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1、1罗森财政学复习资料(双语版)Unified budget: The document which itemizes all the federal governments expenditures and revenues.统一预算: 联邦政府在一种文件中将其支出逐项列出的文件Regulatory budget: an annual statement of the costs imposed on the economy by government regulations管制预算: 政府管制对经济产生的成本Entitlement programs: programs whose expen

2、ditures are determined by the number of people who qualify ,rather than preset budget allocations.公民权利性计划: (是指有关社会保障、公共福利计划、农产品价格维持等法律规定受益人和收益数额的政府支出项目)项目的成本不是由固定的美元数额来决定,而是由符合条件的人的数量决定。Substitution effect :the tendency of an individual to consume more of one good and less of another because of a de

3、crease in the price of the former relative to the latter.替代效应:是指一种商品价格的变化所引起的使消费者调整该种商品与其他商品需求量比例的效应。Income effect : the effect of a price change the quantity demanded due exclusively to the fact that the consmers income has changed收入效应:收入效应指由商品的价格变动所引起的实际收入水平变动,进而由实际收入水平变动所引起的商品需求量的变动。Welfare econo

4、mics: the branch of economic theory concerned with the social desirability of alternative economic states.福利经济学:研究各种经济状态的社会合意性的经济理论的一个分支Pareto efficient : an allocation of resource such that no person can be made better off without making another person worse off.帕累托效率:要使一个人的境况变好,唯一的办法就是使另一个人的境况变坏Pa

5、reto improvement: a reallocation of resources that makes at least one person better off without making anyone else worse off.对在不使其他任何人境况变坏的情况下使某人的境况变好的资源进行重新配置Pure public good : a commodity that is nonrival and nonexcludable in consumption.纯公共物品:指既没有排他性有没有竞争性的产品和服务Privatization :the process of turni

6、ng services that are supplied by the government over to the private sector for provision and production私有化:把由政府提供的服务交给私人部门去提供和生产2Commodity egalitarianism : the idea that some commodities ought to be made available to everybody商品平均主义:要求某些商品人人有份Externality: an activity of one entity that affects the w

7、elfare of another entity in a way that is outside the market mechanism外部性:当某一实体的活动以市场机制之外的某种方式直接影响他人的福利时,这种影响称为外部性Coase theorem : provided that transaction costs are negligible ,an efficient solution to an externality problem is achieved as long as someone is assigned property rights independent of

8、who is assigned those rights.科斯定理:认为只要财产权是明确的,并且其交易成本为零或很小,则无论在开始时财产权的配置是怎样的,市场均衡的最终结果都是有效率的理论。Emissions fee(排污费) : a tax levied on each unit of pollutionCost effective : a policy that achieves a given amount of pollution reduction at the lowest cost possible成本有效:一种以可能的最低成本实现的结果Cap-and-trade(总量控制与交易

9、制度) : a policy of granting permits to pollute , with the number of permits set at the desired pollution level ,and allowing polluters to trade the permits .Incentive-based regulations(激励型管制) : policies that provide polluters with financial incentives to reduce pollutionCommand-and-control regulation

10、s(命令控制型管制) : policies that require a given amount of pollution reduction with limited or no flexibility with respect to how it may be achieved .Crowd out(排挤) : when public provision of a good substitutes for private provision of the good . in the presence of crowd out , when the government increases

11、 public education ,the net change in the amount of education is less than the amount provided by the government.Charter schools : public school that operate under special state government charters. Within limits established by their charters , these schools can experiment with a variety of approache

12、s to education and gave some independence in making spending and hiring decisions.特许学校:特许学校属于公立学校,它们在政府特许的情况下,按国家标准办学,但教学有自由,在开支和雇佣方面也有一定的独立性。3School voucher : a voucher given to a family to help the family pay for tuition at any qualified school . the school redeems the voucher for cash .教育券:教育券是指政

13、府把教育经费折算成一定数额的有价证券发给每位学生Social insurance programs(社会保险) : government programs that provide insurance to protect against adverse eventsInsurance premium(保险费) : money paid to an insurance company in exchange for a guarantee of compensation given a specified adverse event.Risk aversion(风险厌恶) : a prefer

14、ence for paying more than the actuarially fair premium in order to guarantee compensation if an adverse event occurs .Risk premium(风险溢价) : the amount above the actuarially fair premium that a risk-averse person is willing to pay to guarantee compensation if an adverse event occurs.Asymmetric informa

15、tion(不对称信息) : a situation in which one party engaged in an economic transaction has better information about the good or service traded than the other party.Adverse selection(逆向选择): the phenomenon under which the uninformed side of a deal gets exactly the wrong people trading with it .由于信息不对称,保险公司得到

16、的客户恰恰是有毛病的人Community rating (团体费率法): the practice of charging uniform insurance premiums for pelple in different risk categories within a community , thus resulting in low-risk people subsidizing high-risk people.向某一由不同健康风险的个人组成的团体收取统一保费Moral hazard(道德风险) : when obtaining insurance against an adverse outcome leads to changes in behavior that increase the likelihood of the outcome.道德风险指在委托一代理关系中,代理人为了追求自身利益最大化而不惜损害委托人利益的行为Deadweight loss(无谓损失) : the waste that exists when trade


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