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1、六年级英语阶段测试一、选出每组中不同类的单词。(10 分)( )1.A.swing B .soup C. ship D. story( )2.A.America B. China C. Australian D. Canada( )3.A.arm B. finger C. feet D. wing( )4.A.happy B .thirsty C. message D. hungry( )5.A.beside B. under C. between D. both( ) 6.A.chatting B. writing C. sitting D. pudding( )7.A.its B. his

2、 C. they D. our( )8.A.museum B. traffic C. restaurant D. hospital( )9.A.washes B. pushes C. catches D. buses( )10.A.when B. way C. where D. how二、英汉互译。 (10 分)1. 步行去月亮街_6. watch films_2. 在他旁边_7.the bookshop in Sun Town _3. 在第三层_8. chat on the Internet_4. 唱英文歌_9. get in a taxi_5. 乘坐火车_10.leave a stocki

3、ng behind_三、单项选择(15 分)( )1、_ Tom and Jim _ many animal friends?A. Do; has B. Does; has C. Do; have D. Does; have( )2、We can see _ in the US.A. pandas B. polar bears C. kangaroo D. bald eagles( )3、I often chat _ my brother _ the Internet.A. and; on B. with; on C. and; in D. with; in( )4、Tony shows us

4、_his bedroom and a toy plane _usA. to;for B. to;around C. around;to D. for;to( )5、My brother is in _ Canada. I usually write _ a letter.A. the; him B. / ; him C. /; he D. the; he( )6、_ does she live? She _ the UK.A. Where; live B. Where; lives C. Where; lives in D. What; live in( )7、What do your par

5、ents like _? They _ like reading.A. do; both B. doing; all C. do 年个; both D. doing; all( ) 8. Should the girl _ her homework now?.A. finish B. finishes C. finishing D. finished( )9 There are two apples. _ is green, _ is red.A. one;one B. one; other C. one;the other D. on; another ( ) 10. The man has

6、_ bread_ milk . Hes hungry and thirsty.A. some; and B. no;and C. no,;or D. any ;or( ) 11. These clothes are very beautiful. Helen, _.A. try it on B.try on them C.tries them on D.try them on ( )12. -_Sam good at_? -Sure.A. Does, swiming B. Does, swimming C. Is, swimming( ) 13. There_ some milk and ca

7、kes in the fridge.A.is B. are C.isnt arent( )14.-_ your father a worker?- Yes, he_ cars in a factory.A.Does, makes B.Is, makes C. Does, make( )15.He doesnt know how to write a letter_Nancy, so he asks Mr Green_.A.to;to help B.for;for help C. for;with help D.to ;helping四、选择适当的词填空。(10分)1. Whats wrong

8、with_(they)? They have a high fever.2. How many _(child) are there in the city?3. _(Who) dress is this? Its Lilys.4. Does his father sometimes_ (fly) kites ? No.5. The girls are nice_ (write). Theyre good at _ write) .6. He has a toothache. He cant eat_(something).7、Liu Tao _ (not want ) to draw pic

9、tures now. 8、Turn right at the _(one ) traffic lights.9. Sam likes_(sit )in the basket of his mothers bike.五、选择合适的词组填空(10 分)A. see the dentist B. have a rest C. buy presents for D. go to the cinema E. has a picnic F. take the metro G. brush his teeth H. have a good time I. go along J. turns to1. Sam

10、 has a toothache. He should _.2. My friends and I like watching films. We usually _ at weekend.3. Lucy usually _ with her parents in the park.4. _this street. You can find the bookshop.5. At Christmas, People always _ their family and friends. 6. Mike should _in the morning.7. In winter, water _ ice

11、.8. Davids home is far from school. He can _.9. I should _ at home because I am very tired.10.On childrens day, we have a big lunch and get many presents. We all _.六、选择合适的答句(10 分)( )1. Is there any milk? A. No, he doesnt. ( )2. What do they do? B. Australia( )3. Where does she live? C. Yes, there is

12、.( )4. Does he like dancing? D. Very tired.( 5. How does she feel? E. Theyre workers.七、按要求改写句子。 (11 分)1. Helen goes to school every day. (改为否定句)Helen _ _ to school every day.2. Tom usually goes fishing with his father.(改为一般疑问句)_ Tom usually_ _ with his father?3. Tom goes to the cinema by bike.(同义句)Tom_ _ _to the cinema.4. Wang Bing and Mike like playing table tennis. (对划线部分提问)_ do Wang Bing and Mike like_?5. sometimes , go, their, Sundays, parents, to, they, with, on, zoo, the.(.)(连词成句)_


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