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1、文秘英语期末考复习提纲、 中英互译(单词)invaluable adj. 无价的;非常宝贵的scanner n. 扫描仪copier n. 复印机update n. 更新automation n. 自动化,自动操作troubleshoot n. 解决问题expertise n. 专门技能;专门知识etiquette n. 礼仪;礼节attire n. 服装;衣服(职业装)function n. 社交聚会;典礼;宴会gesture n. (表明情感或意图的)姿态;表示graces n. 风度;体面filing n. 存档;归档cling v. 坚持;墨守backbone n. 骨干bump n.

2、 棘手的事物hectic adj. 繁忙的right-hand-man n. 左右手;得力助手bilingual adj. 会说两种语言的;双语的chronological adj. 按年代顺序排列的clip n. 夹子;回形针folder n. 文件夹category n. 种类;类别alphabetical adj. 按字母顺序排列的numerical adj. 数字的;用数字表示的compile v. 编写;收集refresh n. 茶点;便餐;饮料(常用名词复数)circulate v. 传递;传阅upcoming adj. 即将来临的minutes n. 会议记录(通常用名词复数形式

3、)coordinate v. 协调;配合dissemination n. 散布;传播supervise n. 监督;管理troubleshoot v. 解决困难defect n. 缺点;缺陷;毛病bossy adj. 专横的fund n. 资金overdraft n. 透支;透支额oversee vt. 管理;监督efficency n. 效率quote vt. 报价corporate adj. 法人的;公司的deposit n. 保证金;订金;押金guarantee vt. 担保;保证notification n. 通知duration n. 持续的时间eulogy n. 颂词;颂文inti

4、macy n. 亲密;密切anecdote n. 趣闻;轶事、 短语翻译(中译英)in addition to 除之外put in order 把收拾整齐fax machine 传真机keep track of 记录speed dialing 快拨incoming call 来电jot down 匆匆记下;写下keep in check 控制;制止take back 收回(说过的话)hard copy 硬拷贝;复印文本short writing 速记break down 出故障have sb.s interests at heart 关心某人的利益envisage doing sth 设想做某

5、事policy documents 保险单据;保险文件filing cabinet 文件(铁)柜date stamp 日期戳;给加盖日期戳lever arch files 拱形文件夹conduct a meeting 组织会议;安排会议make a reservation 预订take notes of 做的笔记reminder notice 通知单;提示信be familiar with 对熟悉divideinto 把分为几部分lack of 缺少out of adverse situations 脱离不利形势smooth over 缓和(困难等)in person 亲自be talente

6、d at 在方面有天赋devoteto 把专用于for the sake of 由于;为了take ones time 不慌不忙;从容不迫、 选词填空1、Marry is put the files _ order. A、in B、on C、to2、The assistant is _ the new office technologies.A、troubleshoot B、troubleshooting C、troubleshooted3、Please keep _ of the report.A、tracks B、track C、tracked4、The secretary should

7、_ use of the new office equipments.A、take B、make C、do5、The operator should _ the phone _ the managers office.A、transfer to B、transfersto C、transferringto6、When I came into the office ,he _ down the report right away.A、jot B、jotted C、joted7、With the first rings, you should _ the phone. A、pick up B、pi

8、ck it up C、pick it up8、I believe that the business partner will go a long way towards _ business with you.A、do B、doing C、did9、Do you keep your temper _ check?A、on B、in C、of10、A secretary should has the _ interests.A、company B、companys C、company of11、Please follow _ the taske.A、up B、with C、to12、Could

9、 I make a _ in advance?A、reservate B、reservating C、reservation13、The secretaries _ familiar with the routine work of the company.A、should B、should be C、be14、Please divide the tasks _ your parts.A、into B、in C、for15、The secretary can the make positive proposals to help the managers smooth _ the problems.Aon B、over C、out16、He is a _ boss.A、bossy B、business C、bosses17、In the event of _ of hotel reservation due to any reasons.A、cancel B、cancellation C、cancellting18、The manager must deal with the problem _ person.A、by B、to C、in19、Can you _ s



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