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1、嘉 兴 学 院 2012-2013 学年第 1 学期 期末考试名称:英汉对比考试形式:课程论文开课班级:英语 101、英语 102(翻译方向)班 级:_英语 101_姓 名:_黄水玲_学 号:_201036635112_成 绩: 教师签名:日 期: 2013/01/072The first part:The Summary and Conclusion of the course一Synthetic vs. Analytic A synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected to

2、express grammatical relationships.An analytic language is marked by a relatively frequent use of function words,auxiliary verbs,and changes in word order to express syntactic relations,rather than of inflected forms.Modern English has become analytic but still frequently uses some hereditary inflect

3、ions from Old English.It is therefore a synthetic-analytic language.Chinese is a typical analytic language.Inflection,word order and use of function words are employed as the tress grammatical devices in building English sentences.1).Inflectional vs Non-.inflectional2)Word Order:Flexible vs.Inflexib

4、le3)The Use of Function Words:English and Chinese Employ Different Types of Function Words4)Intonation vs.ToneIn a language in which inflection has been greatly reduced,word-order must become relatively more rigid.One consequence of this tendency to a fixed word-order is an increase in the role of i

5、ntonation in the language.The varying of tone to indicate meanings is characteristic of both English and Chinese.Musical variety of tone to indicate shades of meaning becomes natural in both English and Chinese.Chinese finds its natural way of development through a fundamental system of tones and to

6、ne-groups.A change of tone in Chinese will turn to buy into to sell.In English,intonation has a very important and far-reaching role.A rising or falling tone in the parts of a sentence determines much of its meaning.Moreover,there is a very close bond between stress and tone or pitch,a strong stress

7、,for instance,often corresponding with a rising tone.Such a sentence as You are going to buy that housemay be statement of fact(declarative)or a question(interrogative)rising at its end.二Rigid vs.Supple English sentence structures are composed of noun pgrases,verb phrases,etc.It has become an invari

8、able custom to have a subject before a verb,and therefore a sentence that does not contain a subject and a verb is felt to be incomplete.The subject 3must agree with the predicate verb in person and number,etc.This rigid S-V concord forms the kernel of a sentence,with the predicate verb controlling

9、other main members.English sentences,however long and complicated,can be reduced to five basic patterns:SV,SVP.SVO.SVoO and SVOC.English sentences are characterized by their variants,expansion,combination,omission,or inversion.Chinese,however,is relatively free from the government of the rigid S-V c

10、oncord.The subject-predicate structure is usually varied,flexible,and therefore complicated and supple.In addition,there are quite a few illogicalexpressions in Chinese.More ambuguity can be found in Chinese due to the lack of connectives,inflections and other grammatical markers.The suppleness of C

11、hinese also manifests itself in the run-onsentence,which is composed of the full sentenceand the minor sentence.3Parataxis and HypotaxisHypotaxis means that the grammatical and logical relations between words and sentences are carried out by means of formal devices. Formal devices include vocabulary

12、 and morphological devices.i.e. the use of different forms of words, and the use of prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, and articles; tense, voice, mood, subject and verb agreement; reference, substitution, ellipsis, repetition. Parataxis means that the connection or relation between words and sen

13、tences is carried out by means of the logical relation of their meanings instead of formal devicesTo clarify the relations between words,phrases or clauses,English more often resorts to overt cohesion,frequently using various cohesive ties such as coordinators(e.g.and,or,but,yet,so,however,as well a

14、s,either.or.,neither.nor.),subordinators(e.g.when,while,as,since,until,unless,lest,so.that.),relations pronouns and adverbs(e.g.who,whom,whose,that,which,when,where,why,how),preposition and some others.4Complex vs SimplexSubordination,the placing of certain elements in modifying roles,is a fundement

15、al feature of English.With plenty of subornate clauses and phrases,English has comparatively longer and more complicated sentences than Chinese,which,on the other hand,is marked by its coordination,loose or minor sentences,contracted sentences,elliptical sentences,run-on sentences,and composite sent

16、ences.English 4sentence building is featured by an architecture stylewith extensive use of longer or subordinate structures,while Chinese is marked by a chronicle stylewith frequent use of shorter or composite structures.In short,English sentences are often complex,while Chinese sentences are often simplex.5Impersonal vs. Personal 1.Impersonal mode of expression: it is for En


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