外研英语必修3:module 6 sectionⅱ速效提能演练

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《外研英语必修3:module 6 sectionⅱ速效提能演练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研英语必修3:module 6 sectionⅱ速效提能演练(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.词汇知识1_n(土木)工程_n工程师 _n引擎,发动机2_vt.容纳(乘客等)3_n(尤指木头、象牙等的 )雕刻(品) _v刻,雕刻4_n建造;建设;建筑_v建筑,建造5_vt.发(电) _n产生,发生6_adj.历史的,有关历史的 _adj .有历史意义的_n历史,历史学7_adj.狭窄的 _adv.狭窄地8_n诗,诗歌_n(总称) 诗,诗歌_n诗人9_adj.全球的 _n地球,球体10_vt.迁移,搬迁;去掉答案:1.engineering;engineer;engine2.accommodate3carving;carve4.construction;construct 5.gener

2、ate ;generation 6.historical;historic;history7.narrow ;narrowly8.poem;poetry;poet9.global;globe10.remove.重点短语1date _起源于2be _ to do (物)被计划用于3dream _ 梦想4hold _ 阻止5come _ (梦想等)变成现实6_ history 在历史上7be equal _ 胜任;与 相等8_ construction 在建设中9live a. _ 过着的生活答案:1.from2.designed 3.of4.back5.true6in7.to8.under9.l

3、ife.必背句型1The power of the Yangtze River,_ is the worlds _ river,has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam.世界第三大河长江的激流被三峡大坝利用了起来。答案:which;third longest2It is the largest hydroelectric power station and dam in the world and has cost more than _ project in history.这是世界上最大的大坝及水力发电站,投资超过历史上任何其他的建筑工程。答案:

4、any other construction3_ to see the relics _ they have been submerged?既然它们都已被水淹没了,还有可能见到这些遗址吗?答案:Is it possible;now that4The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal _ so much air pollution.大坝将要生产相当于燃烧 4000 万吨煤所产生的电量,但却不会造成那么严重的空气污染。答案:without causing5The Three Gorges are

5、a is one of the most beautiful areas of China and the project has flooded some of Chinas most famous historical sites,_ the Qu Yuan Temple,the Han Watchtower and the Moya Cliff carvings.三峡地区是中国风光最美丽的地区之一,这项工程使中国一些最著名的历史遗址被洪水淹没,包括屈原祠、汉望塔和摩崖石刻。答案:including.品句填词1The book she is reading is based on_(历史的

6、)events.答案:historical2Please _(拿走)your bag on the seat so that I can sit down.答案:remove3This is a _(窄)path leading to the mountainous area.答案:narrow4Some of the buildings in the palace have been rebuilt,but the main _(结构)remained the same.答案:structures5They discovered a cave where there are wonderfu

7、l ancient _(雕刻)on the wall.答案:carvings6The main cause of_(全球的)warming is human pollution.答案:global.选词填空now that,hold back,dream of,come true,under construction,date back1_he is well again, he can go on with his English study.答案:Now that2Our friendship _ to our childhood.答案:dates back3His dream of be

8、ing a singer has_.答案:come true4I often _flying.答案:dream of5When he heard the frightening news,he couldnt _his tears.答案:hold back6They have to use the old airport because the new one is still _.答案:under construction.用所给词的适当形式或根据提示完成句子1Market access is still a problem to _(阻碍)the progress of free farm

9、 trade,for most governments support their own farmers and farming.答案:hold back2It was a pity that he_(go)blind,but to the joy of his family,his dream of becoming a musician _(come)true at last.答案:went,came3Beijing is bigger than _(山东的任何一个城市)答案:any city in Shandong4Why not stay at home _(既然)the road

10、is so slippery after the heavy snow?答案:now that5Hello,John here,can I speak to Mary,please?_(请不要挂断 )答案:Hold on,please6Our English teacher _(建议)our buying a good EnglishChinese dictionary.答案:suggested7The fault of the accident lies _(主要在于)the driver himself.答案:mainly in8The new department built a few

11、 months ago is large enough to _(容纳)over 200 people.答案:accommodate/hold9I wonder why she was _(撤职)from the typist post.Dont you know she cant _(胜任)to the kind of work.答案:removed,equal10You must _(提供)food and clothes for those who have suffered from the heavy floods.答案:provide.阅读理解Researchers have un

12、covered a village that may have been home to the builders of Stonehenge, the mysterious circular stone monument in England.The village of small houses dates back to about 2,600 BC.Thats about the same time Stonehenge was built.“Clearly, this is a place that was of enormous importance, ”said research

13、er Mike Parker Pearson.The ancient houses are at a site known as Durrington Walls,about two miles from Stonehenge.Researchers believe Stonehenge was a memorial site or cemetery for the villagers.The village also had a wooden version of the stone circle.It may have been used by people attending festivals at Stonehenge.Eight of the houses have been excavated, or dug up.Researchers say there may be as many as 25 of them.The wooden houses were square and about 14 feet long each side.There are signs of bed frames alo


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