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1、摘要水泥石是构成井下水泥环的主要材料,属于有先天微观缺陷的脆性材料,其抗拉强度低、抗破裂性能及抗冲击性能差,现有材料中橡胶粉和纤维均能在一定程度上改善水泥石力学性能。本文考察了橡胶粉、无机纤维 CSD66、金属纤维在冷浆或 50状态下灌浆,再在 50水箱中养护 24 小时后水泥石的抗压强度和抗折强度,实验表明在橡胶粉加入水泥浆后,水泥石的抗压和抗折强度有所下降,但是存在最佳加量使得抗压强度减小量最小。纤维材料水泥浆的抗压和抗折强度有所增大,抗折强度存在最佳加量使得抗折强度增加最大,无机纤维和金属纤维抗折强度的最佳加量都是 1.0%,而抗压强度在加量1.0% 后变化不大,增长数率变小。通过抗压和

2、抗折实验确定了橡胶成分与纤维材料的最佳二元复合配比:橡胶粉 3%+无机纤维 1.5%;橡胶粉 3%+金属纤维 1.5%。论文通过实验弄清了橡胶粉和两种纤维材料对水泥石抗压、抗折强度的影响规律,并通过抗压强度和抗折强度实验及脆度系数分析,确定了橡胶粉和无机纤维及金属纤维的最佳配比,相关实验结果为水泥石的力学性能改善提供了实验数据支撑。关键词: 抗压强度;抗折强度;橡胶粉;无机纤维;金属纤维;复合ABSTRACTCement constitutes downhole cement the main material, which is a congenital defect microstruct

3、ure of brittle materials, low tensile strength, Anti - rupture properties and resistance to impact poor, existing materials and fiber rubber powder can improve the mechanical properties of cement in a certain extent.This paper investigates the rubber powder, CSD66 inorganic fibers, metal fibers in c

4、old plasma or 50 C under grouting, then at 50 C water tank conservation 24 hours before measuring the cement compressive strength and flexural strength. Experiments show after rubber powder adding to cement, the cement compressive strength and flexural strength both have dropped. But there is an opt

5、imum amount of volume makes the minimum compressive strength decreased. The compressive and flexural strength of fiber cement has increased, bending strength of the best dosage makes the biggest increase in bending strength, inorganic fiber and metal fiber bending strength of the best dosage is 1.0%

6、. And the compressive strength with more 1.0% fiber has a little change, the growth rate has a few small changes. With compression and bending experiment with a rubber-fiber material in the best binary composite ratio : rubber powder 3% inorganic fibers 1.5%; Rubber powder 3%, metal fibers 1.5%. Pap

7、ers experiment clarified the rubber powder and two pairs of fiber cement compressive and flexural strengths law, and with compressive strength and flexural strength tests and crisp coefficient analysis, determine the rubber powder and inorganic fiber and metal fiber in the best ratio. Experimental r

8、esults provided the experimental data support for improvement the mechanical properties of cement.Keywords:Compressive strength;Flexural strength;Rubber powder;Inorganic fibers; Metal fibers; Composites 目录摘要 .1ABSTRACT.11 绪论 .11.1 研究背景 .11.2 研究意义 .11.3 研究目标、思路及研究内容 .21.3.1 研究目标 .21.3.2 研究思路 .21.3.3

9、研究内容 .22 橡胶粉对水泥石力学性能的影响 .32.1 橡胶粉的选材及应用依据 .32.2 橡胶粉对水泥石抗压强度和抗折强度的影响 .42.2.1 实验结果 .42.2.2 结果分析 .73 纤维材料对水泥石性能的影响 .93.1 纤维水泥应用依据 .93.2 纤维增强及增韧油井水泥作用机制 .103.3 纤维的选取 .103.4 无机纤维 CSD66 对水泥石对抗压强度和抗折强度的影响 .113.4.1 CSD66 简介 .113.4.2 实验结果 .123.4.3 结果分析 .163.5 金属纤维材料对水泥石抗压强度和抗折强度的影响 .163.5.1 金属纤维特征及主要性能 .173.5.2 金属纤维分布和取向及主要影响因素 .183.5.3 实验结果 .183.5.4 结果分析 .



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