英语二阅读真题同源过关练习20篇 答案

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1、英语二阅读真题同源过关练习连载一答案:答案:BABDCLast month Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer at Facebook, published “Lean In”, a controversial manifest on why women have not ascended to the most senior positions at companies. 第一题答案出处 She concludes that it is partly womens own fault: they do not“lean in” and ask f

2、or promotions, pipe up at meetings and insist on taking a seat at the table.Three new books will not have the same impact as “Lean In”, but they offer some interesting new perspectives on how women are coping at work, and what is holding them back. Some of it is down to simple miscommunication.Barba

3、ra Annis and John Gray argue in “Work With Me” that men and women are biologically wired to think and react differently to situations, and have “gender blind spots” when it comes to understanding their co-workers behavior. 第二题答案出处 Ms Annis, who leads workshops on gender for big companies and governm

4、ents, and Mr Gray, author of “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”, a bestselling book in 1992 about relationship problems, have collaborated to produce an easy-to-read guide to workplace communications.Women ask more questions, gather more peoples opinions and seek collaboration with co-workers

5、 more frequently than men. Men view these preferences as signs of weakness, and women, in turn, grow annoyed by how competitively men work, and how quickly and unilaterally they arrive at conclusions. If both female and male employees became more“gender intelligent” about how their work and behavior

6、al preferences are hard-wired, it would contribute to a more harmonious workforce. 第三题答案出处Women have been choosing to leave companies at twice the rate of men, and more than half the women whom the authors met in workshops were considering leaving their firms. Women often tell their bosses that they

7、 are quitting for personal reasons, but the majority actually leave because they feel excluded from teams and not valued for their contributions. Yet the reality is that women often have trouble communicating with other women at work as well, 第四题答案出处 though the authors do not explain in quite as muc

8、h detail why this is so. Communication and gender equality are not just problems at large firms.Most people agree that more needs to change in the workplace. Men still occupy most top jobs, do not feel comfortable mentoring younger women and judge young men differently from young women. However, aft

9、er decades of women failing to gain equal representation in executive suites, it is notable how many books now focus on women altering their behavior, rather than men changing their way of doing things. Women cannot change their fate on their own. Isnt the responsibility for men to “lean in” to list

10、en and advance women in the workforce? 第五题答案出处全文翻译:上月,Facebook 的首席营运官雪莉桑德伯格发表了颇受争议的新书跻身:女性、工作与领导意愿 ,讲述女性难以在公司担任高层职位的原因。在书中,桑德伯格女士总结说,这一部分是女性自身的问题:她们不愿“跻身”,不主动要求升职,不积极在公司会议上发言,甚至在开会时都不愿上桌。本文要介绍的三本新书虽然无法在影响上与跻身相媲美,但也为我们了解女性如何适应职场、是什么阻碍了她们晋升提供了一些有趣的新视角。有时这仅仅是因为简单的沟通障碍。芭芭拉安妮丝和约翰格雷在和我一起工作一书中说,男人和女人因为生理结构

11、的差异而注定对同一情况有不同的看法和反应,并且在理解异性同事的行为时,会存在“性别盲点”。安妮丝女士平时经常为大公司和政府机构主持关于性别问题的研习班,格雷先生则是男人来自火星,女人来自金星一书的作者,这本书出版于 1992 年,是一本讲述恋爱关系中存在的问题的畅销书。这样的两个人合作出一本关于职场沟通的简明指南,可谓是珠联璧合。和男性相比,女性通常更喜欢提问题,更多地寻求他人的意见,并且也更愿意与同事合作。这些特点在男性看来是软弱的标志,而女性同样也很讨厌男人工作时的好胜心,以及他们不征求别人意见、迅速作出自己单方面结论的作风。如果男女职员都能够更加明智地认识到性别对他们的工作和行为习惯的固


13、在主管办公室打下半壁江山之后,我们应该注意到,现在的很多书只关注女性如何调整自己的行为,而不是男性怎样改变他们的行事风格。女性仅靠自己改变不了命运。难道男性不是也有责任要主动倾听女性的声音,帮助女性在职场进步吗?英语二阅读真题同源过关练习连载二答案:答案:DADBCOnce upon a time the overstressed executive bellowing orders into a telephone, cancelling meetings, staying late at the office and dying of a heart attack was a stereo

14、type of modernity. That was before the Whitehall studies, a series of investigations of British civil servants begun in the 1960s. These studies found that the truth is precisely the opposite. Those at the top of the pecking order actually have the least stressful and most healthy lives. 第一题答案出处 Car

15、diac arrest-and, indeed, early death from any cause-is the prerogative of underlings.Such results have since been confirmed many times, both in human societies and in other primate species with strong social hierarchies. But whereas the pattern is well-understood, the biological mechanisms underlyin

16、g it are not. A study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, however, sheds some light on the matter.In it, a group of researchers led by Jenny Tung and Yoav Gilad at the University of Chicago looked at the effects of status on rhesus macaques. Experience has shown that these monkeys display the simian equivalent of the Whitehall studies findings. The high risk of disease among those at the bottom of the heap in both cases suggests that bioch



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