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1、V Key to ExercisesPreview2 Do the following exercises.1 Translate the following expressions in bold type.1.我喜欢牛肉烧得稍微嫩一点。这牛肉烧得太老了。2.他们犯一个错,低估了他们的人民赢得自由的决心,同时高估了他们警察的力量。3.就在三四十年以前,营养不良还是常见的现象。可是今天,营养过度却成了人们非常担心的事情。你在街上看到的孩子很多都明显超重。4.年轻人受的教育是不够还是过多,这不是一个问题。问题在于他们是获得于正确的教育还是错误的教育。5.说我们的工业发展过头了是不确切的。也许我们

2、的汽车工业可以这么说,但是我们的服务业肯定是发展不全的。6.事情总是这样。往往那些拼命干活的人工资反而很低。7.我觉得今天很多社会毛病是过分强调财富造成的。而文化的重要性被严重地低估了。8.回过头来看,很多历史人物不是被评价过高就是被评价太低。9.人们都同意,我们很多政府部门都人浮于事,但是要很快解决这个问题,说起来容易,做起来很难。10.说我们的环境尚不完美是有点轻描淡写了,但要说它已经无可救药,又夸大其词了。2 Give the noun or verb form of the following words.verb mitment6. aspiration7. lamentation8

3、. discontentment9. seduction10. abatementnoun verb1. compel2. sustain3. install4. advance5. pursue6. despair7. maintain8. replace9. survive 10. satisfy3 Give antonyms of the following words.1. exterior2. inferior3. implode4. minor5.masculine6. exclusive7. divergent/different8. increase/intensify/hei

4、ghten9. abnormal10. former11. friendly4 Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.1.on2. from3. to4. from5. from6. with7. for8. against9. to10. against11. to12. from13. to14 of15 of16 to17 to18 into19 in20 at21 with/in22 in23. from24 in25 from26 toVocabulary1 Translate the following expressio

5、ns. Into Chinese1. 一件艺术品2.廉价商品区3.印刷机4.引语出处5.文学批评6.该世纪后半叶7.文理学院8.说干就干的人9 学习与研究10 民族性格11 多米诺骨牌效应12 提髙(自己的)方法13 老当益壮14 阅读的好处15 优越感Into English1.be free from fear2.inherit property from his father3.interact with students4.act as a model for young people5.react to the challenge6.rebel against oppression7

6、.aspire to success8.be suspicious of their mit the lessons of history to memory10.give way to these people11.divide the region into two parts12.interfere in our internal affairs13.major in civil engineering14.save them from despair15.result in economic recession/slump/depression2 Replace the italici

7、zed parts with appropriate words or expressions from the text.1.could not understand: were perplexed as tocollapsed: gave way2.long for: aspire tobe taken care of: be addressedlook for: search for3.attracted: seducedpersuaded to stop: coaxed into stopping4.only say they will support: pay lip service

8、 to lose hope: despair5.treasured: prized6.While: Whereascomplained: lamentedfalling: plummeting7.are no longer very useful: have had their daydescribed: portrayedno oneat all: no one on earth. in the least8.Driven by: Spurred on by W:fade away: abate9.included: comprisedwere replaced by: gave way m

9、itto memory: memorize/rememberprepare herself: pave the way3 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.1.into, in, with, for2.to, to3.of, at, up, in, against4.to, to, off, to5. to, at, in6. in, to, from7. among, to, out, of4 Translate the following sentences, using words and expressions from the tex

10、t.1.1suspected that the book might not be in print. I checked with the bookstore people, and they told me that I was right. The book had been out of print for years.2.One memorable story in the novel concerns how Liu Bei tried not to rouse Cao Caos suspicion about his ambitions, because if he did hi

11、s life would be at stake.3.When Cao Cao called him a real hero, Liu Bei was so shocked that he dropped Ms chopsticks. But he cleverly covered up his suspicious behavior.4.The first suspect was the victims son. The police suspected him of murdering his father because the neighbors had heard them figh

12、ting on the night of the killing.5.In learning, the important thing is not to commit everything to memory, but to use your imagination and think creatively as well as critically.6.He must have been the funniest burglar imaginable. He broke into a house, ate and drank to his hearts content, and remai

13、ned dead drunk until discovered the next morning, with a perfectly content look on his face.7.I have trouble remembering peoples names. I imagine it must result from old age.8.We often live under many imaginary threats and feel disheartened as a result.9.I suspect we teachers sometimes underestimate

14、 students,mental capacities. Young people actually have very imaginative minds.5 Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs.1.C2.A3.B4.A5.C6.A7.C8.A9.B10.CGrammar1 Learn to use four if idioms: if only, if not, only if and what if.1 Study these sentences and find out how the four if

15、idioms are used.Usage:if only: used to say that you wish sth was true or that sth had happenedif not: used to introduce an even stronger alternative to what has just been saidonly if: used to state the only situation in which sth can happenwhat if: used to ask about sth that could happen in the futu

16、re, esp. sth bad2 Complete the sentences by putting in the blanks appropriate if idioms.1.if not 2. only if 3. if not 4. only if 5. if only 6. What if 7. If only 8. only if 9. if not 10. What if2 Complete the sentences by inserting appropriate words/phrases in the list below.1. while/whereas 2. in contrast3. compared to 4. differs5. unlikewhereas/while 7. on the other hand 8. compared wit


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