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1、1常见的前缀:under- : belowundercharge 索价低,undercoat底漆, underclothing内衣类, underdone半熟的,嫩的, undercurrent暗流 insufficientundermanned人员不足的, undernourished营养不良的, underpaid工资过低的 underplay贬低 的重要性,对轻描淡写的anti- = against 反,对立antibody 抗体 anticraft 防空dis-: to do the opposite, reversediscover, dissuade, disadvantage,

2、dischargede- = (forming verbs and their derivatives) down; away构成动词及其派生词 “向下” , “在远处”debase base = low v. 贬低,贬值 debris bris = break n. 残骸,垃圾,碎片,岩屑decay cay = fall v. / n. 衰落,衰退,腐烂 decease cease = go v. / n. 死亡decide cide = cut v. 决定,决心 despise spise = look v. 轻视,蔑视detonate ton = thunder v. (使)爆炸 dev

3、our vour = eat v. 吞食,毁灭micro-: extremely small microcomputer, microscope, microphone, microsurgery常见的后缀:-fy: to cause sb./sth. to becomeidentifyidentification, modifymodification, purifypurification, beautifybeautification-ist: =“人”feminist (n.) 女权主义者; naturalist (n.) 自然主义者; dentist (n.) 牙医; pianist

4、 (n.) 钢琴师-ist: = “主义的 ”capitalist (a.) 资本家的; materialist (a.) 唯物主义的; socialist (a.) 社会主义的-ent = “具有性质的”,用于构成形容词insistent (a.) 坚持的; obedient (a.) 服从的; prevalent (a.) 流行的-ent =“人”correspondent (n.) 通信者; president (n.) 总统; resident (n.) 居民logy, -ology = study of, science ofanthropology, chronology, mor

5、phology, mythology, philology, psychology常见的词根:Chapter 1alter, altru, ulter = otheralter 改变;alternate 交替,轮换;alternative 两者选一;altruism 利他主义pel, pell, puls = drive, beat, push 驱,推,逐expel 驱逐;除名 ; impel 驱使; dispel 驱散 repel 击退; repellent 驱散剂 compulsive 不由自主的; compulsion 冲动; compulsory 规定的cid, cis=to cut

6、切,杀2suicide 自杀; insecticide 杀虫剂 ; pesticide 农药; concise 简明的; precision 精密vert, vers = to turndivert 转向; revert 恢复原状; introvert 性格内向的; extrovert 性格外向的; traverse 横跨;reverse 逆转; diversify 多样化; aversion 厌恶; adverse 有敌意的;advertise 广告 Chapter 2log= to speak 说monologue 独白; trilogy三部曲; prologue前言; analogy类比

7、; eulogy颂歌; catalogue目录; apologize道歉,辩解tend, tent, tens = to stretch, spreadcontend竞争; intend意向; intensive集约的,强化的; content内容,满足; tendency倾向; tension张力; hypertension高血压; attendance出席luc, lumin, lustr, lux = light, shine 光,照lucent透明的; translucent半透明的; lucid清澈的; illuminate阐明,照明; illustrate说明;luminary发光

8、体,名人fug = to flee, escape 逃,散fugitive逃亡的(者) ; refugee难民; centrifuge离心; centrifugal离心的Chapter 3part, parc, port = divide, part partly; partition 分隔物,隔墙; 分割,瓜分; depart 离开,启程 ; impart 传授; compart 把分成若干部分 ; compartment分隔空间,(火车,客船的)隔间 ;particle (-icle 小 ) 粒子,微粒,小品词,虚词 ; portion, proportionleg,legis = law

9、legal; legalize使合法化; legislation立法; legislator议员; privilege特权nai, nat, nasc = to be bornnaivety天真; natal出生的; prenatal 产前的; postnatal出生后的 ; neonate新生儿;natality出生率; innate天赋的 Chapter 4spec, spect, spic = to lookspectacle 景象 ; perspective 视角; retrospect 回顾radic = root 根eradicate 根除 fort = strong 强的,强制f

10、ortress堡垒; enforce 强制实施; effort 努力lev = to raise, light, lighten 提升,使轻而易举elevate升高; alleviate 缓解; levitate 悬浮Chapter 5rod, ros = gnaw, bite 咬,啮corrode 腐蚀; anticorrosion 防腐蚀 lud/lus = to play 玩耍,游戏prelude 前奏曲; delusion 妄想 ; elusive 难以捉摸的3ply, pli, plic, plicit, plex = to fold, twist, bend, tangle, co

11、nnect 折,曲, 弯, 缠, 连comply 遵从; implicit 隐含的; explicate 解说; complex 复杂的st, sta, stat = to stand 站立status 地位; stable 稳定的; distance 距离nov, novo = 新novel 新奇的; renovate 革新 ; innovate 创新Chapter 6vis, vid = seevision; visual; supervise; televise; evident; provided; provident 有预见的Chapter 7tain = to hold attai

12、n; contain; detain 拘留拦住; entertain; maintain; pertain 属于关于; retainfic (fac 的变体) = faceartificial; facial; interfacial 界面的nounce = to reportannounce; pronounce; renounce 宣布放弃ced= go. yieldintercede 从中调停; precede领先; procedure步骤; recede后退减弱Chapter 8ceiv, cei = to takeconceive; deceive; perceive; receiv

13、e (v.) - conception, deception, perception, reception (n.)deceit (n.) ; receipt (n.)vers, vert = to turn (与 chapter 1 重复)versatile; version; aversion; adverse 敌对的, 不利的; anniversary; converse; inversion; reverse; universal; convert; divert; introverted; extrovertedhibit = to hold exhibit; prohibithab

14、it= to dwellhabitat; cohabit; inhabitantChapter 9al, alter, altern = other, to changealternate 交替; alternative 二者择一ampl = largeamplify (v.) 放大,扩大; amplifier (n.) 扩音器,放大器; amplitude (n.) 广大,宽阔chron(o) = timechronicle (n.) 编年史; anachronism (n.) 时代错误; synchronize (v.) 同时发生; chronology (n. ) 年代学; chrono

15、meter (n.) 精密计时器Chapter 10nom, nomin, onym = name4nominal (a.) 名义上的; nominate (v.) 提名,任命; homonymous (a.) 同名的pseudonym (n.) 假名; synonym (n.) 同义词; antonym (n.) 反义词min = to project“伸出,突出 ”eminent (a.) 杰出的,突出的; supereminent (a.) 卓越的Chapter 11flu = flow 流动fluid a. 流质的; n. 流体 fluctuate v.上下移动; 波动 superfl

16、uous a. 多余的, 不必要的doc, dog, dox = teach docile adj. 顺从的;可教的(容易教导的) didactic adj. 教训的,教诲的document n. 证件,文书,公文doc, dog, dox = teach dogma n. 教条 orthodox adj. 正统的 heterodox adj. 异端的dogmatism (n.): 教条主义;武断 u dogmatist (n.): 教条主义者;武断的人dogmatize (v.): 教条地或武断地表达 dogmatize (about sth)Chapter 15lapse = slip, glide 滑,落collapse col- = com- (together) + lapse (slip, glide) n. 倒塌;v. 使倒塌(一起滑落)lapse n. 失误



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