交通运输 专业英语 复习重点

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《交通运输 专业英语 复习重点》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《交通运输 专业英语 复习重点(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1. conventional lines: 常规线路2. Bulk Unit Train: 整车单元列车3. robustness: 稳定性4. departure and arrival panels: 到发信息板5. Yield Management: 收益管理6. Left luggage offices: 寄存处7. carrying capacity:承载能力8. speed limit:限速9. withdrawal:撤销10. distribution:分配11. less than container load:拼箱货12. artery traffic:交通干线13. tr

2、ansfer transportation:中转运输14. returned logistics:回收物流15. distribution processing:流通加工16. information offices:问讯处17. Four West-East lines:“四横”线路18. automatic warehouse:自动化仓库19. combined transportation:联合运输20. supply logistics:供应物流21. invoice:发票22. traffic regulation:交通规则23. signalized intersection:信号

3、交叉口24. driving without license:无证驾驶25. package/packing:包装1. container freight station:集装箱货运站2. rail market share:铁路市场份额3. Mixed Carload:零担货物列车4. overbooking:超量预订5. distribution mix:分配渠道组合6. exchange:换票7. pallet:托盘8. laden weight:载重9. full container load:整箱货10. one way only:单行道11. car-droved vans:送货汽

4、车12. production logistics:生产物流13. classic lines:既有线14. service points:服务点15. Four North-South lines:“四纵”线路16. refund:退还17. place an order:订货18. parking off-street:街外停车19. door to door:门到门20. careless driving:不小心驾驶21. timetabling:时刻表22. delivery order:交货单23. bonded warehouse:保税仓库24. order picking:拣选1

5、. The policeman wanted to make an exception when he caught his wife speeding.:当这名警察抓住他的妻子超速时,他想破例放她走。2. For Day-services Journey time is in the range of 1h30/4h00. :一天的旅程时间服务范围在 1 小时 30 分到 4 小时之间。3. Exchange and refund possibility with all HS operators, but with conditions linked to the type of tick

6、et, payment. :换票和退票,所有的高铁和营运商都允许,但根据票种和付款方式的不同,退换票的条件也不同。4. Changes in transportation have played a mixed role in the development of the logistics field. :运输的变化对物流领域起着混合作用。5. This offer is to be withdrawn if it is not accepted within two mouths.:如果贵公司没有在两个月内接受这个报价,本公司会将其撤销。6. Express service is serv

7、ice that does not attempt to service all land areas through which it passes, but offers faster speeds to a selected of stops spaced more widely apart. :快速交通并非要为沿途所有地区服务,而是为所选择的一些间隔较大的车站提供快速服务。7. Japan has an abiding interest in developing ITS to resolve its traffic congestion and other transportatio

8、n problems. :日本为了解决其交通拥堵和其他运输问题对于发展智能交通系统很有兴趣。8. If certain links become overloaded as a result of assignments the model may use capacity-restraint procedures to limit the volumes, usually by increasing link travel times or reassigning subsequent trips to alternative paths. :如果某些线路由于交通分配的结果流量过大,模型会选

9、择“容量控制法” ,通过增加路段出行时间或重新分配相关出行到备选路径上来限制流量。9. The significance of our transportation system touches all aspects of our life, the location of transportation facilities has effects on the surrounding communities. :交通系统的重要性已经涉及到我们生活的各个方面,交通设施的位置也对我们的周边产生了影响。10. Logistics has defined as “that part of the

10、supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption in order to meet customer requirements. :物流被定义为“作为供应管理生产的一部分,为了迎合客户的需求,面对货物,服务和相关信息从产地到消费地高效率,低成本的流动和储存而进行的规划,实

11、施与控制的过程。 ”11. Light goods vehicles for the purpose of speed limits are vehicles up to and including 7.5 tones maximum laden weight. :轻型货车速度限制目的是包括 7.5 吨最大负载重量的车辆。12. Regulatory signs provide messages that must be obeyed, such as stop, give way, banned turns, compulsory turns, no entry, one-way stree

12、ts, prohibited vehicles types, weight and width restrictions, waiting and loading restrictions, speed restrictions, etc. :禁令标志提供一些必须遵守的信息,例如停车,让路,禁止转弯,强制转弯,禁入,单行线,车种限制,车中和车宽限制,停留及装载限制以及速度限制。13. The minimum sight distance available on a roadway should be sufficiently long to enable a vehicle travelin

13、g at or near the design speed to stop before reaching a stationary object in its path. :道路上应有的最小视距应该足以使那些等于或接近于设计速度行驶的车辆能在到达行驶路线上的障碍物之前停下来。14. We suggest that you take advantage of this seasonal demand place an order with us. :趁着季节大量需求的优势,本公司提议贵公司尽快发货。15. The police stopped Mike for speeding but let

14、 him off with a caution. :警察因超速行驶截住了麦克,并且给了他一个警告。16. Traffic control systems have been in use in Japan for some time to tackle the problems associated with heavy traffic flow. :在日本交通控制系统的使用已经花了一些时间来解决交通拥挤等相关一系列问题。17. Running classic trains on high seed lines relies in case-by-case studies. :既有列车在高速线

15、路上行驶要根据不同的方案研究。18. Logistics is referred as the most neglected and most promising business area! :物流被称为最被忽视的最有前途的商业区。19. We will withdraw this offer if we do not receive your acceptance by March10 :如果在 3 月 10 日前未能收到贵公司的回复,本公司将取消这个报价。1. CRH:和谐号 Chinese High-speed Railway2. PDL:客运专线 Passenger Dedicate

16、d lines3. DSS:决策支持系统 Decision Support Systems4. EDI:电子收费系统 Flexible Manufacture System5. JIT:准时制 Just In Time6. ECR:有效客户反应 Efficient Consumer Response7. ITS:智能交通系统 Intelligent Transportation System8. AS:自动仓储系统 Automatic Storage9. COFC:驼背运输10. S/O:装货单 Shipping/Order11. ERP:企业资源计划 Enterprise Resource Planning12. CRM:客户关系管理 Customer Relationship Management13. EOS:电子订货系统 Electronic Order System14. B/L:提单 Bill of loading15. EDL: 电子差速锁 Electron Device Letters



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