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1、韶关市 2011 届高考第一次模拟测试英语听说试题脚本试题 A 卷 Part A Reading Aloud 模仿朗读With the grazing animals dispersed far and wide, its leaner times for predators here. Only a desperate leopard would tackle a porcupine. This youngster is about to meet double trouble. The only place to get a bite is on their undersides. But

2、 the porcupines work together to watch each others backs. The leopard will have to flip one over. Pin-sharp quills can easily snap off and become embedded in flesh. Its a highly effective defence that can also be turned into attack. Its a harsh lesson, but with luck and a bit of healing time, therel

3、l be no lasting damage. Part B Role Play 角色扮演(三问五答)情景介绍角色:你是学生。任务:(1)和你的英国同学讨论有关爬山的问题并向她提问;(2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。生词: pastime 消遣 W: Mike, do you like climbing and hiking?M: Well, sort of. I sometimes climb Baiyun Mountain with my parents. Climbing is getting more popular in China-a lot of people do it o

4、ver the weekend. How about you, Jenny? W: Well, I live in Swansea in Wales. And Ive been a very keen hill walker for most of my life and I grew up in an area with a lot of hills and it just seemed natural to start climbing hills from a child. M: Do British people like climbing and walking in the cou

5、ntryside?W: Its a very popular pastime in the UK and theres a long tradition of climbing hills in the UK. In fact, British people were often the first people to climb mountains in Europe.M: What do you think is the benefit of climbing mountains and hills?W: Well, I think there are very obvious benef

6、its of health from the exercise. If youre standing on the top of a mountain and you see great views-it can separate you from your normal life. Its the type of exercise that really refreshes the body and the mind.M: Can you develop friendship while climbing?W: With climbing you have to have at least

7、two people involved and so you need a partner to climb with and theres a great spirit of cooperation. If youre at the hard end of the sport, your life might depend on the other person that youre climbing with. And that actually needs a lot of trust. Questions to Ask:英国人喜欢爬山或在乡间散步吗?你认为爬山的好处是什么?爬山的时候能

8、发展友情吗?Keys:Do British people like climbing and walking in the countryside?What do you think is the benefit of climbing mountains and hills?Can you develop friendship while climbing?Questions to Answer:1. How popular is climbing in China according to the conversation?2. Why does Jenny like climbing m

9、ountains?3. What does Mike say about British people and climbing?4. What are the advantages of climbing the mountains?5. What kind of spirit is needed in climbing the mountain with the other person?Keys:1. Climbing is getting more popular in China and a lot of people do it over the weekend.2. She gr

10、ew up in an area with a lot of hills and she started climbing hills from a child.3. Theres a long tradition of climbing hills in the UK.4. It can refresh the body and the mind.5. The spirit of cooperation and trust. Part C Story Retelling 故事复述故事概况:士兵晚归,面对军官的质询,编了同一个理由,最后一个士兵的答案却出乎意料。提示词:military 军事的

11、 reason 理由 punish 惩罚 horse 马 officer 军官There was a military camp in a quiet village. It was far from the towns and cities. Mr. White, an officer of forty, was strict with the soldiers and he hardly let them leave the camp.Once Mr. White was ill in bed and couldnt work. A young officer, Mr. Hunt, beg

12、an to train the new soldiers. He knew the young men well and let nine soldiers go to the nearest town to have a holiday. But night fell and none came back to the camp. He was worried about it and stood at the gate. At five to twelve, the nine soldiers came back. It seemed they were all drunk. Of cou

13、rse they found the officer was angry.“Im sorry, sir,” said the first soldier. “I left the town on time. But something was wrong with my bus on my way here. I had to buy a horse and made it run fast. Bad luck! It died and I had to run back.”And the other seven soldiers said they were late for the sam

14、e reasons. It was the last soldiers turn. He said, “Im sorry, sir. I got on a bus on time, but”Having heard this, the officer became even angrier and stopped him at once. He called out, “If you say something was wrong with your bus, Ill punish you at once!”“No, no, sir,” said the young man. “My bus

15、was all right, but the dead horses were in its way!”Key:In a military camp, Mr. White was so strict with the soldiers that none of them were allowed to leave the camp.(信息点一) Once he was ill and a young officer decided to let nine soldiers go out for a holiday. (信息点二) However, the soldiers didnt come

16、 back until mid-night. They seemed drunk. Mr. Hunt saw this, and became very angry.(信息点三) The first solider explained that there was something wrong with the bus on the way back so that he bought a horse which died later.(信息点四)The other seven soldiers all used the same reason. When it came to the last soldier, Mr. Hunt said he would punish him if he used the same excuse.(信息点五) But the young man replied that his bus was all right but the dead horses were


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