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1、1高考英语短文改错解题指导教学设计及反思一 教学设计的背景随着新课程改革的深入,新的高中英语新课程标准的颁布,各地高考英语试题的变革也势在必行。为与新教材,新课标接轨,在继承历年命题传统的基础上,力求命题符合高中英语教学实际,试卷在内容和形式上进行了创新和发展,设置了新的题型。其中的能力指向是考查考生的语言能力,这体现了新课改的要求和方向。 二 教学内容分析短文改错主要测试考生发现、判断、纠正文章中错误的能力,进而考查他们用词、词的拼写与搭配、词法、句法及语篇中的行文逻辑等方面的水平。对短文改错的解题指导应让学生了解命题特点、考查内容、设题类型、分项训练入手,进而到最后的语篇训练,层层递进,解

2、决学生的困惑,突破学习的盲点,最终提高解题能力。三 学习者分析学生的语言基础薄弱,对基本词汇的词性功能、句法结构、语法运用都存在很大的漏洞。学生对错误的发现、判断、纠正能力比较欠缺,造成短文改错的得分率很低。但学生的学习积极性很高,渴望提高解题能力。急需老师对短文改错的答题方法进行详细的指导。四 教学重难点1. 指导学生把握不同词性的词,包括实词和虚词的常见错误形式。2. 学会分析句与句、行与行之间的逻辑关系。3. 学会运用短文改错口诀解题和检测答案。五 教学目标知识目标:学生能掌握不同词性的词,包括实词和虚词的常见错误形式,能掌握分析句与句、行与行之间的逻辑关系。能力目标:能灵活运用口诀答题

3、。能在语篇改错中提高正确率。六 教学策略与情感、态度与价值观采用自主学习策略,合作与交流策略和阅读策略。运用直观手段-视频调动学生学习的积极性,帮助学生理解和掌握短文改错的答题方法和诀窍。七教学设计Step1. Lead-in2考点年份名词 动词 形&副 非谓语 代词 冠词 介词 连词2010 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2011 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2012 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2013 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2014 1 1 4 1 2 1 2015 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 T: The table shows the main test points o

4、f proofread during the last six years. We can find it covers a wide range of different parts of speech. And the test points of each year are nearly equally distributed. (教师展示 2010-2011 年全国新课标(I 卷)短文改错的测试内容统计,并进行分析。)Step2 Analysis of setting1. Discussion: What does proofreading mainly test?(学生讨论短文改错主

5、要考什么,老师进而引导学生明确答题时要考虑的 3 个方面。 )T:Proofreading mainly test morphology, syntax and logic. Morphology refers to the usages of words of parts of speech, and syntax refers to the usages of simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences. Logic is the logical relationship between sentences, eve

6、n between lines. So if we want to improve the skills of proofreading , we should master these three aspect step by step.2. Question: What are the types of errors?T: There are three types of errors. What are they?S: Wrong word, missing word, unnecessary word. T: Wrong words are usually notional word,

7、 that is, noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun and numeral. But missing word and unnecessary word are function word, that is article, preposition and conjunction. Also, during 2012-2015, the rate of setting is 8:1:1.(提醒学生错词一般是实词,而缺词和多词一般是虚词。常见的错误设置比例是 8:1:1)Step3 分项训练:T: So lets focus on the commo

8、n mistakes of notional word and function word.(通过单句改错训练,让学生归纳常见错误,最后教师总结 )1.名词 (noun)31) He was tall with broad shoulder and a beard . (2013 全国 I) 2)In that clothes shop only mans clothes are sold. 3) The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. (2015 全国 I) (Answers: 1. shoulder 改成 shoulde

9、rs 2. mans 改成 mens 3. airs 改成 air )S1:第一题的错误是没分清名词单复数形式,所以我们要特别注意名词的“数”S2:第二题错误是名词所有歌形式错误。S3:第三题错误是不可数名词误用复数。T: So the common mistakes of nouns lie in misusing the singular form and plurality form, misusing the possessive case if nouns and the forms of uncountable nouns.The common uncountable nouns

10、: information, equipment, news, time, money, advice, furniture, progress, fun.2. 动词 (verb)1) I was only four when she passes away.(2013 全国 I ) 2) He said the bike outside my house was belonged to Tom.3) Dont be panic or get out of line , and trying to remain quiet and calm.(2014 四川卷) 4) As is known

11、to us all, remembering English words are not easy.(Answers: 1. Passes 改成 passed. 2. 去掉 was. 3. Trying 改成 try. 4. are 改成 is)S1:第一题的错误是动词时态错误S2:第二题错误是动词语态错误, belong to 没有被动语态。S3:第三题错误是主谓不一致。T:So the common mistakes of verbsoften focus on the tenses and voices of verbs, the forms of words before and af

12、ter and are not the same, the verb disagrees with its subject in person and number.3. 形容词或副词 (adjective or adverb)1) I was beginning to get impatiently. (2013 陕西) 2) There are new-built houses along the bank of the river.3) My mother makes the better biscuits in the world, so . (2015 陕西) (Answers: 1

13、. Impatiently 改成 impatient. 2. new-built 改成 newly-built. 3. better 改成 best)S1:第一题的错误是系动词 get 后必须跟形容词而不是副词。S2:第二题错误动词 built 必须用副词 newly 来修饰。S3:第三题错误是形容词比较等级错误句中出现 in the word 应用最高级 。4T:So the common mistakes of adj. and adv often focus on misusing adj and adv, misusing the comparative degree and supe

14、rlative degree. 4. 非谓语动词 (nonfinite verb)1) Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner. (2013 全国 II) 2) I want to thank you again for have in your home for .3) Felt hungry, we built a fire and barbecued the fish.(2013 陕西)4) My parents will do all they can make sure .(A

15、nswers: 1. have 改成 having. 2. have 改成 having . 3. Felt 改成 feeling. 4. Can 后补上 to. )S1:第一题的错误是动词不能充当主语,必须用动名词当主语。S2:第二题错误是介词后跟 doing.S3:第三题错误是 feel 与逻辑主语 we 之间是主动关系,必须用 Feeling.S4: 第四题的错误是 do all they can 相当于 do ones best,后需跟 to do.T:So the common mistakes of nonfinite word are that the form of gerun

16、d as subjective or objective is mistaken, the misusing of the present participle and the past participle.5. 冠词 (article)1) , but I miss my home in countryside.(2015 全国 I) 2) To keep the balance of the nature, China built a “Great Green Wall”. 3) Besides, Cleo tends to bark a average of six hours a day. (2015 浙江) 4) My teacher advised me to keep my diary. (Answers: 1. countryside 前补上 the. 2. 去掉 nature 前的 the. 3. 把 a


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