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1、 (适用于小学,初高中) Page 1 of 37 Part 1(更适用于小学)1.What number comes next?246,468,689,892 ( )2.Use four fours to form a math problem with the mark of+,-,* /,( ).The result is 24.Canyouwork it out? ( )3.What can be used after breaking it? ( )4.there is a person walking and turning back to look at his footprin

2、ts. But he didnt see them. Why? ( )5.Which letter is the most useful to a deaf woman? ( )6.What table is in the field? ( )7.What question can never be answered by Yes? ( )8.Can 11 and 2 make 1? Why? ( )9.What three letter turn a girl into a woman? ( )10.Why is the letter Tlike an island? Because it

3、is_ water .Key:1.9242.4*4+4+4=243.egg【鸡蛋打破了就能用】4.because he is walking backward.【他原本就倒着走,所以回头的话反而看不到脚印。 】5.字母 I音同 eye.对聋人来说,眼睛是重要的信息来源。6.vegetable 【 蔬菜种在地里】7.Are you asleep?【你睡着了吗?回答的人永远不可能说是的。 (睡着了便不能回答。 ) 】8.Yes.Eleven oclock +two hours=One oclock.9.Mrs.10.in the middle of 【字母 t 在 water 单词的中间,含义岛在

4、水中央。 】Part 2Jack and Joe were on vacation. They were driving along a deserted country road from the town of Kaysville to the town of Lynnsville. They came to a multiple fork in the road. The sign post had been knocked down and they were faced with choosing one of five different directions. Since the

5、y had left their map at the last gas station and there was no one around to ask,how could Jack and Joe find their way to Lynnsville? ANSWER:They need to stand the signpost up so that the arm reading Kaysville points in the direction of Kaysville,the town they had just come from. With one arm pointin

6、g the correct way, the other arms will also point in the right directions. 杰克和乔去度假。他们从凯斯威尔镇驱车沿着一条荒无人烟的乡间小路前往林斯威尔镇。在途中他们遇到了一个有多个岔路的道口。路标已被撞倒,他们面临着从五条岔路中选择一条作为前进方向的难题。由于他们在离开上一个加油站时忘了带地图,周围又没人可以问路,杰克和乔该如何找到去林斯威尔镇的路呢? 答案:他们应把路标竖起来,使其一只臂指向来时的凯斯威尔镇,这样由于一只臂指示了正确的方向,其他臂也随之指示正确的方向了。Part 31. 一道经典的英语填空题,注意,所有

7、空格均为同一个单词:_ is greater than God._ is more evil than the Devil. (适用于小学,初高中) Page 2 of 37 The poor need _.The rich have _.If you eat _, you will die.2. What number should replace(代替)the question mark?AVIATOR6FIXTURE9WIZARD1DIVERSE?Answer 1: Gold(money)Answer 2: 1Part 4A teacher has 10 pieces of candy

8、and 10 students. He is giving each student a piece of candy and meanwhile has one piece of candy left in the box, what should he do?老师盒子里有 10 颗糖,正好学生有 10 人。老师说:你们每人要分到颗糖,同时盒子里还要剩下一颗,请问怎么分?Part 5(适用于小学)( )1Which does not have two legs?(2 分)A. A duck B. A bird C. A fish D. A girl( )2. Its raining cats

9、 and dogs.(2 分)A.下猫狗 B.倾盆大雨 C.不下雨 D.毛毛细雨( )3. How many letters(字母) are there in “name”?(2 分)A.26 B.4 C.5 D.7( )4.Amy is 12 years old(十二岁),John is 2 years younger than Amy.Sarah is 1 years older than John.How old is Sarah?(2 分)A.15 B.11 C.13 D.95.Take 5 letters from CHIOCSTRN to make something we wea

10、r. _.(从 CHIOCSTRN 中选出 5 个字母组成一个服装单词。2 分)Part 6 (适用于小学,初高中) Page 3 of 37 1. Odd one out: Circle the noun in the group. Then cross out the adjective which cant be used with the noun. 2. How many minutes is it before 12 noon, if 48 minutes ago it was twice as many minutes past 9 a.m.? 3. Find two words

11、, both reading clockwise round each circle. You must find the starting point of each word and provide the missing letters. The two words form a phrase. 4. Find the ages of Mary, George, Alice, Claire and Stephen if the sum of the ages of two of them all as follows: Mary George = 33 years Alice Clair

12、e = 95 years Stephen Mary = 72 years Mary Claire = 87 yearsStephen George = 73 years 5. Place a word in the bracket that forms a new word or phrase when tacked onto(添加) the word on the left, and another word or phrase when placed in front of the word on the right. e.g. first (class) mate second ( )

13、someKey:1. eggs revolved 2. 44 minutes (12 noon less 44 minutes = 11:16 11:16 less 48 minutes = 10:28 9 a.m. plus 88 minutes (442) = 10:28) 3. ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 超过半数,绝大多数4. Mary 16, George 17, Alice 24, Stephen 56, Claire 71 5. hand: second hand, handsome Part 7(更适用于小学) (适用于小学,初高中) Page 4 of 37 1. W

14、hat has two legs but cant walk?2. What kind of dog never bite?3. What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down?4. What is pronounced like one letter written with three letters and belongs to all the animals?5. What has four eyes but cannot see?6. What do vampires do at midnight?7. What can you catch but cannot throw?8. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth?9. What did one penny say to the other?10. What has a tongue but cannot talk?11. What has ears but cannot hear?12. What has teeth but cannot eat?13. What is yours but is used by others more than


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