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1、吉林大学自学考试毕 业 论 文论文题目:客户关系管理系统专 业:计算机应用软件准考证号:030108104311学生姓名:夏海玉指导教师:张晓旭2015 年 04 月 6 日0摘 要科技发展,时代进步,市场的经济竞争也越来越变得激烈,在竞争中客户作为市场的最重要的资源,早已成为市场营销的核心,企业间谁拥有的客户多,谁就在竞争中占有绝对的优势。在市场经济竞争如此激烈的环境之下,企业要想立于不败之地,就必须和与之生存发展息息相关的客户,建立起良好的关系,在现有客户资源的基础之上,维护好和老客户的关系,并且不断的发展新的客户,用企业高品质的产品、优质的服务、良好的信誉树立企业在客户心目中的良好形象;

2、并以客户需求为己任,不断的创新与发展自身的产品,以满足客户新需求,并规范企业内部的客户资源的管理方式、提升企业的客户服务质量。客户关系管理系统满足了企业对自身客户资源管理的新要求,减少了客户资源管理过程中的浪费的大量人力、物力和财力等。本系统具有基础信息维护和客户信息维护功能,并增置了客户服务模块,满足了客户日常管理的需求;强大的数据查询及图表分析功能,帮助企业能够及时根据分析结果进行新规划和方案,以适应变化万千的消费市场。客户管理系统后台数据库采用 SQL Server 2000 数据库,以保证数据的安全、高效和稳定。前台采用Microsoft 公司的 Visual C+作为主要的开发工具,

3、其可与 SQL Server 2000 数据库无缝链接。1AbstractTechnology, the era of progress, and the market economy has become increasingly fierce competition and cruel. In the competition as the most important resources of the market, marketing has become the core of enterprises who owns the customer, advanced in the com

4、petition possession absolute superiority. In a market economy such a highly competitive environment, enterprises in order to remain invincible, it is necessary to the survival and developments relate closely with the customers, and establish a good relationship. The existing customers on the basis o

5、f resources, safeguard and the relationship between customers and the continued development of new customers, companies with high-quality products, quality services, establish a good reputation in the business customer in mind the good image and the responsibility to customer needs, constant innovat

6、ion and development. Their own products to meet customer demand for new and standardize their internal customer resources management, enhancing enterprise customer service quality. Computer management system to meet the enterprise resource management for their own customers the new requirements, red

7、uce customer resource management in the process of waste a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. This system has improved the basis of information to maintain and safeguard customer information features, and by home customer service 2modules to meet the day-to-day management of customer

8、 demand for powerful data analysis functions and charts to help enterprises to make timely based on an analysis of the results of new planning and Programmers to adapt to changes in thousands of consumer market. Background database management system, using SQL Server 2000 database, ensure data secur

9、ity, efficiency and stability. Prospects in Microsofts Visual C+ as a major development tool, with its SQL Server 2000 database seamlessly link. The full text is divided into five chapters: Chapter 1 Introduction, the main item on the background and technical background of the second chapter needs a

10、nalysis; third chapter system design, including functional module design, database design; Chapter IV on the detailed design, including the design process , Database technology and operating system testing; Last Summary and Outlook.Key words: Customer Management System; Marketing;3目 录摘要 .1目录 .41第 1

11、章绪论 .51.1 研究背景 .51.2 研究的必要性和目的 .51.3 国内外研究现状 .61.4 CRM 的定义及特点 .8第 2 章 需求分析 .92.1 可行性分析 .92.2 市场需求分析 .102.3 功能需求分析 .102.4 系统需求分析 .102.5 开发环境和软件简单介绍 .12第 3 章 系统设计 .133.1 总体设计 .133.2 总体框架 .133.3 设计目标 .133.4 数据库设计 .14第 4 章详细设计 .144.1 主窗体 .144.2 基础信息模块 .154.3 软件测试 .19总结与愿望 .21参考文献 .224第 1 章 绪论1.1 研究背景20

12、世纪 90 年代以后,受西方市场国际化的影响,以及全球化的竞争,那么这个时候企业特别是美国或者西方国家认识到什么呢?认识到吸引客户当然非常重要,但是更重要的是发展和维持客户的关系。因为这些企业认识到什么,维持客户的关系,是企业获得长期竞争优势的基础,也就是说谁占有一忠诚的客户群体,谁就占有长期的竞争优势。只要你有忠诚的客户群的话,那么你的企业才会在全球化的竞争中立于不败之地。客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management CRM)就应运而生了。我国于 90 年代后期经济引入这一概念,在市场经济的快速发展中,以客户为中心的 CRM 理念广为人知。客户关系管理(CRM)的产生,是市场竞争对客户资源的重视、企业管理运营模式的更新、企业核心竞争力提升的要求以及电子化和信息化基础等几方面因素推动和促成



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