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1、四年级上册Unit 1 My Classroom1. We have a new classroom. 我们有一个新教室。2. Lets go and have a look. 我们去看一看吧。lets 是 let us 的缩写形式,have a look “看一看” 。3. Wheres my seat? 我的座位在哪? wheres 是 where is 的缩写形式。4. Its near the door. 它在门附近。its 是 it is 的缩写形式。5. Lets clean the classroom. 我们打扫教室吧。6. Lets clean the desks and ch

2、airs. 我们来擦桌椅吧。7. Let me clean the board. 我擦黑板吧。8. All right=OK9. Look at the picture. 看这幅画。10.Its nice and clean.它真是又干净又整洁。11.We have six new lights. 我们有六盏新灯。12. This is my new desk.Unit 2 My Schoolbag1. I have a new schoolbag. 我有一个新书包。2. Its black and white. 它是黑白相间的颜色。3. May I have a look? 我能看一看吗?4

3、. Can you spell these words? 你能拼写这些单词吗?5. How many English books can you see? 你能看到多少本英语书?6. Whats in it? 它里面有什么?7. My schoolbag is heavy. 我的书包很重。8. How many books do you have? 你有多少本书? How many +可数名词的复数形式。9. What colour is it? 它是什么颜色?What colour are they? 它们是什么颜色?Unit 3 My Friends1. Who is he? 他是谁?2.

4、 He has short black hair and big eyes. 他长着一双大眼睛和黑色的短发。3. Whats his name? 他的名字叫什么?His name is Zhang Peng.4. Whats her name? 她的名字叫什么? Her name is Amy.5. This is his photo. 这是他的照片。6. My friend likes music. 我的朋友喜欢音乐。7. Shes quiet. 她很安静。8. I have a new friend. 我有一个新朋友。9. My friend is strong. 我的朋友很强壮。Unit

5、 4 My Home重点句子1. Is this your bedroom? 这是你的卧室吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.2. Is she in the living room? 她在客厅吗? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.3. Shes in the kitchen. 她在厨房。 shes = she is4. Welcome to my home! 欢迎来我家!5. sit on the sofa 坐在沙发上 make the bed 铺床 set the table 摆餐桌answer the phone 接电话 open the fr

6、idge 打开冰箱6. Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪儿?7. What can you see in my room? 在我的房间里你能看见什么?8. Are they near the phone? 它们在电话旁边吗? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.名词的数:英语中名词分可数名词和不可数名词;可数名词又有单数名词和复数名词之分。单数名词变复数名词的几条规则:1、一般情况在单数名词的词尾 + s。2、以 s、sh 、ch、x 结尾的单数名词在词尾 + es。3、以辅音字母( 26 个字母除元音字母:A、E、I、 O、U 外) + y 结尾的

7、单数名词,把 y 4、变为 i 后再 + es。5、以 f 或 fe 结尾的单数名词,把词尾的 f 或 fe 变为 v 后,再 + es6、特殊词汇 be ( am is are) 动词 I 用 am, you 用 are ( 复数也用 are), is 跟着他 ( he ) 她 ( she ) 它 ( it ). 单数和不可数名词也用 is. Unit 5 What Would You Like?1. What would you like for dinner? 晚饭你想吃什么?would like 想要2. Id like some chicken. 我想吃些鸡肉。Id = I woul

8、d3. Can I have some noodles, please? 能给我一些面条吗?4. Sure. Here you are. 当然。给你。5. Whats for dinner? 晚饭吃什么?6. Wait and see. 等下就知道了。7. Everythings ready. 一切都准备好了。Everythings = everything is8. What would you like for breakfast? 早饭你想吃什么?9. a glass of water 一杯 水10.Give me a spoon 给 我一把勺子 Pass me a fork 递给我一把

9、叉子 Wash the plates 洗盘子 Use the chopsticks 使用筷子 cut with the knife 用刀子切 with“用”11.Help yourself. 随便吃。12. I can use chopsticks. 我会用筷子。13. Let me show you. 我来教你吧。14. Let me try. 让我试试。15. We had a good time. 我们玩的很高兴。16. See you tomorrow. 明天见。Unit 6 Meet My Family1. How many people are there in your fami

10、ly? 你家有几口人。people 的复数形式也是 people。2. Whats your father? 你爸爸是做什么的?3. Come and meet my family. 来见见我的家人。4. Who are they? 他们是谁?5. My family has seven members. 我家有七口人。has 是 have 的第三人称单数形式。 6. But thats only six. 但是只有六口人啊。7. Can you spell these words? 你会拼写这些单词吗?8. My father is a doctor. 我爸爸是医生。9. He likes

11、sports. 他喜欢运动。likes 是 like 的第三人称单数形式。10.Act like a baseball player. 表演一下棒球运动员。11.He looks strong. 他看起来很强壮。12.They look young. 他们看起来很年轻。13.Is this your aunt? 这是你的阿姨吗? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.14.Are they farmers? 他们是农民吗?Yes, they are. / No, they arent.15.Can you spell these words? 你会拼写这些单词吗?16.Wha

12、t are you going to be? 你想成为什么?17.Im going to be an engineer. 我想成为一名工程师。Im = I am18. Hes good at music. 他擅长音乐。be ( am, is, are ) good at 擅长四年级下册Unit 1 Our School Sentences(句子) 能够听说读写以下句子1. How many students are there in you class? 你们班上有多少学生?2. Do you have lunch at school. 肯定回答: Yes, we do. / 否定回答: No

13、, we dont.3. The canteen is on the first floor. 食堂在一楼。4. This is my computer. 这是我的电脑。5. That is your computer. 那是你的电脑。6. Where is the art room? 美术教室在哪?7. Is that the music room? 那是音乐教室吗? 肯定回答: Yes, it is.8. Is this a teachers desk? 那是老师的课桌吗? 否定回答: No, it isnt.Grammar(语法)1. Where is the canteen? Its

14、on the first floor.在几楼,用介词“on” ,楼层数要用序数词,第一 first, 二 second, 三 third.2. This way, please.请走这边3. How many students are there in your class? How many“多少”其后要用名词的复数形式。4. Do you have lunch at school? 你们在学校吃午饭吗?在学校 at school5. Lets go there. 我们去那儿吧。 go there 去那儿 come there 来这儿 Lets=Let us6. Lets go and ha

15、ve a look. 我们去看一看吧。 have a look 看一看Unit 2 What Time Is It?Sentences(句子) 能够听说读写以下句子1. What time is it? 几点了?2. Its nine oclock. Its time for English class. 九点了,该上英语课了。3. Lets go to the playground. 我们去操场吧。4. Its time to go to school. 该去上学了。Grammar(语法)和重点句子1. School is over. 放学了。2. Just a minute. 稍等。3.

16、That one is correct. 那个是正确的。4. Its time to 该 / 到的时间了;to 后面要用动词。Its time for 该 / 到的时间了;for 后面要用名词。5. Breakfast is ready! 早饭准备好了。6. Can I have a try? 我能试试吗? have a try 试一试7. What time is it in New York? 纽约几点了?8. Im late for school. 我上学迟到了。Late 迟到Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt?Sentences(句子) 能够听说读写以下句子1. I like the white sweater with the green skirt. 我喜欢白毛衣配绿短裙。2. Wher


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