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1、高中英语阅读理解仿真训练By miss wangASuppose you dont need your car today. And suppose, as it happens, that a stranger in your area does need a car. Would you be willing to rent yours out?Severalcar-sharing start-ups, including Getaround, RelayRides and JustShareIt, are eager to conneccar owners with renters th

2、is way. The companies have different rules, but participating owners receive, generally speaking, about two-thirds of the rental earnings. RelayRides says an owner of a midsize, late-model sedan who rents out a car for 10 hours a week could expect to clear about $3,000 a year.Peer-to-peer car sharin

3、g remains in the trial stage; it can be found in San Francisco and a few other places. It has a long way to go before it becomes the auto equivalent of Airbnb, the surprise success story for peer-to-peer sharing of space in apartments and houses.Shelby Clark, founder of RelayRides, says potential in

4、vestors in his company have been concerned that owners will be afraid to hand their car over to strangers. To address that, he points to Airbnb, saying, “Letting people sleep in your living room is much more of a disturbance into your personal space than letting someone use your car.”All of these co

5、mpanies offer their own insurance coverage for their renters, which are supposed to put ownersminds at ease. But only two statesCalifornia and Oregonhave passed laws to clarify that an owner will not suffer any consequences should a car-sharing renter have an accident.“In all the other states, legal

6、 ambiguity remains,” Shelby Clark says. “If a renter should be involved in a serious accident in those states, the victim can be expected to go after every party possible, including the cars owner.”Also to remove the worries of car owners, the driving records of renters are checked for recent seriou

7、s violations.56. What does the underlined word “sedan” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?A. A kind of car. B. An owner of a car.C. A renting company. D. A car-sharing renter.57. Which of the following is true of Airbnb?A. It cares little about personal privacy.B. It deals with house-sharing successfu

8、lly.C. It is a very popular car-sharing company.D. Its ideas are being tried out in some states.58. If a car-sharing renter should have an accident in California, the cars owner .A. has to take legal responsibilityB. will not suffer the consequenceC. is not covered by health insuranceD. must pay the

9、 insurance for the renter59. According to the text, more car-owners will participate in the service, ifA. legal ambiguity is clarified in all the statesB. renters are warned not to violate traffic rulesC. more money is given to participating ownersD. people are aware of the importance of sharingBRes

10、earch by the Institute of Education (IOE) in London found that men who went to single-sex schools were not only more likely to be separated from a partner or divorced, but also more likely to be depressed by middle age.The chances of women having successful marriages were not affected by whether the

11、y were educated in mixed or single-sex schools.Separate research by the IOE found that going without boys was beneficial for women in other ways since there was a statistically significant positive association between single-sex schooling and wages for women.The study into marital success interviewe

12、d 17,000 adults who were taught in a range of schools including private boarding schools to state comprehensives.It found that single-sex education does not compromise the chances either of men or women of getting married.However, researchers found that boys educated on their own were more likely to

13、 divorce in later life.While for women, there was no significant link.The research also found men taught in boys schools were more likely to suffer from depression by age 42perhaps because of their increased chances of marital breakdown.But Professor Leonards team was unable to identify why those me

14、n educated in a single-sex environment were more likely to divorce.The study asked married and cohabiting couples where men had attended both single-sex and mixed schools to rate how happy they were and found no marked difference in their happiness levels or willingness to share domestic chores.Mary

15、 Boust, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, said the IOE research confirmed what was always suspected.All the research shows single-sex schools are good for girls but bad for boysboth in terms of academic performance and socialization, she said.Boys learn better when they

16、 are with girls and they actually learn to get on better. The findings were presented at a conference on gender in education hosted by Perse School for Girls in Cambridge.55.The researches made by the IOE indicate that _.A.school model has little influence on womens marriageB.education is the main cause of middle age depressionC.boys in single-sex schools are more likely not to get marriedD.mixed schools arc relatively better than single-sex schools56.According


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