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1、关于古典占星中的时主 2010-09-26 07:44:49| 分类: 【 资料】古典 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 古罗马与古希腊的占星家们大多数使用着一种特殊的推运系统DASA。其中有一个概念“时主”也就是 chronocrator 是被经常使用与这种推运中来论断某些事件发生的性质以及区域,以及人生运势所发展的阶段。这种推运系统与现存西方的推运系统是完全不同的。这一用法在我目前所阅读的书中应该有详细的介绍。目前我们所能了解到的有关于时主的概念以及应用都是来自 firmicus maternus 的书中。古罗马以及古埃及的占星术中只包含七颗星体,并不包括 rahu 以及 kethu(在印度

2、占星学中包含了)在人生的运程之中,每颗星体都有其主宰的阶段。比如月亮在金牛座,水星在巨蟹座,金星在狮子座,那么月亮便是大运的起始,接下来则是水星运,金星运,以此类推。根据mathesis一书中所提到的,第一阶段大运的起始都是从日月开始计算。日生盘起始运势为太阳,夜生盘则相对应的为月亮。不过根据过往的经验来看,似乎所有的运势七点都应该按照月亮来进行推算。当然这可能是进一步的研究了。每个星体的运势都会维持 10 年又 9 个月,也就是 129 个月的时长。每个大运又被划分成七个小的运势,其分配方式如下:太阳:19 个月月亮:25 个月火星:15 个月水星:20 个月木星:12 个月金星:8 个月土

3、星:30 个月在十年一期间的大运中又划分出的阶段性运势,其顺序和主体大运的顺序是保持一致的。但是每一阶段小运起始主宰星都是这阶段大运的主宰星体。比如月亮大运划分为七个小运阶段,则第一阶段的运势主宰星必定为月亮,之后的运势顺序和大运的顺序保持一致。关于主要大运的预测根据 mathesis 这本书提到的,由光体所主宰的运势一般来说都不是太好啊。如果此时的月亮为盈月,或者任何光体与火星土星产生相位,会带来更不好的影响,但是吉星的影响会减少这种不利的因素。总体上来说一个原则,遇凶则凶,遇吉则化凶。判断各个阶段运势中事业,爱情,婚姻的影响,可以联系星体落入的宫位以及交角来做判定。太阳大运通常会带来疾病,



6、困难、挫折一个接一个,经常面对失败的现实。这段期间可能会因为死亡或者分立,失去身边亲近的家人或者朋友。假如本命中土星象征着什么不好的事宜或者某些方面的损失,则这段期间这种不好的影响会更加明显。小运期间SUN - SUN没什么好的事情发生,倒是很多麻烦出现。SUN - MOON生活显得杂乱无章一团乱。以前得到的东西很有可能会失去。生活变得很颠簸。SUN - MARS物质财富的损失,与人发生争吵。眼部有疾病。SUN - MERCURY会有频繁的生意事物上的往来,也会带来不错的收益,但是这一切都是依靠之前的努力。SUN - JUPITER由于木星的影响,这段期间的事情显得十分顺利,好运连连,霉运通通

7、扫光。工作顺心,身体健康。是一段非常不错的时期。SUN - VENUSProsperity in most affairs, but certain troubles from the partner. A malevolent concealed mind in the partner both betrays and then covers itself. Therefore quarrels are indicated.SUN - SATURNIn a nocturnal charts there will be pestilence and death, but in diurnal

8、charts it indicates great prosperity.MOON - SUNThis indicates fire and illness with fever.MOON - MOONThis gives a bad prediction or even death if influenced by malefics. If by benefics a moderate increase in possessions after struggle.MOON - MARSThis brings the effect of riots, revolutions and catas

9、trophes.MOON - MERCURYThere will be chills and illness with weakness of the body.MOON - JUPITERIndicates joy, happiness and increase of prosperity. All dangers, fears and illnesses are put to sleep.MOON - VENUSIn diurnal charts this brings sterility, but in nocturnal charts it gives increase in poss

10、essions, especially if the Moon is warning.MOON - SATURNDanger from water or shipwreck.MARS - SUNDisturbs the order of life with dangers, calamities and riots. Illness and pains in the eyes.MARS - MOONThere will be preceding evils and also dangers.MARS - MARSImportant occupation with powerful distur

11、bances. Danger to the activities, especially in a diurnal chart.MARS - MERCURYCertain dangers from written things or loss from forgeries. But often enemies are destroyed in various ways.MARS - JUPITERThis indicates prosperity and makes the affairs turn out well with profit and high position. It heal

12、s sickness, gives rest from suffering, security from anxiety, return for wanderers, end to litigations and abundance for those in need.MARS - VENUSA prosperous time freed from dangers. But some hidden scandal is brought to light from promiscuous intercourse etc. This is made public by the influence

13、of Sun and Mercury, but it will be concealed by Jupiters influence.MARS - SATURNThere will be slow progress in activities and many affairs are hindered.MERCURY - SUNThis period will give loss of inheritance and serious anxieties of the mind.MERCURY - MOONIllness and weakness of body. Also there will

14、 be cold sluggishness of mind.MERCURY - MARSEnemies brings in accusations or litigations.MERCURY - MERCURYAll good things and prosperity are indicated with a fortunate outcome to the activities.MERCURY - JUPITERA quiet time, free from all disturbances, but there are great rewards of praise and happi

15、ness. Especially to those who has no children, if their charts permits.MERCURY - VENUSGood fortune and constant prosperity. Security, tranquillity and profit.MERCURY - SATURNThis indicates calamities like the loss or death of someone; parents, relatives, patrons - and all such persons who are of use

16、 to the native.JUPITER - SUNSome secrets are made public, which brings anxieties and changes the activities in various ways. Things collected are now scattered, and everything is disturbed and confused.JUPITER - MOONA period of tranquillity, increase and protection. Previous pains, fears, misfortunes, griefs and bad luck are now solved, and a civilized time of good fortune approaches, wiping away troubles.JUPITER - MARSThis changes the order of life and occupation, and whateve



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