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1、1九年级英语考试卷第一卷一单项选择(25 分)1. Avatar (阿凡达)is an interesting film. My brother_ it twice .A.sees B. saw C. has seen D. will see2.There are so many books. I really cant decide _ A. where to buy B. which to buy C. what to buy D. how to buy3.I dont know when he _, but when he _ ,Ill tell you.A. comes; comes

2、B. will come; comesC. comes; will come D. will come; will come4._ What do you think of your Chinese teacher?-She is kind and _ with us.A. patient B. mad C. angry D. bad5._Shall we call for a taxi?-OK. Let me _ the phone number in Yellow Pages.A. look at B. look up C. look for D. look after6.Andrew,p

3、lease _ my e-mail as soon as possible.A. write back B. write to C. reply to D. answer to7. You _ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A. neednt to come B. dont need come C. dont need comimg D. neednt come8.Waste paper shouldnt_ everywhere. Its our duty to keep our clas

4、sroom clean.A. be thrown B. throw C. is throwm D. threw9. -please wait. The policeman will come in a minute.-_ the policeman doesnt come?A. What B. what if C. How D. How if10 The rest of the students _ not allowed to leave the classroom at that time. A are B. is C. was D. were11. The leader always c

5、omes up _ good solutions _ peoples problems.A. with; to B. with; of C. at; to D. of; of12 _ you live, you can do something around your neighborhood.A. Wherever B. If C. No matter D. whatever13.Look! Whats the driver doing?-He _2A. may repair B. must repair C. must be repairing D. could be repairing1

6、4.We must do everything we can_ waste water from running into rivers.A. keep B. kept C. to keep D. keeping15 He feels lonely. He has _ friends here except me.A many B. some C. few D. more16. I hope Tina _ to my birthday party next Wednesday.A. to come B. come C. came D. will come17 Bamboo can _ pape

7、r.A. used to make B. be used make C. be used to make D. are used to make18. I met a friend of _ in the shop yesterday.A I B. me C. my D. mine.19.Food safety is important. Rules _ to stop people from food pollution.A. must make B. must be made C. cant make D. cant be made.20Tom and Mary _ last year.A

8、. were married B. get married C. be married with D. got married with21. She _ her hometown for many years. No one nearly knows her.A. has been away from B. has left C. had left D has been away22.If you dont go to the cinema tonight , _.A. so will I B. neither do I C. neither shall I D. so I will23Ex

9、cuse me, are these _ new shoes?-No, they arent. _ are black over thereA. your; Mine B my; Your C. her; Her D. mine; Your24.The boy asked his father _ ?A. where it happens B. when did it happen C. what was it happen D. how it happened25 In the past the children were made _ 15 hours a dayA. to work B.

10、 work C worked D. working二完形填空(共 10 小题,计 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C 、D 中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Not only could the cultures, histories or customs in different countries be different, but the shopping habits are different. Lets see the shopping in America here. If you arrive 26 America only for a short time

11、, I believe you 27 buy some clothes soon. There is a rule of dressing in the States: Change your clothes every day. For example, in an American college, neither teachers 28 students are often seen in the same clothes for two 3days on end. So you may find 29 necessary to buy more clothes than you hav

12、e here - in China. 30 you are shopping in the States, you will find that prices change a lot from store to store, and they change a lot from time to time. After you stay in America for some time, you will also find that Americans are not so well-off. They often go shopping at sales. They also buy so

13、me used, second-hand things, such as clothing, bed, sofa, or TV - in order to 31 money. But in America it is quite different: 32 of the second-hand things are rather good. In fact, the price in the United States is always very 33 . Advertisements for “ white sale” are often seen in January, as 34 as

14、 in May and June or July. Once or twice every season there will be “garage sales” in the community. There, you can get almost 35 , from a boat to a pair of shoes, at lower prices. 26. A. at B. in C. to D. for 27. A. can B. may C. must D. need to 28. A. and B. but C. or D. nor 29. A. it B. that C. wh

15、at D. how30. A. Before B. After C. While D. During31. A. save B. spend C. get D. cost 32. A. Few B. Much C. Most D. All33. A. low B. high C. dear D. common 34. A. good B. well C. soon D. often 35. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing 三阅读理解(30 分)ANowadays, computer games are becoming more and m


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