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1、1双语阅读知识竞赛一、填空题1.山羊不吃天堂草的作者是 2.山羊不吃天堂草是一部 。3.山羊不吃天堂草的作者还写过这些长篇小说 等 。4.明子花了两百多块买奖卷,结果 。5.山羊不吃天堂草的主人公生活在一个 的城市社会中。6.山羊不吃天堂草中的黑罐是一个 的人。7.当 1000 元押金在明子的兜里,明子选择了 。8.山羊不吃天堂草曾获 。9.山羊不吃天堂草中的鸭子和明子是 关系。10.最后,鸭子成为了明子的 。二、选择题。1. 紫薇的爸爸妈妈为了感谢明子,送了他( ) A.一个围脖,一顶帽子还有 200 块钱B.200 块钱C.一个围脖D.一个帽子 2.三和尚让黑罐回家是因为( )A.黑罐的爸

2、爸病的厉害,家里让他回去B.黑罐身体不好,干活老是不出活,连累了三和尚和明子C.黑罐偷了木料D.明子和黑罐闹矛盾,三和尚才让黑罐回家的3.明子花了两百多块钱买奖券,结果( ) 。A.中了一辆跑车 B.中了一台彩色电视机C.中了一块毛毯D.中了好多的洗发水4.明子被抓到了公安局,是因为( )A.新楼的住户没等到明子,起了疑心,觉得受骗了,就报了案B.明子骗了住户们的一千多块钱2C.明子偷了木材D.明子和成里的人打架5.三和尚的假发花了多少钱( )A.100 元B.120 元C.180 元 D.160 元6. 黑罐他们从一堆破烂中发现了一个淡蓝色的信封,里面装着( )外国钱。A.三张B.五张C.六

3、张 D.九张 7. 黑罐他们捡到的外国钱突然不见了,这钱是( ) 。A.被明子藏起来了B.被黑罐藏自来了C.被三和尚藏起来了D.掉鞋壳里了8. 一天,明子在回小窝棚的路上,帮紫薇捡起了( ) 。A. 一条白色的纱巾B.一条红色的纱巾C.一个长毛绒玩具D.一幅画9. 三和尚他们和三个青年在澡堂打架是因为( )A.三个青年喝醉了B. 三和尚喝醉了C.他们不让三和尚唱歌D. 黑罐骂了三个青年10.黑罐偷木料被抓罚了多少钱( )A.200 元B.300 元C.400 元 3D.500 元三、判断1.山羊不吃天堂草的作者出生于 1954 年 2 月。 ( )2.山羊不吃天堂草中的山羊不吃天堂草是因为草有

4、毒。 ( )3.鸭子卖出的 3 张彩票中,其中有一张中了跑车。 ( )4.山羊不吃天堂草中的一张澡票是一元三角。 ( )5.黑罐他们捡到的外国钱是美元。 ( )6.鸭子的鸟最后飞走了。 ( )7.鸭子的鸟叫画眉鸟(普学网)8.明子为紫薇做拐杖的木料是捡的。 ( )9.通常,明子他们每隔半个月洗一次澡( )10.黑罐偷木料被罚款了。 ( )四、情景配对( )1.Where were you yesterday? A. Yes, I do. ( )2.Whens your birthday? B. He is my brother.( )3.Who is the boy in blue? C. I

5、d like some books.( )4.Shall we go to the library together? D. I surfed the internet.( )5.How do you go to school? E. How mice.( )6.What would you like as a present? F. Its in December.( )7.Do you like reading? G. I have eleven.( )8.How many English storybooks do you have? H. I was in the bookstore.

6、( )9. What did you do last night? I. Sure, lets go.( )10.Look at my scarf? J. By bus. 五、阅读理解。The Wolf and the SheepOne day, a sheep is drinking water near a river. A wolf sees the sheep and wants to eat is very much. He says to the sheep, “ You make my water dirty. I cant drink it now.” The sheep sa

7、ys, “I am far away from you. How can I make your water dirty?” The wolf has nothing to say.Then the wolf has another idea. He says to the sheep, “ Last year you said something bad behind me.” The sheep cries, “ No, I didnt. I wasnt born at that time.”4“Then it must be your daddy.” The wolf says. The

8、n it rushes towards the sheep and eats the sheep.根据短文内容填空。1. A sheep is _water near a river.2. A wolf wants to _ the sheep.3. Last year you _ something bad behind me.4. The wolf rushes _ the sheep and eats it.5. The sheep is far away _ the wolf.The Farmer and the HareNear a hill there once lived a f

9、armer.He reclaimed land and ( 1) grew a lot of crops.Every day he looked after them carefully.The crops ( 2) grew better and better.It was a summer afternoon.The farmer was very tired after work.He sat under a big tree to have a rest.Just then a hare run out of a hole.Seeing the farmer it was very f

10、rightened.So it turned round and ran away as quickly as it could.It ran so hurriedly that its head knock against a big stump.It died soon.The farmer was very happy to see this.He picked it up and took it home for supper.The next day he did not go to work and sat under the tree to wait for another ha

11、re to come.Day after day he waited and waited,but he got nothing.His crops were withered.1. The farmer was very_ after work one summer afternoon.A.thirsty B.tired C.hungry2. What is the Chinese meaning of the word (1)grew?A.种植 B.生长 C.增长3. What is the Chinese meaning of the word (2)grew?A.种植 B.生长 C.增长4. Seeing the dead hare,the farmer was_.A.happy B.sad C.frightened5. The farmer stopped working to wait for another_ to come.A.deer B.hare C.hare


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