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1、1高二英语复习教案(12)(SB2-units23-24)一、单元考点提示1.词汇excellent, wind, strengthen, frequently, recover, smart, distant, lately, get together, all the best, have a word with, in other words, connect with, free of charge, have on, would like to have a word with sb., bring along, due to, turn into, tire, chain, hai

2、rcut, pin, secretary, forgive, trick, roll, owe, tear, wish every success, congratulateon, inviteto, go on a picnic, get tired of, drop in, have a haircut2.句型(1)How a telephone works is a question which not every one can answer.(2)and it took a long time before people began to hire or buy them.(3)I

3、wish you every success in the future.(5)Now lets drink to the success of your school!3.语法(1)复习名词性从句(2)复习第 1923单元语法4.交际用语(1)Theres no here.(2)Im sorry, I think I dialled the wrong number.(3)I called to ask/tell you.(4)Ill have to ring off now.(5)Ive come to say good bye. Im leaving on Sunday.(6)I wis

4、h you every success in the future.(7)Id also like to congratulate you on your good work in these two years.二、考点精析与拓展1.lacklack可用作及物或不及物动词,还可用作不可数名词,有“缺乏,缺少”之意。如:2lack money/courage缺钱/ 缺少勇气;lack(in) experience/ courage缺少经验/勇气;have no lack of.不缺乏; for lack of因为缺乏。对比:He is lacking in courage./He lacks

5、courage.他缺少勇气。The plants died for lack of water. 因为缺水植物枯死了。应用完成句子她经验不足,无法获得这项工作。She_ _ _to get the job.他们不缺钱,而缺技术工作。They_ _ _ of money but_skilled workers.Key: lacked,the,experiencehave,no,lack,lack2.remind,rememberremind表示“提醒,使记起,使想起” ,可接复合宾语,that 从句或与 of连用;而 remember意为“记得(做)某事” ,主语必须是人。如:He remind

6、ed me to answer the letter as early as possible.He reminded me that I would answer the letter as early as possible.他提醒我尽早回信。This photo reminds me of my childhood.这张照片使我想起了我的童年。Do you remember the advice I gave you?你记得我给你的忠告吗?应用完成句子这使我想起我们假日里一同做过的事。This _ _ _what we did together during our holidays.我

7、还记得小时候被带着去北京的事情。I still_ _ _to Beijing when I was a child.Key:reminds,me,of remember,being,taken3.表示“祝愿”的几种句型名词短语(+to you):Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐。Best wishes for TeachersDay.祝教师节愉快。All the best.祝万事如意。3All the best with your family.祝全家好。All the best in your study/business.祝你学习/事业顺利。主语+wish+sb.

8、+名词/形容词I wish you happy.我祝你幸福。We wish you greater progres.我们祝你取得更大进步。I hope+that 从句:I hope youll enjoy being with us.我们希望你和我们在一起很高兴。部分祈使句也可表祝愿:Remember me to your family.代我向你全家问好。Send best wishes to him.向他问好。应用选择正确答案Have a nice weekend!_.(MET92)A.The same to you B.You do too C.The same as you D.You

9、have it tooKey:A4.have on,haveonhave on 表示 “穿着,戴着” ,有 have on sth.或 have sth.,on结构,强调状态,无进行时,但有动词ing 短语形式。haveon 表示“有事,有约(会) ”。对比:On Childrens Day,children always have on their new clothes. 儿童节那天孩子们总是穿着新衣服。Ive nothing on tomorrow.Lets go together.明天我没事,咱们一起去吧。误:In fact the king was having nothing on

10、.正:In fact the king had nothing on.事实上国王什么也没穿。正:The king having nothing on walked in the front.一丝不挂的国王走在最前面。应用汉译英4He has something on this evening.Ive to go without him.He has his uniform on this evening.5.word 短语归纳would like a word with sb.想和某人说句话;have a word with sb.与某人说句话;get in a word /get a wor

11、d in 插话;in a (one)word总之, 一句话。keep ones word信守诺言,break ones word失信;translate sth. word for word 逐字翻译;have/get word(that)有消息说,获得消息,听说;Word has come/came that传来消息说;have a few words with sb.和某人说几句话;have words(with sb.)争吵,争论;in words 用言语;with words口头上, in other words/in another word换句话说;match words with

12、 deeds言行一致;waster ones words白费口舌;the last words临终遗言;sharp words苛刻的话;soft words 甜言蜜语应用完成句子传来消息说中国女子足球队获亚军。_ _ _the Chinese Women Football Team had wonsecond place.我听说他们昨晚相互争吵起来。I_ _ that they_ _with each other last night.6.street, highway, road, pathstreet指位于城镇都市内,路面平整,两旁有人行道和房子的公共通道,highway,指供车辆行使的主

13、要道路或公路,是城市间的主要通道;road指通向某一目的地的任何道路;path 指只容人通行的小路,山路。应用阅读下列句子,体会画线词的意思。This is the point where two busy streets meet.They turnede off the main highway onto a winding earth road.There is a narrow road from our village to the next one.Walk along the path or you may lose your way.8.lecture, speech, tal

14、k, repotlecture多指学术方面的“演讲,报告” ;而 speech指在公众面前做5的经过准备的较正式的“演说,发言” ;talk 是一般性的“讲话,谈话” ,report指正式的“报告,报道,汇报” 。应用英译汉give a lecture attend a lecturemake a speech give a talkreceive a report make a reportsend in a report a school reportkey:作演讲 出席演讲会 发表演说 发表讲话 收到报告作报告 呈交报告 成绩报告单9.不能接双宾语的几个动词announce, expla

15、in, introduce, declare后面不接双宾语,若以人作宾语常置于 to后。如:The president announced to the workers the sad news.The president announced the sad news to the workers.总裁向工人宣布了那不幸的消息。He introduced the new comer to everyone here.他把新来的那个人介绍给这里的每个人。report to sb.向某人汇报:report sth/sb.to sb.向某人汇报/告诉。应用单句改错The teacher explained his students how to use the computer.No one declared us we could not smoke here.Key:explain 后加 to declare 后加 to10.be due to, due tobe due(to)有“应付给,应到的,预期的”之意,多用作表语,to不定式符号;而 due to表示“由于,起因于”时,to 是介



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