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1、如何写好读写任务主题句No sweet without sweat!Yuying Lee如何写好读写任务主题句1. 评分标准及解题要求2.1. 重述要点;2. 回答要点;3. 明示观点;4. 引出经历;5. 引出方法、建议、措施、步骤等;1. 重述要点:翻译要点作为段落的主题句,如要点是”谈谈的重要性”, 主题句则为”有重要作用”, 要点是”谈谈 有何重要意义 ”,主题句不回答 ”有何”,而直接说”很有意义”等。说明必要、重要或意义的相关表达有:1) Sth. is necessary to sb.2)It is important / significant for sb. To do st

2、h.3)Sth. plays a very important rold / part in4)Sth. is playing an increasingly important role in our life.5)People are coming to realize the importance of 6)The significance of cannot be overvalued.Exercise1. 受到这个故事的启发,我突然间意识到独立的重要性。Inspired by the story, _.2. 没有人会否认梦想在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。Nobody will _.

3、3. 谈谈中学生活与大学生活的差别_(依我之见), college life will be _ that in high school.4.人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照(2009 广东)when people are visiting wildlife park , _.5.谈谈建设绿色校园的重要性。_to build a green campus.2. 回答要点1. 假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应(2009 广东)If I _ an animal in the wildlife park, I _(会感到烦恼与被打扰) when people keep photogra

4、phing with me.2. 你认为是什么导致三兄弟的薪酬差异_ (他们对待工作的不同态度) resultin their different wages.3. 你认为好老师应该具有什么样的好品质In my eyes, a good teacher should _(公平对待学生) as well as_(使课堂生动有趣).4. 为什么会出现跳槽这种现象_ (由于竞争与压力), many employees sometimes change their jobs.5. 你读这篇演讲稿后的感受_(读完这篇演讲稿后), I felt really sorry for the student.3

5、. 明示观点明示观点的段落一般要求考生对读写素材中的某一做法或观点提出自己的看法或态度。 写作模式一般包括以下几种:表示赞同的表达模式:1) I firmly support the view / idea that 2) as far as I am concerned, I cant agree more with the view / idea that 3) I fully agree with the statement that 4) From my point of view, I am in favor of / am for the suggestion of sb. tha

6、t 5) From where I stand, I approve of the idea that.表示反对的表达模式:1) Personally speaking, I strongly argue against the proposal that 2) To be frank, I can not support the opinion that 3) I oppose the decision that 4) I object to sth. / sth.5) honestly, I disapprove of sth. / sbExercise1.你赞同学生要做适当运动的做法吗?

7、I _(坚决支持) the idea that students should do appropriate exercise.2.你怎么看待老师对学生的影响(2012 广东)From my own experience, I _(能得出一个结论) that a good teacher plays a really important role in students lives.3.你对学校拆掉图书馆的看法。Personally, I _(坚决相信)we should preserve this old school library.4. 你赞成禁止在餐馆使用塑料袋的做法吗?as far

8、as I am concerned, I _(非常赞成) the ban on the use of plastic bags in restaurants.5. 你是否赞同对高中生周末补课的建议?_(就个人而言), I _(坚决反对) that senior students undertake extra classes at weekends.4. 引出经历这类要点中常含有“以你或你朋友的经历说明 ”“讲述一次你或你朋友的的经历”等。叙述经历一般包括记叙文的基本要素,即某人在何时何地因何原因做何事。这个故事往往是与阅读材料中的故事相类似的,是要紧扣你要说明的主题的。引出经历写作相关句式:

9、1) This story reminds me of a similar experience of 2) I once had an unforgettable / similar experience that 3) after reading the story / passage, I cant / couldnt help remembering 4) This story reminds me of another story that happened to 5) It occurred to me that my friend had a similar experience

10、.6) I still remember the day when7) one of my friends experience is a convincing example.8) I shall never forget the first speech competition I experienced when I was in Senior one.9) what impresses me most is that From this experience I learn / realize / know that10) Two years ago, I Then Finally N

11、ot until then did I realizeExercise1. 讲述一次你(或你的朋友)想家的经历(时间、地点和起因)(2011 广东)Sams story _(让我想起了) my similar experience.2.上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师。 (2012 广东)what a touching story, _ (让我想起了) my favorite teacher,3.以你自己成长的经历说明你的感受;(2007 广东)after reading the letter, I _ (不禁想起了) all the things that youve done for m

12、e.5.引出方法、建议、措施、步骤等这类要点中常含有“怎么办”“如何/怎样做(应对、处理、解决) ”“采取什么措施”“对解决 ,你有什么建议”等字眼。引出方法、建议、措施、步骤等常用表达模式:1) when it comes to I suggest that For one thing, For another, .2) There are many steps which can be taken to settle the problem. First of all another way of solving it is 4) Some suggestions on are as fo

13、llows. To begin / start with Besides. Last but not least,5) In my view, to solve /settle the problem of effective measures should be taken without delay6) In order to I did sth. / turned to sb. for help / I did as I was told and it did work.7) only by adopting the above measures can we 8)(表对现在情况的假设) If I were / were I , I would do First of all, . whats more9) (表对过去情况的假设) If I had done / had I done , I might have done10) (表对将来情况的假设) If I did , I would do To make matters


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