、rator J and itscomponent Jz 一般的角动量算符和其分量;the projection theorem 投影定理;denote英dinut 美d not 词典解释vt.表示,指示;coupling英kpli 美kpl 词典解释n.电耦合;联结; 机管箍;(火车的)车钩v.连接(couple 的现在分词)intermediate英ntmi:djt 美ntmidi t 词典解释adj.中间的,中级的n.中间物,中间分子,中间人vi.调解:充当调解人,调解;干涉intermediate coupling;angular momentum coupling schemes in

11、 two-electron systems 角动量耦合在电子系统;theoretical plot 理论的阴谋;electric dipole transitions 电偶极跃迁;dipole英 daipul 美dapol 词典解释n.双极子,偶极;振子;偶极子one valence electron 一个价电子;Zeeman eect 塞曼电子 等;the singlet and triplet terms of magnesium 单态和三重态的镁 ;spectroscopist 词典解释n.光谱学家;hyperfine structurehaipfain strkt 词典解释超精细结构;

12、minus sign英mains sain 美mans san 词典解释减号;a fraction | (r)|2d3r;fraction英frkn 美frkn 词典解释n.数分数;一小部分,些微;不相连的一块,片段;化分馏recoil英 rkl 美r kl 词典解释vi.反跳,跳回;退却,后退;报应n.(尤指枪炮的)反冲;后退,退缩;反跳,跳回;反冲力coefficient英kfnt 美kofnt 词典解释n.系数;(测定某种质量或变化过程的)率;程度;协同因素adj.共同作用的;合作的diaphanous英dafns 美 dafns 词典解释adj.(织物等) (半)透明的cascade英

13、ksked 美ksked 词典解释n.倾泻;小瀑布,瀑布状物vi.流注;大量落下diffusion cascade 扩散级联nebula英nebjl 美n bjl 词典解释n.星云;星云状的星系globular cluster 美 lbjl klst 词典解释球状星团Cataclysmic Variables 激变变星;罗盘 pyxidis intrinsic英intrinsik 美 ntrnzk, -sk 词典解释adj.固有的,内在的,本质的;解剖 体内的;本征;先天性myocyte ma,sat n. 肌细胞;肌丝层cardiac myocyte is isopotential 心脏肌细

14、胞是等势;sarcoplasmic reticulumn. 组织 肌质网;肌浆网;calmodulinn. 生化 钙调蛋白;携钙素;myofilament n. 解剖 肌丝troponin n. 生化 肌钙蛋白;calsequestrin n. 生化 肌集钙蛋白;生化 隐钙素;cytosolic 细胞溶质的;Human Cardiac Ventricular Cell Mode 人类心脏的心室细胞模式;actin and myosin 肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白;Anisotropic Propagation 各向异性传播;This is the elliptic equation used to calculate the electrical potentials interstitial domains which is the first governing equations of the bidomain model 这是椭圆方程用于计算电电位间质域这是第一个控制方程的 bidomain 模型;This is the parabolic equation used to calculate the transmembrane potential which is the second governing e


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