高中英语选修6第6模块 学案

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1、2012-2013 学年第一学期高二英语导学案 编号:16 使用时间:2012.7. 班级: 小组: 姓名: 组内评价: 教师评价: - 1 -Module 6 War and Peace编写人:Period 1 IntroductionReading and vocabulary Learning goals:1. To revise and learn some words and expressions2. To learn some information about The D-Day landings 【使用说明与学法指导】自学要求:课前自主学习完成课前预习部分。正课要求:课上前

2、15 分钟完成课内探究部分,15 分钟讨论展示,10 分钟点评 5 分钟当堂检测课前预习Task I: do Activity 3 on page 71 in the Students BookTask II: Reading and vocabulary1. D-Day landings: D-Day Invasion or Invasion of Normandy. D 日登陆,诺曼底登陆2.Word study Activities 2 and 3 on page 72 in the Students Book bravery:n._-adj. _ confusion:n._-v. _-

3、adj. _/_exhausted:adj._-v. _-n. _-adj. _heroism:n._ wounded:adj._课内探究Task I: Match the left with the right.Passage1: a. Survivors of D-day returned to France to remember their lost comrades.Passage 2: b. The main introduction of D-day landings.Passage 3: c. The contribution to D-day made by Able Com

4、panyTask II: true or false1. The D-Day landings were a military of the European countries. ( )2. The D-Day landings were sure to be successful at the very beginning. ( )3. The American soldiers played an important role in D-Day landings. ( )4. The D-Day landings were the beginning of the Second Worl

5、d War. ( )5. American soldiers succeeded in landing at the most dangerous placeOmaha Beach. ( )Task III: Read the text(P2-3) carefully and fill in the blanks. Name of the battle Operation Overlord which began with_Time and place On the morning of _On the beaches of _ in France.Story of Able CompanyT

6、hey set off in _ boats.Two thirds of them died after the first attack.Only _ of them survived.Memory of the battle_ were built to remember the war.In _ survivors of the D-Day landings went to France.Part of the poem “For the Fallen” was written on _.当堂检测Read the passage1-3 carefully and fill in the

7、blanks.During the Second World War, Germany _ many countries. The most important battle of the war in Europe was _. It started when soldiers landed on the _ in France. 5000 ships crossed the _, carrying 130,000 troops to the French coast. The United States, Britain and _took part in the battle. The

8、operation was extremely _and thousands of soldiers were killed. American soldiers tried to _ at the most dangerous place, Omaha Beach.The _was very bad but they eventually made a(n)_.The D-Day landings were _.On the morning of_ 1944, the soldiers of Able Company crossed the English Channel. When the

9、y were about _kilometers from the beach, the Germans started firing at them. Boat_ was hit and six men were drowned. _men were saved by other boats. When Boat5 _was a few meters from the beach, the soldiers jumped out so that some drowned. Many were killed or wounded by _fire. Most of the soldiers o

10、n Boat I and Boat4 drowned. Half an hour after the first attack, _of the company were dead. After an hour and forty-five minutes, six of the survivors tried to get off the beach, but only _ joined a group from another company.On the 6th June 2004, _ of the D-Day Landings from many different countrie

11、sreturned to _ to remember their lost comrades. They went to the _ and _ which are _ on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel, from where the boats _ their landings. On the memorial there is part of a poem called “_”. 2012-2013 学年第一学期高二英语导学案 编号:16 使用时间:2012.7. 班级: 小组: 姓名: 组内评价: 教师评价:

12、 - 11 -Period 2 Language Points【Learning Goals】1. To master the usage of the important words, phrases and sentences and use them freely .2. To improve the ability of self-study, group discussion, cooperation and analysis.【使用说明与学法指导】自学要求:课前自主学习完成课前预习部分。正课要求:课上前 15 分钟完成课内探究部分,15 分钟讨论展示,10 分钟点评5 分钟理解巩固【课前预习】Task I: find out the following phrases in the whole passage.向宣战_ 作为而闻名_军事行动_ 穿过英吉利海峡_参与, 参加 _ 下船 _ 试图/企图做某事 _ 考虑干某事_放弃侵略_ 取得重大突破_ 以开始 _ 以结束_ 在 早上_ 在 1944 年的早上_落到 水里_ 朝某人进行炮弹射击_救起某人 _ 跳出_三分之二的连队_ 爬上悬崖_ 与某人并肩战斗_ 对。 。 。的贡献_ 纪念阵亡的战友_ 公墓和纪念碑_ 坐落于悬崖上_ 变老_ Task II: L


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