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1、CapitaLand Retail Limiteds Requirement嘉德商用产业有限公司S NoSystem / Area系统 / 区域Mechanical and Electrical Installations附件五:精装修标准之机电设施冬季: 18oC 20oC (除广东、广西、福建、海南、云南外)Design for 18 - 20oC (winter except GuangDong, GuangXi, FuJian, HaiNan, YunNan)1 Airconditioning system空调通风系统Temperature设置温度夏季: 24oC - 26oC 24

2、26oC (summer)2 Relative Humidity相对湿度相对湿度 65% Relative humidity 65%室内噪音(DBA) Noise Criteria (NC) level餐厅 55 Restaurant/F&B 50美食阁/快餐店 55 Food Court/Fast Food 50商场 55 Retail Shop 50洗手间 55 Toilet 50公共走廊 55 Lobby & Corridor 503 Noise Criteria噪音控制停车场 70 Carpark - 65在以下地区的项目的主入口位置,必须设双道玻璃门。 第一和第二道门不能同时打开,并

3、达到节能防寒的效果:Provide airlock room with double doors at following region:a. 温和地区(日平均温度低于 5oC的天数有 0至 90天)a. Temperate Region (Region with average temperature below 5oC for not more than 90 days)b. 夏热冬冷的地区(日平均温度低于 5oC的天数有 0至 90天)b. Region with average temperature below 5oC for not more than 90 daysc.寒冷地区(

4、日平均温度低于 5oC的天数有 90至 145天)c. Region with average temperature below 5oC for more than 90 days to 145daysd.严冬地区(平均温度低于 5oC的天数超过 145天)c. Region with average temperature below 5oC for more than 145days第1道和第2道门的自动感应器不能同时启动。第1道玻 门和第2道玻璃门开启位置应错开避免风可以直接进入。Double doors of airlock room shall not activate simul

5、taneously第 1道玻璃门和第 2道玻璃门的总宽度必须一致; Door width of the double door shall be the same4 Airlock room寒冷地区主入口增设门斗室内第1道玻璃门上方要有电热风幕机(寒冷、严寒)普通风幕(其它区域)Provide Air curtain with heating capability地下车库、变配电室、水泵房、制冷机房、锅炉房、发电机房等设置机械通风系统Provide mechanical ventilation system in underground car park, electrical room, p

6、ump room, chiller room, boiler room, generator room弱电间(弱电井除外)、卫生间及垃圾房等设置机械排风系统Provide exhaust ventilator in the electrical room room (low voltage), toilets and bin center餐厅、快餐店、咖啡厅、美食阁、小吃店等厨房设置排风及送风系统,包括风机(但不包括油烟处理)Provide mechanical ventilation system for restaurants, fast food, caf , food court an

7、d snack shop, including ventilation fans but excludes kitchen exhaust air treatment system卫生间及垃圾房等设置机械排风系统 Provide Mechanical Ventilation system to Bin center and Toilet5 ventilation system通风系统洗手间 15 次换气/小时 Toilet 15 air change/hour地下车库 6 次换气/小时 Basement car park 6 change/hour变配电室 至少8-15次换气/小时,必须参考设

8、备发热量核对,若有需要可适当增加)Electrical room 8-15 change/hour (to consider heat ejection by equipment, add if necessary)制冷机房 4-6 次换气/小时 Chiller room 4-6 change/hour水泵房 4-6 次换气/小时 Pump room 4-6 change/hour小吃/咖啡厅/餐厅/快餐/美食阁(按商铺租赁面积确定其厨房排风量):Kitchen Based on following lease area to provide kitchen exhaust system:20

9、S m 1000CMH 20S m 1000CMH20S40m 3000CMH 20S 40m 3000CMH 40S80m 6000CMH 40S 80m 6000CMH 80S160m 12000CMH 80S 160m 12000CMH 160S240m 16000CMH 160S240m 16000CMH 240S320m 20000CMH 240S320m 20000CMH 320S1000m 25000CMH 320S1000m 25000CMH 1000500A 个别用电负荷计算电流在500A(含500A)以上的商铺,由低压配电柜直接引电源至相应商铺内租户指定位置(留5米的余量)

10、,不预留开关箱。在低压配电柜上进行计量For the shop unit with a loading of higher or equal to 500A, the wiring shall be connected to the LT switchboard directly and transmitted to the tenants appointed location (with an extra length of 5m) and no isolator is required. he electricity consumption shall be calculated dire

11、ctly in the LT店铺内喷淋、烟感、出风口等设施应统一标高并与公共吊顶齐平 ,标高施工误差应减小到最低3mm/2m;Sprinklers head, smoke detectors, and air-conditioning outlets shall same with the corresponding ceiling height in common corridor40Tenant Areas交房时应具备的条件控制区域(租赁线以内1.0m区域)不应有设施、风口、喷淋头、烟感等且喷淋头距离1.0m(即门头内侧)应该满足国家规范要求;No exposed services sha

12、ll within 1000mm of lease line within tenant space租赁线外侧300mm之内不允许有设施、灯具、自动喷淋系统、烟感、扬声器、回风、出风口等;No exposed services at common corridor shall within 300mm of tenant shop front配电箱位置应设在店铺内租赁线1.01.5m内,底标高应高出公共吊顶标高100mm;Electrical isolator shall install at around 1m to 1.5m from lease line41 Landscape Ligh

13、tings室外和园林照明必须提供整个商场的室外照明和园林照明 Flood lighting to the entire mall and landscape lighting shall be provided42 VERTICALTRANSPORTATION,ESCALATORS &TRAVELLATORS电梯, 扶梯与坡梯系统Travellators坡梯安装1米12度为0.5米/秒的人行道坡梯,周边需要12毫米厚和1.1米高的手扶玻璃围栏。包括在停车库创建封闭的休息厅并带有相关的防火设施,电力设备,空调系统等等Install new 1m width 12 with 0.5 m/s spe

14、ed travellators complete with glass balustrade 12mm thick 1.1m height, including creating enclosed lobby at car park with related fire protection, electrical installation, HVAC system etc43 Escalator扶梯安装1米30度为0.5米/秒的扶梯,周边需要12毫米厚和1.1米高的手扶玻璃围栏。包括在停车库创建封闭的休息厅并带有相关的防火设施,电力设备,空调系统等等Install new 1m width 3

15、0 with 0.5 m/s speed escalators complete with glass balustrade 12mm thick 1.1m height, including creating enclosed lobby at car park with related fire protection, electrical installation, HVAC system etc44 Escalator/travellator landing坡梯、扶梯出入口坡梯、扶梯出入口处必须和商场地面砖齐平, Escalator/travellator landing shall

16、flush with the flooring45 Steps梯阶扶梯和坡梯的梯阶必须是黑色的,而不是原装钢铁颜色底 All escalator and travellator steps to come with black treads instead of the natural finish46 Passenger Lifts客梯客梯必须是群体控制的. 客梯必须在消防状态能迫降至首层.The car call control for the passenger lifts shall be duplex system, and lift homing47 Cargo Lifts货梯所增加的新货梯 (3000kg),容量与现有的相同。货梯必须在消防状态能迫降至首层.The capacity of the new goods lift (3000kg) same as existing, and



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