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1、1女职工权益保护专项集体协议第一章 总则第一条 为维护女职工的合法权益,减少和解决女职工在劳动和工作(以下简称劳动)中因生理特点造成的特殊困难,保护其健康,发挥女职工在企业经济建设中的作用,促进女职工与企业共同发展,根据我国劳动法 、 工会法 、 浙江省女职工劳动保护办法等有关法律法规文件规定,依照“平等协商、共谋发展”的原则,制订本协议。第二条 本协议由本企业工会委员会与行政双方集体协商后签订。第三条 本协议对企业和职工具有同等约束力。第二章 女职工权益保护条款第四条 企业与女职工建立劳动关系时签订劳动合同,实行男女同工同酬。第五条 企业按社会保险有关规定参加生育保险,履行缴费义务。第六条

2、企业根据女职工的生理特点和所从事的职业特点,对在月经期、孕期、产期、哺乳期和更年期的女职工,给予特殊保护,并确定专(兼)职人员负责女职工劳动保护工作。第七条 企业不在女职工怀孕期、产期、哺乳期降低其工资,不无故与女职工解除劳动合同。第八条 企业严格执行浙江省女职工劳动保护办法规定的女职工禁忌的劳动范围。第九条 对从事国家规定的高处、低温作业和第三级体力劳动强度作业的女职工,在月经期间,应当暂时调整,安排合适工作或者给予一到两天的带薪休息。第十条 对怀孕的女职工,不在正常劳动日以外延长劳动时间;对从事原工作有困难2的,经医疗单位的证明,予以减轻其工作量或者安排适当的工作。第十一条 对怀孕 7 个

3、月以上(含 7 个月)的女职工,不安排其从事夜班工作。第十二条 女职工分娩后,其产假及相应待遇按下列执行:(一) 正常分娩的,产后假 90 天(含产前假 15 天) ;(二) 7 个月以上早产或者超期分娩的,按正常分娩对待;(三) 分娩时遇有难产实施剖宫产手术的,产后假增加 15 天;(四) 分娩时遇有难产实施助产手术的,产后假增加 7 天;(五) 生育多胞胎的,每多生育一个婴儿产后价增加 15 天;(六) 妊娠期不满 3 个月流产(含自然流产、人工流产)的,产后假 20 天至 30 天;(七) 妊娠 3 个月以上、7 个月以下流产、引产的,产后假 50 天。(八) 女职工产假期间工资照发,不

4、影响其享有的福利待遇。第十三条 哺乳(含人工喂养)不满 1 周岁婴儿的女职工,在工作日内安排不少于 1 小时的哺乳时间;多胞胎生育的,每多一个婴儿,哺乳时间增加 1 小时。女职工在哺乳期间,不延长其工作时间,不安排夜班工作。第十四条 参加生育保险的女职工生育所需的产前检查费、生育医疗费用及实施计划生育手术所需的费用由社会保险机构所规定的费用支付。第十五条 企业建立每一(两)年进行一次妇科病检查治疗制度,对从事有毒工作的女职工,定期进行职业健康教育,检查所需时间视为工作时间。建立女职工健康档案。第三章 合作与监督第十六条 企业支持工会女职工组织参与民主管理、职代会,女职工代表比例与企业女职工比例

5、相当,女职工代表参与企业平等协商签订集体合同和工资集体协议的全3过程;企业劳动争议调解委员会中有女职工代表。第十七条 为实施对企业和女职工的有效维护,企业与工会实行有效的密切合作,不定期地召开会议,就企业女职工权益保护情况相互通报和协商,共同探索新形势下单位女职工权益保护工作的新方案、新路子。第十八条 为确保协议的全面履行,协议双方成立对等人数的监督小组,定期对协议履行情况进行检查,并将检查结果在厂务公开信息栏上公布。第四章 附则第十九条 双方因履行本协议而发生争议,首先由协议双方协商解决,经协商未能达成一致意见,请求上级劳动部门和工会组织进行协商,并参与处理。第二十条 本协议有效期限为 年。

6、自 年 月 日至 年 月 日止。第二十一条 本协议如与国家现行法律法规相抵触时,本协议相关条款无效。第二十二条 本协议经双方代表签字,并报上级劳动、工会备案后作为集体合同副本,与集体合同具有同等法律效力,双方必须依法履行。第二十三条 本协议不因人事变动而变动。第二十四条 本协议一式四份,双方各执一份,报送县(市、区)总工会一份,县(市、区)劳动和社会保障局一份。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):代表: 代表:日期: 日期:4Special Joint Agreement on Protection of the Interest of Female Workers Chapter I Genera

7、l RuleArticle 1. In accordance with the provisions of “Labor Law”, “Labor Union Law”, “Zhejiang Province Labor Protection Rules for Female Workers”, and in line with the principle of “Fair negotiation, Joint Development”, we hereby enter into this agreement to protect female workers legal interests,

8、 reduce and solve the physiological difficulties of female workers to assure their health, give their full play in the economic construction and promote the development of female workers and the concurrently.Article 2. The agreement has been concluded after the collective negotiation of Labor Union

9、Committee of the enterprise and the Administration Authority.Article 3. The agreement shall be equally binding on the enterprise and its workers.5Chapter II Clauses for Protection of the Interest of Female WorkersArticle 4. A labor contract shall be concluded when the enterprise employ female worker

10、s, male and female workers shall be equally treated in salary and benefits.Article 5. The company shall take part in pregnancy insurance in accordance with relevant provisions of social insurance and it shall pay the relevant insurance premium.Article 6. Due to the female workers physiological speci

11、alty and the characteristic of their work, the enterprise shall give special care to them who are in the period of menstruation, pregnancy, delivery, lactation and involution, and shall designate full or part-time personnel to care the female workers.Article 7. The enterprise will not reduce the fem

12、ale workers salary when they are in the period of pregnancy, delivery and lactation, it shall not cancel the labor contract with the female workers without reason.Article 8. For the work prohibited in Zhejiang Province Labor Protection Rules for Female Workers, the enterprise shall follow its releva

13、nt provisions strictly.6Article 9. For the female workers engaged in the work at high place, the operations in low-temperature and the work of third-grade physical strength which prescribed by the state, their working schedule shall be temporarily adjusted in their menstruation, provide with proper

14、work for them or give one or two days leave with salary.Article 10. For pregnant female workers, their working hours shall not be extended beyond the legal working hours; for the workers difficult to deal with the work, upon the provision of medical certificate from hospital, their working load will

15、 be reduced or they will be arrange for proper work.Article 11. For workers with more than seven months pregnancy, they shall not be engaged in night work.Article 12. After delivery, their delivery leave and relevant treatment shall be as follows:1. In normal delivery, the leave will 90 days after delivery (including 15-day pre-delivery leave).2. Early delivery of more than 7 months or delayed delivery will be treated as normal delivery.3. In the event of caesarean birth operation due to uneasy delivery, the leave shall increased by 15 days.74. In the event of delivery assisting operation d


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