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1、1Part one: Venue Reservation 会场预定Vocabulary:conference k nfrns会议 laptop lptp手提电脑 refund rifnd退款 spacious spes宽敞的 substitution sbsttjun置换 wireless wals无线的cable microphone 有线话筒 cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 conference fee 会议费Conference Service Center 会议服务中心 events audiovisual vendor 活动视频服务商guaranteed reservatio

2、n 担保预订 LCD projector 液晶投影机 network access 网络接口 press conference 新闻发布会 seating style 座位安排Dialog: C: Clerk of Conference Service Center 会议服务中心职员S: Mr. Smith 史密斯先生C: Good morning, CDC Hotel, Conference Service Center. Nancy speaking. How may I help you?早上好,CDC 酒店,会议服务中心。我是南希,有什么可以为您效劳?S: This is Eric S

3、mith from UIL Company. Id like to reserve a convention hall in your hotel.我是UIL 公司的艾瑞克史密斯,我想在您的酒店订一间会议室。C: Certainly. What size of conference room do you have in mind?好的。您想要订多大的会议室呢?S: For about 150 people. Were holding a press conference from 5 pm to 7 pm, and a cocktail party from 7 pm to 9:30 pm.

4、大概能容纳 150 人的吧。我们下午 5 点到 7 点要举行一个新闻发布会,然后 7 点到 9:30 打算开个鸡尾酒会。C: For the press conference, which seating style would you prefer?新闻发布会您想要哪种座位安排呢?S: Theatre style, please.剧院式。C: Sure. May I know the time and date, please?好的。请问您想订在哪一天?什么时间?S: Our plan is one Sunday in November. Whats your suggestion?我们的计

5、划是 11 月份的某个星期天。您有什么建议?C: Just a minute, Mr. Smith. Ill check the reservation record. Thank you for waiting, what about in late November? That is, Nov. 16th or 23rd.请稍候,史密斯先生。我来查一下预订记录。 让您久等了,11 月下旬可以吗?就是说,11 月 16 日或 23 日。S: Nov. 23rd, please. What facilities do you offer with the room?11 月 23 日吧。你们的

6、会议室包括什么设施?C: The convention room is equipped with three cable microphones, one LCD projector with projection screen, laptop connection and wireless network access. 包括 3 个有线话筒、一个配有屏幕的液晶投影机,还有手提电脑接口与无线网络。S: Great! That will do. What is the charge of the convention room?好极了,那就够用了。会议室的价格是多少?C: We have t

7、wo convention rooms for your choice. One is 150 at US$ 1,980 per night and the other is 200 at US$ 2,480 per night. The latter is more luxurious and spacious. Which one would you prefer? 我们有两间会议室供您选择:一间是 150 平方米,每晚 1980 美元;另一间是 200 平方米,每晚 2480 美元。后者比较豪华、宽敞。您想要哪一间?S: The latter one, please. Does the

8、rate include the furniture?要后者吧。价格包括家具的租金吗?2C: Yes! Would you like to make a guaranteed reservation with your credit card?包括的。您要不要用信用卡来做担保预订呢?S: Alright. Do you accept American Express?好的,你们接受美国运通卡吗?C: Yes. May I know the number?接受。请问号码是多少S: Its 9934256.C: 9934256. May I have your passport number?99

9、34256.请问您的护照号码是多少?S: A20359.C: A20359. Thank you. Let me repeat your reservation: a conference room for Mr. Eric Smith, at US$ 2,480 per night, on Sunday, Nov. 23rd, from 5 pm to 9: 30 pm. Is that right? A20359,谢谢。我重复一下您的预订:艾瑞克史密斯先生订的会议室,每晚 2480 美元,时间是 11 月 23日星期天,下午 5 点至 9:30.是这样吗?S: Yes.是的。C: My n

10、ame is Nancy Stone. Please just call me if there is anything I can help. Thankyou for calling and we look forward to serving you. 我的名字是南希 史东。如果有什么我能效劳的,请告诉我。感谢您的来电,我们期待为您服务。常用句型:Useful Drills一、确认会场的需求信息1. Do you have one convention room for 20 persons? 我 想 订 一 间 可 以 容 纳 20 个 人 的 会 议 室 , 行吗?2. What s

11、ize of conference room do you have in mind? 您想要订多大的会议室?3. Just a minute, Ill check the reservation record. 请 稍 候 , 我 查 一 下 预 订 记 录 。 4. Which seating style would you prefer? 您想如何安排座位?/您 的 会 议 室 要 哪 种 布 置 格 局 ?5. For classroom style, its capacity can be 200 persons. 如果是课堂式格局,它 可 以 容 纳 200 人 。6. For c

12、ocktail reception style, it can only hold 100 persons. 如 果 是 鸡 尾 酒 会 的 格 局 , 它 只 能 容 纳 100 人。7. It is equipped with wireless broadband/cable microphones/LCD projector/laptop connection/rostrum/ 它 装 备 有 无 线 宽 带 /有 线 麦 克 风 /液 晶 投 影 机 /手 提 接 入 /演 讲 台 /8. If you need more audiovisual equipment, you may

13、order from our events audiovisual vendor.如果 您 还 需 要 其 他 的 视 听 设 备 , 可 以 从 我 们 的 活 动 视 频 服 务 商 那 里 预 订 。二 、 报 价 、 付 款 及 退 款 协 议1. What is the charge?费 用 是 多 少 ?2. The charge/rate is费用是3. What facilities do you offer with the room? /What else come with the room?这间房还有什么设施?4. Does the rate include the f

14、urniture/drinking water/power supply/labor/?这个费用包括家具/饮用水/电费/人工薪酬/吗?5. The rate/charge includes,but excludes费用包括,但不包括36. Conference fees include documentation, lunch and refreshments where applicable.会议费用包括文件资料费、午餐与茶点费。7. The conference dinner fee includes a champagne reception, wine with the meal, p

15、ort and liqueurs, and after dinner entertainment.会议晚宴餐费包括香槟酒会、配餐酒、波尔多红酒与利口酒,以及晚宴后的娱乐活动。8. Refunds can no longer be given for cancelled conference, exhibition or conference dinner tickets. However, substitutions may be made at any time by contacting the Conference & Exhibition Department.若取消会议、展览及会议餐

16、票,将不予退款,但可置换。相关事宜请联系会议及展览部。9. We need a deposit of 50% at the time of reservation. The remaining 50% will be collected by the date of the event.预订的时候我们需要收取您 50%的订金,其余的 50%将在活动当日收取。10. If we cant accept the reservation, we will refund your deposit within 5 working days. 如果我们无法接受您的预订,我们将在 5 个工作日内退还您的押金。三、确认预订1. I cant decide now. Can you fax me the floor plan with more detailed de


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