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1、互联网搜索教案设计 colors一、教案背景1.面向学生:小学三年级 2.学科:英语3.课时:1 课时二、教学课题义务教育课程标准实验教科书(人教版)小学英语三年级上册Unit 3 Lets Paint,Lesson 1 Colors三、教材分析本节课是 Unit 3的第一课时,主要讲“颜色”:1.复习常见颜色的单词;2.结合所学句型使用颜色表达句子,进行简单对话;3.感受丰富的色彩世界。对于三年级的学生来说,对颜色的掌握相对简单,重复的知识教学无异于“炒冷饭” 。于是我对教材进行比较分析,把已学知识和新学知识有机结合起来,根据学生喜欢多媒体教学远胜于传统课堂教学的需求和对网络知识极之渴求的特

2、点,借助互联网这个便捷的工具,充分调动其兴趣和积极性,达到学以致用、寓学于乐的效果。四、教学目标1.语言知识与技能目标:(1)颜色的复习与认读:red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange, blue, white, black(2)能使用颜色来表达句子:1)Show me your _ (颜色) crayon.2)Its a _ (颜色) _ (Toyota,BMW,Ford).3)The flag of _ (China, America, Britain, Canada)(3)能灵活运用句型对话: A: Whats your favourite col

3、or?B: Can you guess?A: Is it _?B: No, it isnt.A: Is it _?B: Yes, you are right.2.学习策略目标:尝试自主学习、思考,学会利用网络来学习与课堂有关的知识。通过对生活知识的学以致用,了解知识的趣味性和重要性。3.情感目标:感知美丽多彩的自然世界,珍惜和爱护自然之美。五、教学重、难点 1.理解问题: Whats your favourite colour?What do we need for drawing?What does Sarah likes to draw?What colour can you see?2.

4、活用句子:My favourite color is _.We need _ for drawing.She likes to draw _.3.简单对话(见教学目标) 。六、教具准备:多媒体课件,单词卡片,自制卡片(蜡笔、汽车标志、国旗)学具准备:学生人手一台连接互联网的电脑,老师可通过主机监控。七、教学方法全身反应法、情景教学法、合作学习法八、教学过程1.热身(1)Free talk.How are you?Are you happy today?(2)Talk about the picture.T: What can you see in the picture?S1: I can s

5、ee two orange mushrooms.S2: I can see a green tree.S3: I can see white and yellow flowers.T: Whats this?(师引导学生说出 rainbow.) What color is the rainbow?Ss: Its red, orange, yellow, green, blue.T: Whats your favourite color?Ss: My favorite color is.(3)Sing and dance.(“Hello” song)【百度搜索】http:/ ,老师带领学生边唱边

6、跳,使学生进入良好学习状态,为接下来的“导入”做准备)2.导入(1)三位主角: Sarah, John and Mike What do they like? Can you guess? (引出所学知识)(2)Sarah likes drawing.1)展示 Sarah的绘画作品:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf(喜羊羊与灰太狼)【百度搜索】 http:/ Smurfs(蓝精灵)【百度搜索】http:/ do we need for drawing?We need some _.老师给出首字母 p,c,r,引导学生说出绘画所需材料,同时复习第一单元的一些文具名称,

7、做到了新旧知识点结合运用。3)Show me your _ crayon.T: Show me your black/ red/ green crayon.Ss:拿出老师点到的颜色笔,然后把单词贴到黑板上相对应的图片下面。4)What does Sarah like to draw?T: What does Sarah like to draw? Guess!Ss: She likes to draw a rainbow.T: What color can you see?Ss: I can see _.(为了下一环节 sing a colour song做好铺垫)5)Sing and dan

8、ce (“Colour” song) 【百度搜索】http:/ En/E_ReadNews.asp?NewsID=97(3)John likes cars.1)Show the cars.T:What color is the Toyota/ Ford/ BMW.Ss: Its blue/ yellow and black/ purple/ red/ silver.【百度搜索】http:/ Is it a _?(学生猜车名及其颜色,猜对的同学老师送一个汽车标志给他们贴到黑板上)(4)Mike likes flags.1)Show the flags of: China, America, Br

9、itain, Canada 【百度搜索】http:/www.bai .com.hk/(老师先示范,然后让学生通过“百度”或“谷歌”输入英文搜索该国国旗)2)Game: Which flag is missing?出示课件:Which flag is missing?The flag of _(国家) is missing.What color is the flag of _(国家)?Its _(颜色).(教师安排了此游戏,让学生熟悉不同国家名称)3)PracticeA: Whats your favorite flag?B: I like the flag of _.A: What col

10、or is it?B: Its _.(课件上出示了五个国家的国旗,让学生谈论自己喜欢的国旗及其颜色)3.复习巩固(1)对话:A:Whats your favorite color?B: Can you guess?A: Is it _?B: No, it isnt.A: Is it _?B: Yes, you are right.(2)板书句型:Show me your _.Its _. The flag of _ is _. (体现课堂从词到句,从句到段落的层层梯进原则)4.总结A: Whats your favourite color?B: Can you guess?A: Is it _?B: No, it isnt.A: Is it _?B: Yes, you are right.(学以致用并检验学生掌握知识程度)5.以另一首与颜色有关的歌曲“Colors”愉快结束本课(Sing and dance)【百度搜索】http:/www.tu


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