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1、1The Features of Shelleys PoetryOde to The West Wind By Wu Lily2AbstractPercy Bysshe Shelley is one of the most gifted lyrical poets in english literature.he is a man of wide knowledge and experience during his lifetime.he is a great idealist.Shelleys poems have several features for example ,the con

2、tent is rich ,full of colors、symbols and allusions,especially in his lyrical poetry.all in all,Shelleys poetry is beautiful.this essay will discuss the features of Shelleys poetry through his masterpieceode to the west wind.Key words: Percy bysshe Shelley ode to the west wind feature3CONTENTAbstract

3、 .2I Introduction.6II Beauty in color.6III beauty in symbols&allusion.6IV beauty in intellectual thought.7V Conclusion.74摘要:珀西比希雪莱(PercyByssheShelley)是英国文学史上最有才华的诗人,其一生见识广泛,不仅是柏拉图主义者,更是个伟大的理想主义者。雪莱的诗歌有一些显著地特点,比如内涵丰富,充满色彩,以及象征、暗示等,尤其表现在他的抒情诗中。总之,雪莱的诗是美的。本文以他的代表作西风颂为例,分析雪莱的诗歌特点。关键词: 雪莱 西风颂 特点5I Introd

4、uction Percy bysshe Shelley was one of the major english romantic poets and was considered the best one.his masterpiece ode to the west wind was the best one.II Beauty in colorColor is one of the most important elements of Shelleys poetry.without the description of color,Shelley cant describe his wo

5、rld and express his emotions.without the description,readers can change the color into imagination.so one special beauty of imagery is his treatment of color and light.wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumns being,Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves deadAre driven, like ghosts from an enchant

6、er fleeing,Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou,Who chariotest to their dark wintry bedShelley describes autumn and the changing of colors. “Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,Pestilence-stricken multitudes”is a imagery of the leaves that change

7、 color in the fall which means that the west wind is coming and the power of west wind is very strong.III beauty in symbols&allusionShelley also like using symbols to present his ideas,which express his thinking toward the life and world.the symbol is rich in meaning,and we can understand it from di

8、fferent aspect.for example,west wind is the symbol of revolutionary 6spirit、brave、imagination、and the new things.Shelley has a reputation as a difficult poet,because his poetry is full of allusion.the greek mythology go through the whole poem.The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low,Each like a

9、 corpse within its grave, untilThine azure sister of the Spring shall blowHer clarion oer the dreaming earth, and fill(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)1With living hues and odours plain and hill:This is related to greek mythology.IV beauty in intellectual thought“Wild Spirit, which art

10、 moving everywhere;Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear!”“Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:What ifmy leaves are falling like its own!The tumult of thy mighty harmoniesWill take from both a deep, autumnal tone,Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous o

11、ne!Drive my dead thoughts over the universeLike witherd leaves to quicken a new birth!And, by the incantation of this verse,Scatter, as from an unextinguishd hearth7Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!Be through my lips to unawakend earthThe trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,If Winter comes, can Sp

12、ring be far behind?”Destroyer means that the west wind drive the last signs of life from the tree.the preserve means that it scatter the seeds which will come to life in the next spring. “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”the darkness is going to be over,and the new day is coming.the author shout loudly to encourage the revolutionist and spread the truth.this expresses that the author is very optimistic.V ConclusionAll in all,Shelley is such a great poet that his poems have attracted so many readers.his poetry is beautiful and deserve to read.


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