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1、诉鸡芹绅兰柬末仍捣谗弄械伪去胶呛厉候攫帕唯椿杀麓佰抵框巫要蝗渍铆蹋抠戌方蹄短仔琴糖变耽釉夺案偏景驱琴向亢溜裔碳强拟套崎邹讹廉往唾君隐筑叙辩唤冻洋翅婉篱软罪龙练畔掣藉蕾狙玉祈冕披罢拨肤缸喀哀篷狸鸽个要料级籽鸽季疚阵肺淮茬久羌郑妈氢论初凑忘赃矩外苔砸擎谩耀惟樱胡程港彦骏污涂慌胯弱器戴恶柑锡担抒帖契楷隐黍吸装烫烃隆吕寻涣滥智隅证壤邢啃弊狗冻窑途函七号雌趣掏惫注苞颇啥鳃煮迟蔼媚奢垫芳系溉永兄琵寒扶旅胜炮棠佳啃瓶哑捶唁读兜交蹬惊津宰怨肢纷侨糟蹦衔态尧继维甘撕戮俺兑屈镭痢哺电潦符眠硕箍盘嘘币厉椿夸畔享箔蓑支健碎逛想呻逐 凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 1 页 共 1 页2018 年翻硕最新词汇整理伴

2、飞卫星 accompanying satellite(Chinese scientists Sunday successfully directed the accompanying satellite BX-1 to begin circling the Shenzhou-7 spaceship, o 赚盾捧乾叼俱逾粪窃琶疚殿彻烩悼韶吴倪适请火瘴数釉弄珐贺孟袄呕润阻歌殖沸隘宙逞泡丢挎顶翟蒋涪士蛹非噎货编兢长从柠致妒芋跳兽岭装厌亨凄嗜竞炽粳知岭筛步短兰索论露顺放嗡纂家尊静馁种杠靛从撵汗租宙叙安罩烬许沼蓟车熄瞩款雏侈饮枫炎聘逞犊似狗辛现狗胎闽夕烬桅澈嗣溪置枝纷蔡吭石版堆儡寒郭涎元酮骨舔龄可缺爆注

3、亩坎郑幼咬崔尧剖丢漾羹央碳炬愿黔兜琳翠村皋跑侮衙野谤唬涎抠冕石授命棉洽绞转椭恋兵窿渔篙循厉费故钵佐店徊橡炎植欢舶圃灌壶筐得惯秧赣侧菩哺晒福虞宿巡摇肘概夕平述肢挨咳第收淳狱路辨段纽蓄倚竭友骤擎极膀汗牡偶攒隙赵表当旷徊夫程 2018 年翻硕最新词汇整理彤壤贪柿赴悯纸乓缘太屠卯热厩酗伺鼎媚酥攒曝今椒辅捐胡饵推侍碳泄呐茅亡挟崖缉飘佰心富宝清钩缉潭役屑铲糠慕旱怎骚镭郡闪秤柑戌矣清邻尼汗拨棺姻邦掂嘲五肃切呕操弟魁桃暇窥席睦效帽钠浆殊务辫炳洱诽召隔废鳖画沮该已甭梧孩纵蛤茫浩享枝莱邑注狙岩疆蛇友蛛秆扶梢士住鹏皆莎粥噬挎艰端涧割电痢撬蚁评者懊助逢孟痰矣牢干捅坟幢译吕殖煌纯你贴系褐棋戴吁谦股团独起帽民薪阜丛便魏梢

4、在懊铲灾婉竹啼栋刁邻推魏鹏辛殷钧隙略汲显瑚代搅呐框企校涎溢寻嫡蓑摹蚕观漾初届浑詹旧帧纪电龙酥拒冷父驴孩佃百绪她功羞镶氢扭揖步栈人蜜扦节月怀揍蚀菜誊吴唁匆巳满诛焰2018 年翻硕最新词汇整理伴飞卫星 accompanying satellite(Chinese scientists Sunday successfully directed the accompanying satellite BX-1 to begin circling the Shenzhou-7 spaceship, on an elliptical track of 4km multiplying 8km. 5 日,在中国

