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1、1 .Which question no longer concerns the modern software engineer?a. Why does computer hardware cost so much?2. Software deteriorates rather than wears out becausec. Multiple change requests introduce errors in component interactions3. Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engin

2、eering layers? b. Manufacturing4. Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities? a. communication, planning, modeling, construction, deployment5. The waterfall model of software development isa. A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.6. The incremental

3、model of software development isb. A good approach when a working core product is required quickly7. Evolutionary software process modelsd. All of the above8. The prototyping model of software development isb. A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly.9. The spiral model o

4、f software development c. Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration 10. The component-based development model isDependent on object technologies for support. 11. The formal methods model of software development makes use of mathematical methods toAll of the above12. Which of these is n

5、ot one of the phase names defined by the Unified Process model for software development?Validation phase13. Which of these is not a characteristic of Personal Software Process?Practitioner requires careful supervision by the project manager 14. Which of the following is not one of the context-free q

6、uestions that would be used during project inception?c.Who will pay for the work?15.In collaborative requirements gathering the facilitatorc.controls the meeting16.Which of the following is not one of the requirement classifications used in Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?c.mandatory17.The work pr

7、oducts produced during requirement elicitation will vary depending on theb.size of the product being built18.The result of the requirements engineering task is an analysis model that defines which of the following problem domain(s)?d.all of the above1. Which of these is not an element of a requireme

8、nts model? c.Data elements2. Which of the following is not an objective for building a requirements model?c.develop an abbreviated solution for the problem3. UML activity diagrams are useful in representing which analysis model elements?d.Scenario-based elements4. The entity rlationship diagrama.dep

9、icts relationships between data objects5. Which of the following should be considered as candidate objects in a problem space?d.all of the above6. Which of the following is not one of the broad categories used to classify operations?d.transformers7. Which of the following items does not appear on a

10、CRC card?c.class reliability8. Class responsibilities are defined by d.both its attributes and operations9. Control flow diagrams are a.needed to model event driven systems.10.For purposes of behavior modeling an event occurs whenever b.the system an actor exchange information.11.For purposes of beh

11、avior modeling a state is anyc.observable mode of behavior. 12.The state transition diagramd.indicates system reactions to external events13.Which is not one of the analysis activities that is used to create a complete analysis model?d.Market analysis6. What are the elements of a WebApp interaction

12、model?c.use-cases, sequence diagrams, state diagrams, interface prototype1. Which of the following are characteristics of testable software?d.all of the above2. The testing techniqe that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is calleda.black-box testin

13、g3. The testing technique that requires devising test cases to exercise the internal logic of a software module is calledd.white-box testing4. The cyclomatic complexity metric provides the designer with information regarding the number ofc.independent logic paths in the program5. Condition testing i

14、s a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that theyb.exercise the logical conditions in a program module6. Data flow testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that theyc.select test paths based on th

15、e locations and uses of variables7. Loop testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that theyd.focus on testing the validity of loop constructs8. Test derived from behavioral class models should be based on thestate transition diagram9. Real-time

16、 applications add a new and potentially difficult element to the testing mixd.time1. To determine the architectural style or combination of styles that best fits the proposed system, requirements engineering is used to uncover b.characteristics and constraints2. Which of the following is not an example of infrastructure components that may need to be integrated into the software architecture?c.Interface components3. When the overall flow in a segment of a data flow diagram is large


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