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1、2014 届本科生毕业论文(设计)题目 电视“真人秀”视域中职来职往栏目艺术策略分析作者姓名 李 强指导老师 高字民二级学院 人文与艺术学院专 业 戏剧影视文学学 号 1B106204 西安培华学院本科论文 电视真人秀视域中职来职往栏目艺术策略分析电视“真人秀”视域中职来职往栏目艺术策略分析摘 要当今社会,媒体已经成为一个重要的传播媒介,它不仅体现在第一时间的社会现实,而且也让人们在辛苦的职场工作之余得到精神的放松和精神的娱乐。正是在人们越来越重视工作之余的休闲和娱乐的社会背景下,我国电视中形式多样的电视“真人秀”节目也随之应运而生。近年来,在严峻的就业形式压力下,电视上悄然出现了一种以职场为

2、主题的真人秀节目。 职来职往栏目就是这样一档职场“真人秀”节目。职来职往是江苏卫视和中国教育第一频道共同打造的一档融竞赛与娱乐为一体的高品位电视节目。 职来职往电视栏目的主要内容是,通过节目的自愿参与者现身说法,帮助社会上众多的求职者正确面对职场,同时,节目还通过各种方式和渠道为各位职场精英提供众多可供选择的职场就业机会。为此,人们称这档电视节目为“真人秀”节目。 “真人秀”节目通过社会不同行业的人群,设计不同行业人群的不同思路,从不同的视角来展现社会的真实面貌,引导人们对职场进行客观的、理性的、全面、多维的分析。本篇文章将从职场类“真人秀”的起源、发展路程入手,界定职场类真人秀内涵。并以如今

3、热播的一档职场类“真人秀”节目职来职往为例,剖析职场类真人秀节目的构成元素,并从中概括中国职场类“真人秀”节目存在的问题,进一步分析出出中国职场类“真人秀”节目的发展状况。关键词: 职场;真人秀;电视节目;职来职往西安培华学院本科论文 电视真人秀视域中职来职往栏目艺术策略分析IThe reality TV show in the perspective of job to job to column art strategy analysisAbstractIn modern society, the film and television media has become an import

4、ant communication medium, which can not only reflect the real situation of community in the first time, but also meet peoples social psychological demands. In the social context of this environment, different kinds of TV shows produced to adapt to the time. With the form of unemployment has risen in

5、 recent years, programs about careers development are quietly appearing. Being employed and resigned is a typical job-hunting reality TV shows.Being employed and resigned is a first entertainment job-hunting reality TV shows in China which is carried out by Jiangsu TV, The Chinese education first ch

6、annel and The recruitment of Chile. This program aims at helping the job seekers have the right attitude and providing more job chances for workplace elite,including all walks of life. According to the communication between job seekers and working master, it reflected hot topics currently and made d

7、ifferent opinions get across. Through different walks of life, different thoughts and perspective it can reveal the face. It can also perform the real workplace according to the objective, real, all aspects analysis.This paper will make a definition about the connotation of reality show based on the

8、 source and development of this kind of program. Taking Being employed and resigned for instance, this paper will study the component element of reality TV shows and make a summary about the problems exist which can be helpful to the analysis of the developing condition in China.Key Words:Workplace;

9、Reality TV;Television program;Post to post to西安培华学院本科论文 电视真人秀视域中职来职往栏目艺术策略分析II目 录摘要 .I引言 .21 中国职场类电视“真人秀”节目的概述 .21.1“真人秀”节目的界定 .21.2 职场类“真人秀”节目的发展 .32职来职往的叙事环节设置及优劣分析 .42.1 节目环节的设计 .42.1.1 第一环节 职场初印象 .42.1.2 第二环节 职业测评 .42.1.3 第三环节争取时刻 .42.2 环节设置的优劣 .52.2.1职来职往节目环节设置的优点 .52.2.2职来职往节目环节设置的不足 .53职来职往节目元素的艺术分析 .53.1 人物元素 .63.1.1 求职者 .63.1.2 职场达人 .63.1.3 主持人 .73.1.4 Mr Job .73.2 叙事动力元素 .83.2.1 跌宕起伏的悬念设置 .83.2.2 紧张激烈的冲突设置 .83.3 感染元素 .93.3.1 饱含情感的细节捕捉 .


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