外文文献及翻译:空调节能技术的研究 How Air Conditionersenergy conservation technology

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1、1英文原文How Air Conditionersenergy conservation technology research1. Introductions The energy conservation may say is the building character automatic control system starting point and the home to return to. It is well known, in the intelligent construction, HVAC (heating, ventilates and air condition

2、ing) the system consumes to have to occupy the building consumption total energy enormous partial proportions, approximately about 50% 60%. Specially cold: East the unit, the cooling tower, the circulating water pump and the air conditioning unit, the new atmosphere unit, all are consumes energy the

3、 big household. Therefore really has essential develops one effective air-conditioning system energy conservation method, especially uses is in improves in the existing building air-conditioning system automation the aspect.空调节能技术的研究1引言 节能可以说是楼字自动控制系统的出发点和归宿。众所周知,在智能建筑中,HVAC(采暖、通风和空调)系统所耗费的能量要占到大楼消耗

4、的总能量的极大部分比例,大致在5060左右。特别是冷冻机组、冷却塔、循环水泵和空调机组、新风机组,都是耗能大户。所以实有必要发展一种有效的空调系统节能方法,尤其用是在改善现有大楼空调系统自动化上方面。DDC (Directdigitalcontr01) the direct of numerical control, is a structure simple operation easy control device, it may borrow by the connection switches over the equipment to make the systems control

5、 along with the load change, like the air conditioning cold water circulatory system, the air conditioning box frequency conversion automatic amount of wind adjustment and the cooling tower radiation ventilator frequency conversion holds controls and so on, may let an air-conditioning system more ef

6、fective revolution, like this, not only brings the very big economic efficiency for the estate management, moreover also may cause the system to move under a better operating mode, thus lengthens the equipment the service life as well as achieved provides goal of the comfortable air conditioning env

7、ironment and the energy conservation.DDC(Directdigitalcontrol)直接数字化控制,是一项构造简单操作容易的2控制设备,它可借由接口转接设备随负荷变化作系统控制,如空调冷水循环系统、空调箱变频自动风量调整及冷却水塔散热风扇的变频操控等,可以让空调系统更有效率的运转,这样,不仅为物业管理带来很大的经济效益,而且还可使系统在较佳的工况下运行,从而延长设备的使用寿命以及达到提供舒适的空调环境和节能之目的。The general building commonly used air-conditioning system has CAV, VAV

8、, VWV and so on, respectively has differently holds controls the way, all may use DDC to control.一般大楼常用的空调系统有CAV、VAV、VWV等,各有不同操控方式,都可以用DDC控制。1) decides the amount of wind system (ConstantAirVolume, is called CAV).Decides certainly the amount of wind system the amount of wind which blows out for the

9、air conditioner certainly, provides coldly (is warm) the gas which the air conditioning region needs. When air conditioning region load variation, then changes the blast temperature to deal with in the room to shoulder, and achieves the maintenance indoor temperature to the comfortable area request.

10、 The commonly used central air-conditioning system is AHU (air conditioner) and the cooling water pipe system (the FCU system). These two generally decides the amount of wind (CAV) to supply the air conditioning area, in order to deal with in the room the partial loads change, decides the amount of

11、wind system in AHU to change warm by the air conditioner blows of processes, controls in the general FCU system by cold water valve ON/OFF adjusts the blast temperature.1)定风量系统(ConstantAirVolume,简称CAV)。定风量系统为空调机吹出的风量一定,以提供空调区域所需要的冷(暖)气。当空调区域负荷变动时,则以改变送风温度应付室内负荷,并达到维持室内温度于舒适区的要求。常用的中央空调系统为AHU(空调机)与冷水

12、管系统(FCU系统)。这两者一般均以定风量(CAV)来供应空调区,为了应付室内部分负荷的变动,在AHU定风量系统以空调机的变温送风来处理,在一般FCU系统则以冷水阀ONOFF控制来调节送风温度。2)changes the amount of wind system (VAV)Changes the amount of wind system (VarlableAirVolume, is called VAV) is the air conditioner (AHU or FCU) may move changes the amount of wind. The commonly used ce

13、ntral air-conditioning system is AHU (air conditioner) and the cooling water pipe system FCU system. These two generally decides the amount of 3wind (CAV) to supply the air conditioning area, in order to deal with in the room the partial loads change, decides the amount of wind system in AHU to chan

14、ge warm by the air conditioner blows of processes, controls in the general FCU system by cold water valve ON/OFF adjusts the blast temperature. However these two has wasted the massive energy on the blast system. Because in long-term low load time the air feeder also carries out the entire amount of

15、 wind revolution to consume the electricity, this not only is not easy to maintain in the stable room humidity the condition, also wastes the massive blasts revolution energy. Changes the amount of wind system is aims at the blast system to consume the electricity shortcoming the energy conservation

16、 countermeasure.2)变风量系统(VAV)变风量系统(VarlableAirVolume,简称VAV)即是空调机(AHU或FCU)可以调变风量。常用的中央空调系统为AHU(空调机)与冷水管系统FCU系统。这两者一般均以定风量(CAV)来供应空调区,为了应付室内部分负荷的变动,在AHU定风量系统以空调机的变温送风来处理,在一般FCU系统则以冷水阀ONOFF控制来调节送风温度。然而这两者在送风系统上浪费了大量能源。因为在长期低负荷时送风机亦均执行全风量运转而耗电,这不但不易维持稳定的室内温湿条件,也浪费大量的送风运转能源。变风量系统就是针对送风系统耗电缺点的节能对策。3)changes the current capacity system (VWV)So-called changes the current capacity system (VariableWaterVolume, is called VWV), is enhances the heat source machine by the certain water tempe



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