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1、1中考复习专项 根据首字母填词 -根据首字母填词这种题型应该说是中考英语试卷中的能力题,拔高题。一般来说,要做好这类题,必须在平时打好坚实的语言基础,全面掌握所学词汇的拼写及应用,还要有良好的语感。此外,了解和掌握正确的解题方法和技巧也十分重要。 (以下几点,仅供参考)首先要通读全文,了解文章大意。在初步阅读中,可以跳过空格,尽量捕捉文章所提供的内容信息,以及语法结构方面的提示,做到中心大意心中有数。其次,在具体答题时,要顺藤摸瓜,先易后难。在理清文章的基本脉络后,依靠自己对句子结构、词语搭配的了解,对空格中需要填的词进行推断。同时还要注意所填词的正确形式,如果填的是名词,要考虑到单复数问题;


3、1995,Oseola McCarty gave $150,000 to the university of Southern Mississippi.She wanted to help p_1_students. Her friends and neighbours were s_2_when they heard the news. McCarty was a good woman and was always friendly and helpful. Everyone in her town knew that she was not r_3_. In fact she was po

4、or.How did a poor 86-year-old woman have so m_4_money? Oseola McCarty was born in 1908. She had to l_5_school when she was eight years old to help her family . Her job was washing clothes. She got only a few dollars a day. she washed the clothes by hand. Then she h_6_the clothes to dry. She did this

5、 for nearly 80 years. McCarty never m_7_and she no children. Her life was very simple. She went to work to church. She had a black-and white television,but she did not atch it very often.Oseola McCarty s_8_money all her life and had about $250,000. At the a_9_of 86,she left money to the church ,the

6、university and her r_10_. She just wanted to help others. She was a shy woman, but she became famous. 3通读全文后,应知这篇文章主要讲述一位老人(洗衣工人)平时省吃俭用,积攒了一笔钱,在她去世前她把她的生平积蓄都捐给了他人。1 poor.她把钱捐给大学主要来帮助那些贫困的大学生。2 surprised.朋友和邻居对此事应感到惊讶(因为她只是个洗衣工,不应该有那么多的钱。3 rich.从表面来看她只是个洗衣工,应该没多少钱,至少不富裕。4 much.很多的钱,money 不可数,故只能用 muc

7、h.5 leave 因为贫穷,她只好离开学校(辍学) ,这儿不能用过去式,因为是在不定式 后。6 hung.读后应知道她在洗完衣服后,把衣服挂起来晾干(晒干)这儿要用 hang 的过去式 hung,不能用 hanged(上吊,绞死)7 married 因为她没有小孩,应推测她终生未婚,这儿要用marry 的过去式。8 saved 她靠平时的省吃俭用积攒了那么多的钱。这儿要用save 的过去式。9 在多少岁时用 at the age of10. relatives 她把钱捐给了教堂,大学,还把一部分给了她的亲戚。 (她虽没有小孩,但是她应有一些亲戚。 )这儿要用复数。4下面提供几篇文章让大家来练

8、习一下(A)One morning,it was already a quarter to eight when I got up. I was a_1_that I would be late ,so I put on my clothes hurriedly, and left w_2_breakfast. There were so many people at the bus stop that it was not e_3_to catch a bus. Five minutes had passed, I still couldnt get on one. The only thi

9、ng left for me to do was to w_4_.I rushed through the crowd and towards my school. S_5_I met an old woman ,and she fell down. Without an apology(道歉) , I left her and went on my way.That evening, when I was back from school, I learned that the old woman was b_6_hurt in the leg from the fall. She was

10、sent to a hospital after I left. I felt very s_7_and nearly cried. The only way for me to ask her pardon was to pay her a visit.The next day, I went to the hospital. At first I t_8_that she would giving me a solding(责备), but she didnt. I began to c_9_ . she stroked my hand and said with warmth,“ Nev

11、er mind,my girl, I knew you didnt want to hurt me, did you? Dont worry, I will get better soon.”I was too t_10_ to her, and promised not to do such a thing again.(B)Many people who live in cities say that they dislike city life. They say 5the city that they l_1_in is noisy,dirty and crowded. They ar

12、e tired of the traffic, the pollution in the a_2_and the rubbish in the streets.But not m_3_people living in cities are happy when they have to s_4_in the country for two or three weeks. They e_5_the quiet, clean air and the beautiful healthy surroundings(周围的事物), but they m_6_the stores and restaura

13、nts, the theaters, the crowds and the excitements of the city.People who live in the country on the hand enjoy v_7_the city for a day or an evening, to do some s_8_or go to the theater or a concert. But they often f_9_the city a rather frightening place and are usually happy to get back to their qui

14、et, unexciting l_10_in the country.(C)If you get s_1_today, you will not have much trouble sending f_2_a doctor or being sent to a hospital. In the early 1900s,this was not the case. Sometimes doctors had to travel many miles to h_3_their patients. There were f_4_telephones or automobiles.(汽车) This

15、often caused a delay of hours before the doctors even k_5_they needed.Doctor Morris of Nebraska solved this problem. He used homing pigeons.(鸽子) A homing pigeon is a bird t_6_always flies 6home when released(释放), Doctor Morris would leave one of his pigeons w_7_he was visiting a patient. If the patient needed f_8_help, instructions were to t_9_a note to the pigeons leg and let it go. The pigeon would quickly fly to the d_10_home. Help would soon be on its way.(D)Reading books is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons.First, reading books is f_1_. You can always keep yourself amu


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