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1、初中升学考试英语模拟考试试卷 卷一 主观题 一、 听力:(共 20 小题,计分 20%)(一) 听句子,选单词(每题读两遍):5% 1. Aable B apple CApril Danimal 2. Aalong B alone Camong Dlong 3. Apresent B peasant Cparent Dpleasure 4. Apen B pan Cpain Dperson 5. A212735 B 272153 C227135 D213753 (二) 听对话,回答问题(每题读两遍):5% 6. AShe is a teacher. BShe is a doctor. CShe

2、 is a worker. DShe is a housewoman. 7. ALily BLucy CMary DLinda 8. ABecause its too noisy. BBecause its very cheap. CBecause its too dear. DBecause its very noise. 9. Acats B monkeys Cdogs Dtigers 10. Afourteen floors. Bfifteen floorsCsixteen floors Deighteen floors (三) 听短文,填缺词(每题读三遍):10% 56 is spok

3、en as the first language in 57 countries. Its used in 58 59 . Its used 60 travelers and business 61 all over the world. Its 62 of the most important language 63 the world. And 64 getting more and more popular in modern 65 . 二、 选择填空:(共 20 小题,计分 40%) 11. Does Tom often play _ football after _ school?

4、A/, / B/, the Cthe, / Da, a 12How wonderful! The _is made of _. Ahouse , glass Bhouse, glasses Chouses, glass Dhouses, glasses 13. Every morning Mr. Smith takes a _ to his office. A20 minutes walk B20 minutes walk C20-minutes walk D20-minute walk 14. Uncle Tom asked David, Sam, _ brothers and _ thre

5、e to help write the cards. Amy, I Bmy, me Cmyself, I Dmyself, me 15.The man _ Mary was so tall that she could hardly see the show. Ain front of Bin the front of Cat the back of Dat the beginning of 16. The garden _while the Greens were away from home. A. took good care of Bwas taken good care Cwas t

6、aken good care of Dwas taking good care 17. Have you finished _the book? Not yet. Ill try _it to you before Friday. Areading, returning Bto read, to return BCreading, to return D. to read, returning 18. Many people watched the boys _ the mountain at that time. Aclimb Bclimbing Cto climb Dclimbed 19.

7、 India had the second _population in the world. Alargest Blarger Cmost Dsmallest 20.When father was young, he _ from morning till night. Awas made work Bwas made working B Cmade to work Dwas made to work 21. Five-year-old children are too young to go to school, _? Aare they Barent they Cwere they Dh

8、ave they 22. _I put my coat here? Sorry, you _. AMust; mustnt BDo; dont Ccan; neednt DMay; cant 23. Tom wants to try _some of his ideas. Aon Boff Cout Dto 24. Could you tell me if it _tomorrow? A. rain Bwill rain Craining Drains 25.Do you know _ at the bus stop? A. whom they are waiting for Bwho the

9、y are waiting C whom are they waiting for Dwho are they waiting 26. The teacher asked all the students in the class to keep their eyes _. A. close B. to close C. closing D. closed 27. _ there any good news in todays newspaper? AAre BIs CHave DHas 28. Put it down, Richard. You mustnt read _letter. Aa

10、nyones elses Banyones else Canyone elses Danyone else 29. He is seriously ill; there is _ hope for him. Aa few Bfew Clittle Da little 30. Well go for a picnic if it _tomorrow. A. isnt going to rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. isnt raining 三、 完形填空:(共 10 小题,计分 20%) 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出

11、可以填入空白处的正确答案。 Once a beggar (乞丐)had walked about five miles in the hot sun. He was quite tired and wanted to 31. As he came to a crossing, he saw a tall tree, On one side 32 the tree he saw a board(木牌) . “Take This Road To Franklin” was written on the board. “I will rest under the 33 ,”said the begg

12、ar. “I can lie on the board while I sleep.” As the beggar 34, a doctor rode up to him. “Wake up, beggar!” said the doctor. “I am lost. Can you tell me 35 road to take to Franklin?” “It is too hot to think,” said the beggar. “Thinking is work in such a 36 day.” “Here is a dollar,” said the doctor, “n

13、ow, will you think?” “Of course, I will, sir!” said the beggar, “37 that road to Franklin.” After a while, a driver stopped to 38 the beggar which road to take to Franklin. “You must give me a dollar,” said the beggar, “for me to start thinking.” The driver gave him a dollar. “Turn to the left,” the

14、 beggar said. The beggar went back to 39. Before long a farmer woke him up. “ Which is the road to Franklin?” he asked. The beggar got 40 dollar and the farmer went along the road. “A doctor gets paid when he doctors.” Said the beggar to himself, “A driver gets paid when he drives, and a farmer gets paid when he farms. But this time a beggar got paid, and all he did was thinking!” 31. Adrink Beat Crest Dride 32. Awith Bof Cby Dfor 33. Atree


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