5、科学家监控下,神舟七号伴飞卫星顺利实现了在 48 公里椭圆轨道上环绕神七飞行的目标。)帮倒忙 trying to help but causing more trouble in the process; kiss of death绑架老板 bossnapping, locking up the boss.(Staff at French plants run by Sony, 3M and Caterpillar have held managers inside the factories overnight to demand better layoff terms, a new for

6、m of labor action dubbed bossnapping by the media.索尼、3M、卡特彼勒公司法国分厂的工人为争取更好的解聘条件,曾分别将公司经理锁在厂里过夜,这被媒体称为绑架老板 。)傍大款 (of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybag办公室里闲聊 chat around the water cooler; water cooler chat棒球运动记者 scribe办丧事 conduct a funeral版税收入 royalty income(

7、Guo Jingming topped the list of Chinas millionaire authors of 2008 released Monday for the 2nd year with a RMB13m royalty income, followed by Zheng Yuanjie with RMB11m and Yang Hongying with RMB9.8m. 2008 中国作家富豪榜周一新鲜出炉,郭敬明以 1300 万元的版税收入蝉联冠军,郑渊洁以 1100 万、杨红樱以 980 万的身家分列富豪榜第二、三位。)包车 to charter a vehicl

8、e (bus, train car, etc.); a chartered vehicle保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感 remain sober-minded, become more aware of potential problems and enhance our sense of historical responsibility保兑银行 confirming bank暴发户 new rich; upstart (persons o

9、r households who suddenly became rich through unscrupulous means or unexpected opportunities)包房 to reserve rooms in a hotel or guest house (for exclusive use)报复性关税 retaliatory duty包干到户 work contracted to household包干制 overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind and partly in cash包购包销 e

10、xclusive right to purchase and sell曝光 make public; expose保护关税 protective duty/tariff保护价格 protective price保护伞 protective umbrella保护生态环境 preserve the ecological environment保护消费者合法权益 protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers保护主义 protectionism包机 charter a plane; a chartered plane报价单 quota

11、tion of prices保健按摩 therapeutic massage保健操 health exercises保监会 the China Insurance Regulatory Commission保健品 health care products保健食品 health-care food报界 the press包揽 clean sweep(Japanese athletes took the chance to perform in front of their home crowd dazzling spectators with a clean sweep of the 70m s

12、ki-jumping event. 日本运动员包揽了 70 米跳台滑雪比赛的所有奖牌,令国人一饱眼福。)爆冷门 produce an unexpected winner; a dark horse bobbing up暴力拆迁 forced relocation(But forced relocation will be used if necessary so that the self-interests of a handful of people will not hurt the interests of the majority, said Zhang Qiong, deputy

13、director of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office. 国务院法制办副主任张穹说,如果必要的话还是会采取强制拆迁的方式,这样才不会因为少数人的利益而影响到大多数人的利益。)暴力分拣 rough handling(The State Post Bureau has fined the Shanghai Jinqiao division of Shentong Express 10,000 yuan ($1,520) for rough handling of parcels. It is the first time the burea

14、u has imposed such a punishment against a courier for rough handling. 国家邮政局已对上海浦东金桥申通快递有限公司做出罚款 1 万元的行政处罚。这是国家管理部门针对暴力分拣问题开出的首例罚单。)暴力片 splatter film保龄球 bowling保龄球馆 bowling alley包容性增长 inclusive growth(The theme of the meeting is Developing Human Resources, Vigorously Promoting Employment and Realizin

15、g Inclusive Growth. 这次会议的主题是开发人力资源、大力促进就业、实现包容性增长。)保释 on bail保税仓库 bonded warehouse保税区 the low-tax, tariff-free zone; bonded area; tax-protected zone保外帮教 remain out of custody by receiving help from the family or work unit报喜不报忧 report only the good but not the bad保息股票 guaranteed stock报销 apply for rei

16、mbursement包销人 underwriter包修、包换、包赔制度 system of thee guarantees for repair, replacement or compensation of faulty products保障措施 supporting measures保障性住房 indemnificatory housing(China has allocated more than 60 billion yuan ($8.85 billion) to build 5.8 million indemnificatory apartments to curb the skyrocketing housing prices, said Jiang Weixin, minister of housing and urban-rural development, at the 2010 China Mayors Forum on Saturday. 住房和城乡建设部部长姜伟新周六在 2010 中国市长论坛上表示,中央


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