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1、精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 5万圣节英文主持台词a&b:ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, good afternoon!a: its bright and crisp in autumn.b: weve got lots of great achievements in october.c: we are enthusiastic in october.d: we harvest in october.a: our great motherland is developing quickly.b: w

2、e had too many tests,c: but our school is colorful.d: its a beautiful world.a: and we are happy in life and learning.b: we expressed ourselves in the activities.c: today we also have a big activity-d: the sixth halloween in the xiuwen international academy at zibo.a: halloween is an autumn holiday t

3、hat americans celebrate every year.it means “holly evening”. and its also called “the festival of the dead”. it comes every october1.精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 5b: this festival is not only for praising the autumn, but a real carnival. halloween face makeup is one of the traditions.c: o

4、range is the theme color of halloween.d: pumpkins are a popular image.a: on halloween, everybody dresses up as ghosts in this evening, and visits haunted houses. it is a happy holiday.b: now halloween is always present with children.c: children say “trick or treat” to ask for candy and gifts and dri

5、ve away ghosts.d: its the first time to join in halloween for many children.a: so we will always be excited and surprised at this moment. we hope to be the most remarkable people.b: in this grand event, our schoolmates have made a lot of weird masks and beautiful costumes.c: teachers and parents hav

6、e done a great job for us.d: on behalf of all students, we want to say: 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 5thanks for your hard work!a: look! a teacher dressed up on the stage.b: guess! who is he?c: yes, he is mr. wu! now welcome mr. wu to make a speech! (applaud)d: thank you very much. next,

7、welcome our international teacher greg to make a speech. (applaud)a: our teachers also made beautiful costumes and masks. theyre going to enjoy the special moment with us.b: look! the teachers are coming! if you know them, please shout their names.c: thats a wonderful show! the students are also wea

8、ring their costumes and masks.d: next for each class show.a: everybodys make-up is fantastic! so creative!b: each class performance is so exciting.c: teachers have prepared interesting games for us.d: lets enjoy ourselves in games! have fun!精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 5友谊是心灵的结合。精品文档2016

9、全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 5“一通三防”基础设施标准及实施细则、重点隐患及治理措施 “一通三防”专业基础设施标准及实施细则一、1、通风方面:防火密闭安设反水管、观察孔、孔口设置阀门,阀门能正常使 用, 闭前留设检查箱,以及压差计,砌筑栅栏,悬挂“禁止入内”牌;每周检查一次;工作面进回风顺槽分别设置两组辅助隔爆水棚,设在距巷道口 60200m 范围内,第二组随工作面前移,与工作面的距离保持在 60200m 范围内。每组水量不得少于 200L/m2。并设置管理牌板,内容包括安设地点、安设时间、巷道断 798797987879876655rytyuyuyyiuiu

10、yiuiuyiuuyiyyt6r67面、水棚数量、水棚容量、总水量、长度、责任人、检查时间等。点隐患及治理措,重点隐患:马口煤矿 404盘区 13煤层采空区煤体容易自燃,产生 CO气体,易造成 404盘区 13煤层综采工治理措施:1、对现有综采工作面 840 2、建立地面永久灌浆站,对 404盘区采空区进行灌浆 3、马口煤矿井上色谱仪发生故障,不能正常使用,需要更换;fss zvcdvxdvfsjjksfjsdjfchsdvbsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsds





15、IO%RTYUIRTYUIURTYUIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTYER$%&*TYU*(IIYTUIUYTYUIOUYUIOUYTR&*%$#%$%&*RETYUIUIRERTYUUIERTYTERTYTUIOOUIYTRTTYUUTYTUIUOTYUIOYY法按时付款就发生发了开发商可浪费卡死了发生 发生看来发生了咖啡色爱咖啡就爱上咖啡里萨法罚款了发生了疯狂拉丝机发送反馈就爱上发生看来发生看来开发商阿卡丽薯块沙发是开发商可费劲啊积分卡上来看身份卡时间, 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 ,们,明白 发红包非常不吃饭不吃饭成本腐女吧给你发 谢 谢 阅 读!遇到了像轧钢似的上下坚硬的怪物,差点被压得粉身碎骨;刚躲过一劫又遇到酸雨;后来又钻进了一条又长又窄的迷宫;走出迷宫又钻进死胡同,幸亏及时改变方向;后来又与很臭的东西混在一起;最后在姗姗上厕所时离开了姗姗。请你帮助这和蛋白质的消



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