英语专业泛读第五单元词汇unit5 vocabulary

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1、Vocabulary 一Text第一段第二行:mutter mtv.speak or say (sth) in a low voice that is hard to hear eg:Dont mutter! I cant hear you.第二段第四行: weed wi:d v.take out weeds from (the ground) eg:Ive been busy weeding (in) the garden.第二段第七行: tractor trktn. powerful motor vehicleused for pulling farm machinery or other

2、 heavy equipment eg:The tractor took up the slack and pulled the trailer out of the mud. 第三段第二行: downpour daunp: n. heavy, usu sudden, fall of rain egThere was a heavy downpour. 第三段第三行:barn / bn; brn/ n building for sheltering farm animals, eg cows or horses egOwls visited the barn to rest.第四段第三行:pa

3、tch pt n. small piece of land, esp one used for growing vegetables eg:The ground is wet in patches.第四段第三行:fallow / flu; flo/ adj(of land) ploughed but left unplanted to restore its fertility eg:The field was lying fallow.第四段第四行:stumped /stmpt/adj unable to find an answer or think of a reply eg:The q

4、uestion had me completely stumped第五段第三行: Trojan / trudn; trodn/ n, (inhabitant) of Troy, eg:(Greek mythology) a mythical Trojan who has killed by Achilles during the Trojan War.第五段第四行:relinquish/ rlkw; rlkw / v. give up or cease to practise, feel, etc (sth); abandon eg:He had relinquished all hope t

5、hat she was alive.第七段第四行:surrender/ srend(r); srnd/ v. stop resisting an enemy, etc; yield; give up eg: We shall never surrender.第七段第六行:shift / ft; ft/ n (period of time worked by a) group of workers which starts work as another group finishes eg:The shift times are usually the day shift, from 7 am

6、to 3 pm.第九段第一行:murmur / mm(r); mm/ n low continuous indistinct sound 低沉 持续而不清的声音 eg:The girl murmured something polite, and smiled.第九段第二行: iceberg / asbg; asb/ n huge mass of ice floating in the sea eg:The ship struck an iceberg.第十二段第一行:redundant / rdndnt; rdndnt/ adj (usu of language or art) not ne

7、eded; superfluous; unnecessary eg: he illustration had too much redundant detail.第十二段第一行: relic / relk; rlk/ n C trace or feature surviving from a past age and serving to remind people of it eg: Roman relics found in a field.第十四段第五行:reconvertri:knv:t v. To undergo or cause to undergo conversion to a

8、 previous state or condition eg:To reconvert the farmland into forestry and pasture第十六段第一行:lilac / lalk; lalk/ n C shrub with sweet-smellingpale purple or white blossom 丁香 eg: The lilacs are in flower.第十六段第三行: puddle/ pdl; pdl/ nC small pool of water, esp of rain-water on the road eg: She tripped ov

9、er and landed in puddle. 第十六段第四行: churn /tn US trn/ v if your stomach churns, you feel sick because you are nervous or frightened eg: My stomach was churning on the day of the exam.第十八段第五行:pasture / pst(r); US ps-; pst/ n C, U (piece of) land covered with grass and similar plants, suitable for grazi

10、ng animals eg: Nitrate of soda may be sown on pasture that does not eat off. 第十八段第六行:birdwatch b:dw:t v. watch and study birds in their natural habitat Eg:She loves birdwatching.第十八段第六行:creek / krik; US also krk; krik/ n (US) small river; stream 小河; 溪流.eg:Nearby my family has a creek. 第二十一段第一行:grunt

11、 / grnt; rnt/ v (of people) make a similar sound expressing pain, boredom, irritation, etc or indicating inattention or distraction eg:I asked him what he thought, but he just grunted.第二十三段第二行:square 3/ skwe(r); skwr/ v make (sth) straight or level eg:You need to square your shoulders.第二十五段第三行:abrup

12、tlybrptli sudden and unexpected eg:Why? She asked abruptly.第二十五段第三行:gulp / glp; lp/ n. mouthful, esp of sth liquid eg:He drank a gulp of cold milk.第二十八段第一行:crabby / krb; krb/ adj (-ier, -iest) (infml 口) bad-tempered; irritable eg:My wife is crabby. It must be that time of the Month.第三十段第一行:resolutel

13、yrezlu:tli adv. doing something in a very determined way because you have very strong beliefs, aims etc eg:Provided they fight resolutely, the enemy can never break in. 第三十段第二行:chin / tn; tn/ n part of the face below the mouth; front part of the lower jaw eg:Youve got a cut on your chin.第三十一段第三段:tra

14、iler / trel(r); trel/ n (a) truck or other wheeled container pulled by another vehicle eg: They packed the food and camping equipment in the trailer.第三十三段第三行:shrug / rg; r/ v (-gg-) raise (ones shoulders) slightly to express doubt, indifference, ignorance, etc eg:I asked her where Sam was, but she j

15、ust shrugged.第三十四段第一行:patter / pt(r); pt/ n make this sound eg:R ain pattering on the window panes第三十四段第二行:momentarily /mumntrli US moumnterli/ advfor a very short time eg: She was momentarily lost for words.第三十五段第三行:moisture / mst(r); mst/ nU (thin layer of) tiny drops of water on a surface, in the air, etc eg: Humidity is a measure of moisture in the atmosphere.2、 Reading SkillsPractice p2 line2: conviction / knvkn; knvkn/ n firm opinion or beli



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