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1、 Procedure 程序 Issue 版本 1QF-QA-026/01DOC No:. 文件號:FQP-DOC01 P ages 1 of 12TITLE: Control of Document and Data標題: 文件和資料管制 Revision History更改记录Issue版本Page#页码Rev版次CHANGE更改內容WRITTEN BY编写DATE日期Review and Approval審查和批准Review x x x x x x x x x x x Signature / DateQS Officer:_QC Sup:_QE Sup: _QA Mgr&MR:_Prog

2、ram Director: _PM: _Store Mgr:_Purchasing Mgr:_PMC Sup:_Shipping Sup:_Facility Mgr: _Review x x x x x x x x x Signature / DateFacility Engineering Mgr:_ME Mgr:_1st process Mgr:_2nd Process Mgr:_PPC Mgr: _Tooling Repair & Maintenance Mgr:_HR Mgr: _ADM Mgr:_MIS Mgr:_ APP x Signature / DatePlant. Manag

3、er:_ Procedure 程序 Issue 版本 : 1 Confidential & Proprietary Information of ZJKC QF-QA-027/01TITLE: Control of Document and Data標題: 文件和資料管制 DOC No. Rev文件號:FQP-DOC01 版次: APages 2 of 12Checked by DCC / Date: 文控審核/日期:Effective date Expiry date文件生效日期: _ 文件失效日期: _Confidential & Proprietary Information of ZJ

4、KC. 1.0 目的 Purpose:對品質保証系統和环境管理系统(包括 Green Partner)文件及与之有關的資料規定控制方法,旨在确保使用有效版本,防止使用失效或作廢文件,确保其系統有效運作。Provide a guide for the effective operation of quality system and environment system (including Green Partner) and ensure using valid version and avoid invalid or useless document being used.2.0 範圍 S

5、cope:所有品質系統、环境系统(包括 Green Partner)文件及与之相關的資料的控制。 Control of all the quality system and environment system (including Green Partner) and its relevant documents3.0 定义 Definitions:3.1 DCC:是文件控制中心的英文缩写。DCC is the short form of Document Control Center.3.2 书面文件 Hardcopy: 从计算机输出资料打印在纸张上的文件。Documents printe

6、d or copied on paper from the PC.3.3 受控文件 Controlled Document:受更改和分发控制,并盖有 DCC 红色“红印有效 控制文件”印章的书面文件,文控中心会自动以旧换新。The document is stamped with red “DOC CONTROL RED CHOP VALID” seal. DCC will replace the obsolete document with the update revision automatically. 3.4 参考文件 Reference Document: DCC 盖有兰色“参考文

7、件”印章的文件,文件中心不会回收及进行更新。The document is stamped with blue “FOR REFERENCE ONLY” seal. DCC wont recall the obsolete reference document and distribute the update revision.3.5 作废文件 Obsolete Documents: 不适合使用的文件,可能被新文件所替换,或者是已失效。Documents that is not valid to use as they are either replaced with a new revis

8、ion or expired. 3.6 GP: Sony 绿色伙伴的简称 GP is the short form of Green Partner.3.7 内部文件:3.8 外部文件:4.0 职责 Responsibility:4.1 编写者应使用正确的文件格式并按照本文件的要求排版,并将文件档和电子档一起交由文件控制中心。Originator of procedure is to properly fill up procedure using correct forms and typed neatly according to this FOP and submit the hard

9、copy together with softcopy to Document Control Center.4.2 文件控制中心文件管理员 Document Control Center clerk:4.2.1 负责文件的接收、复制、分发、维护和及时更新文件目录总清单。Is responsible to receive, duplicate, distribute, maintain and update master list in time.4.2.2 根据要求分发文件编号,并登记文件标题。Issue related DOC No. upon request and register t

10、itle.4.2.3 检查文件的批准是否齐全及格式是否符合要求。Check completion of signature loop and whether the document format meet document control procedure. Procedure 程序 Issue 版本 : 1 Confidential & Proprietary Information of ZJKC QF-QA-027/01TITLE: Control of Document and Data標題: 文件和資料管制 DOC No. Rev文件號:FQP-DOC01 版次: APages

11、3 of 124.3 所有部门经理 All department manager/head4.3.1 在 3 个工作日内审阅文件并批复。Review related documents before signoff within 3 working days;4.3.2 在本人缺席的情况下,应指定代理人执行此项工作,帮助审阅并批复。During absence of any department head, he/she must appoint his/her agent to review and sign procedure on his/her behalf;4.3.3 当文件不再适用

12、时,应主动召集更改相关文件。Initiate changes on procedure that are outdated.4.3.4 新程序生效后或程序更新后,若需培训,则培训本部门人员,并将培训记录送培训部归档。After a new procedure enters into effect or an old procedure is modified/amended/revised/updated, if training is necessary, then trains all personnel belonging to his/her own department and complete the training record and send the training record to Training Department for filing.4.4 生产主管 Production Supervisor 4.4.1 负责将所有作业指导书摆放在所使用位置并确保文件的执行。 Is responsible to


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