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1、I摘 要随着互联网的不断发展和个人计算机的普及,网上购物已经成为一种时尚。人们可以通过网络选择更多的商品。网上鲜花销售使消费者可以足不出户就能购买到自己满意的鲜花,而且不受时间和地域的限制。网上鲜花销售管理系统也就成为销售商和消费者之间联系的通道。通过网络购买鲜花不仅可以使消费者节省很多时间,而且不受时间和空间的限制。鲜花销售管理系统实现了消费者网上鲜花的购买和商家对鲜花、用户和订单的管理。该系统的主要用户是消费者,相应的系统功能也分为用户功能和管理员功能。用户功能主要是对鲜花的浏览、查询和购买,管理员功能主要是对鲜花的管理、用户的管理和订单管理。本论文详细介绍了系统的数据库设计和各功能模块设

2、计。该系统基于 B/S 模式,利用 ASP.NET 技术和 SQL Server 2000 数据库实现功能。关键词:鲜花销售管理系统;网络;数据库IIAbstractContinuously develop along with the Internet with the universality of personal calculator, the on-line shopping has already become a kind of vogue. People can pass a network choice more merchandises. The on-line fresh

3、 flowers sale makes the consumer be able to keep the house and then can purchase oneself satisfied fresh flowers, and be free from time and the restriction of region. The on-line fresh flowers schedule to system also become sell the of company and consumer contact of passage. Purchasing fresh flower

4、s through a network not only can make the consumer economical plenty of time, and be free from time and the restriction of the space. The fresh flowers schedule to the system carried out purchase of the consumer on-line fresh flowers to manage the fresh flowers, customer and the order with companys

5、house. The main customer of that system is a consumer, correspond the system function also is divided into customers function and managing persons function. Customers function is mainly to browse fresh flowers, search with purchase, managing persons function is mainly management and order of the man

6、agement to the fresh flowers, customer to manage. This thesis introduced database design and each function mold piece of system to design in detail. That system according to B/S mode, make use of ASP.NET technique and SQL Server 2000 databases to carry out function. Key words:Flowers schedule to sys

7、tem; etwork; DataBase1III目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II第 1章 绪论 .1第 1 节 课题背景及发展趋势 .1第 2 节 目的和意义 .2第 2章 开发工具介绍 .3第 1 节 C#简介 .3第 2 节 B/S 结 构简介 .3第 3 节 ASP.NET 技术简介 .5第 4 节 数据库技术 .8第 3章 需求分析 .11第 1 节 系统可行性研究 .11第 2 节 需求分析 .12第 4章 总体设计 .18第 1 节 系统基本功能简介 .18第 2 节 系统结构 .18第 3 节 系统流程 .20第 5章 系统实现 .22第 1 节 系统功能模块 设计与实现 .22第 2 节 数据 库设计 .37结 论 .41参考文献 .42附录 .43致 谢 .44绥化学院 2010 级本科生毕业论文1第 1章 绪论第 1节 课题背景及发展趋势1.1 课题背景近年来,随着计算机技术的快速发展和互联网时代的到来,使 Internet 技术持续迅猛的发展,也给传统的交易方式提出了新的模式。现在,绝大多数商家和企业单位都已接入互联网,并且有较完善的硬件设施。通过设计和建设网络拓扑架构、


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