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1、2014 届高考英语一轮复习学案:必修 4 Unit 11The Media媒体(北师大版)核心词汇1He raised some p_ to reform the Labor Party.2We attended a dinner party _(以主人身份招待)by the president of the company.3He resolved never to tell anyone about the _(事件;事变)4They _(试图)to finish the task before July.5He has no r_ for her feelings.6Have you

2、a_ the manager about taking a day off next week?7The war _(中断)the trade between the two countries.8His clothes were thrown down just _(随便地)9There are e_ that somebody has been living here.10Unexpected difficulties _(产生)in the course of their experiment.11When you drive,you must not exceed the _(法定的)

3、limit.12What can you _(得出结论)from these observations?13He enjoyed the d_ of New Yorks night life.14I am ready to take the b_ for the mistake.15A large office requires the _(雇佣)of many people to _(利用)their limited time to complete the task.1.proposals2.hosted3.incident4.attempted5.respect6.approached7

4、.interrupted8.anyhow 9.evidences10.arose11.legal12.conclude13.delights14.blame15.employment; employ高频短语1_代表,支持2_ 支持,赞同3_ 由组成4_ 突出,显眼5_ 详细地6_ 参加7_ 对的态度8_ 对作出评论9_ 帮助做事,帮助克服困难10_ 继续干11_ 把归功于12_ 结果是13_ 挡的路来源: 学|科|网14_ 习惯于15_ 与相关联1stand for2.in favour of3.consist of4.stand out5.in detail6.participate in7

5、.the attitude to/ment on9.help out10.go ahead with11.owe.to.1 e down to13.in the way14.be used to15.be linked to/with重点句式1However,_ advertising is about selling products and services for a profit.然而,并非所有的广告都是关于为了利润而销售产品和提供服务。2_ for you _ watch too much TV对你来说,看太多的电视是有坏处的。3 “I _ if Id stayed in the t

6、ruck.”“如果我呆在货车里,我也死了。 ”4.people dont mind bad language on television _ it is not used in programmes watched by children电视中的不良语言,只要不用于儿童节目,人们并不介意。1.not all2.Its bad;to3.would have been killed4.as long as来源:学. 科.网知识详解1 .demandvt.& n要求,请求(回归课本 P22)Reforms have been demanded by people from all over the

7、world.世界各地的人民都要求改革。归纳拓展【温馨提示】demand 后不接不定式作宾语补足语,但 ask,require ,request 可以。()demand sb.to do sth.()ask/request/require sb.to do sth.(牛津 P529)The UN has demanded that all troops be withdrawn联合国已要求撤出所有部队。He demanded an immediate answer of you.他要求你立即作出回答。A great deal of goods are in great demand before

8、 Christmas.圣诞节前需要大量的商品。1He demanded that all the work _ in advance.Afinished B would finish Cshould finish Dshould be finished解析:选 D。demand “要求” ,后接从句时,需要用虚拟语气,即用 should 接动词原形2 .delightedadj.高兴的,愉快的(回归课本 P23).he was delighted that the 2012 Olympic Games would be held in London and he was looking for

9、ward to the Games.(朗文 P576)Sandy will be delighted to see you.桑迪见到你会很高兴的。He was very much delighted with the result.他对这个结果感到非常满意。2完成句子他完全康复了,他自豪的父母为此而高兴。_ _ _ of his proud parents,he has made a full recovery.答案:To the delight3 .arisevi.(arose,arisen) 出现;发生(回归课本 P115)Could you tell us how the problem

10、 arose?你能告诉我们这个问题是怎么发生的吗?归纳拓展(1) 作“呈现;出现;发生”之意时,主语多为以下抽象名词:argument/problem/quarrel/question/movement。(2)arise from/out of 由而引起,由而产生;从中产生易混辨析arise,arouse,rise ,raise原形 意义 过去式 过去分词 v ingarise (vi.) 出现,发生,起因于 arose arisen arisingarouse (vt.) 唤醒,激起 aroused aroused arousingrise (vi.) 升起,起身,增长, 上升 rose r

11、isen risingraise (vt.)来源:Zxxk.Com举起,唤起,提高,饲养 raised raised raisingMatt s behavior was arousing the interest of the neighbours.Smoke rose/rises from the chimney against the blue sky.He s never raised his voice to me.(2010 年高考山东卷 ).problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier th

12、an the devices themselves.当这些电池比设备本身大或者沉时,问题就会出现。Smoke arose from the chimney.The problem may not arise,but theres no harm in keeping our powder dry.问题不一定会发生,但有备无患并无害处。3Last year the advertising rate _ by 20 percent.Araised Barouse Carose Drose解析:选 D。4 .blamev& n.责备,责怪,归咎于;责任(回归课本 P24).is often blam

13、ed for encouraging the paparazzi.因鼓励狗仔队而经常受到责备。归纳 拓展blame sth.on sb.把归咎于某人sb.is to blame(for sth.)某人应受谴责/负责任blame sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)而责怪某人take the blame for sth.承担某事的责任Which driver was to blame for the accident?They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan4完成句子由于犯错受老师指责,他很绝望。_ _ his mistakes

14、 by his teacher,he was in desperation答案:Blamed for(2) 5_for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in lowspirits.ABlaming B Blamed CTo blame DTo be blamed解析:选 B。5 .attemptvt.& n努力;尝试;试图(回归课本 P115)But sometimes,the paparazzi go too far in their attempt to get the best photographs.但是有时候,狗仔队为了得到最好的照片



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