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1、供应链相关专业英语词汇ABC clasification ABC 分类Acceptable Quality Level 允许水准Accessory 附件Action Report 行动报告Add/Delete BOM 增删材料表Aggregate Planning 总体规划Agile Manufacturing 灵活制造Allocated Inventory 保留量Allowance 宽放Alternate BOM 替代材料表American Production and Inventory Control Society 美国产业管理学会Anticipation Inventory 预期库存

2、Assemble to Order 定单组装Automation 自动化Autonomation 自主化Available Inventory 可用库存Available to Promise 可答应量BackFlush 倒冲入账Backlog 待交货Back Order 逾期定单Bill of Labor 人力表Bill of Material 材料表bill of resources 资源表BOM Code 材料表码Bom Explosion 材料表展开Bom Implosion 材料表逆展Bom Structure 材料表结构Budgeted Capacity 预算产量Built-on-

3、the-line parts 线上生产零件Bulk Issue 大批发料Bullwhip Effect 长鞭效应Business Plan 事业计划Business Process Reengineering 企业程序再造Capacity 产量Capacity Control 产量控制Capacity requirement planning 产量需求规划Check-in 结入Check-Out 结出Client/ Server Architecture 主从式架构Common part Bom 共享件材料表Computer aided design system 计算机辅助设计系统conne

4、cted flow 相连材料流consolidated freight 合并货运constraint management 限制因素管理continuous improvement 连续改善continuous production 连续式生产critical capacity 关键产量critical part 关键零件customer order 客户定单customization 客制化customer service level 顾客服务水准cycle count interval 周期盘点区间cycle counting 周期盘点cycle time 周期时间customer rel

5、ationship management 客户关系管理data flow diagram 数据流程图de-coupling stock 反耦合库存Demand Management 需求管理Demand Rate 需求速率Demand time fence 需求时栅demonstrated capacity 验证产量dependent demand 依赖需求diagnostic test 诊断测试disconnected flow 分离材料流iscret manufacturing 装配式生产distribution center 配销中心distribution requirement pl

6、anning 配销需求规划drum-buffer-rope control DBR 管制法earliest start date 最早开工日economic order quantity 经济订购量economic part period 经济量期elimination,combination,rearrangement,simplification ECRS 改善法emergency kanban 紧急看板employee empowerment 员工授权employee involvement 员工参与end user computing 使用者自建系统engineering to ord

7、er 定单设计engineering change 设计变更engineering product structure 工程用产品结构表exception report 企业资料规划enterprise resource planning 例外报告executive information system 主管信息系统existence test 存在测试expeditor 催料人员final assembly schedule 最终组装排程finished goods 完成品firm planned order 固定计划定单first in first out 先进先出fixed order

8、quantity 定量批量法flow shop 流程生产工厂forecast 预测forecast horizon 预测期间fundamental data 基本资料gateway workstation 投料工作站graphic user interface 图形接口gross requirement 总需求group technology 群组技术hedge inventory 避险库存inbound queue control 输入端队列控制independent demand 独立需求input/output control 输入/输出控制intermittent production

9、 间歇式生产inventory management 库存管理inventory status 库存状态inventory sub-type 库存副型态inventory type 库存型态item 材料 (项目)item master 材料主档job 工件,工作job shop 工件生产工厂joint operation 联合作业just in time 及时供补kanban 看板kanban ceiling 看板界限latest start date 最晚开工日lead time 前置时间lead time offset 前置时间冲销least total cost 最低总成本批量法lea

10、st unit cost 最低单位成本批量法level scheduling 平准化排程level production(linearity) 平准化生产linearity 定率生产load 负荷look ahead/look back 瞻前顾后法lot for lot 逐批批量法lot number 批号lot size 批量lot size inventory 批量库存lot sizing rule 批量法则low-level code 最低阶码maintenance, repair and operational supplies 间接物料make to order 定单生产make t

11、o stock 计划生产managerial product structure 管理用产品结构表manufacturing bom 制造单元manufacturing cell 制令单manufacturing order 制造规划与控制manufacturing planning and control 制造资源规划master production scheduling 主生产排程master scheduler 主生产排程员material service sheduling 主服务排程material handling 材料搬运material requirement plannin

12、g 材料需求规划( 计划)mean absolute deviation 平均绝对差modular bom 模块材料表modular production 模块化生产mps item MPS 项目mrp crusades MRP 改革运动mrp nervousness MRP 不安定性multilevel mps 多阶主生产排程net change 净变法net requirement 净需求offset time 冲销时间one less at a time 一次减一点on-hand inventory 在库量on-order inventory 在途量open system platfor

13、m 开放系统平台operations planning and control 作业规划与管制operations process chart 作业程序图option 选用件optional bom 选用材料件order interval 订购区间order point 订购点original equipment manuafacturer 原设备制造商outbound queue control 输出端队列控制overflow stockroom 溢量仓parent/component 父件/子件part number 件号part periodic balancing 量期平衡批量法pas

14、t due 逾期量peg file 溯源文件pegging 溯源period length 期长periodic order quantity 定期批量法periodic review system 定期评估法phantom 幽灵材料phantom bom 幽灵材料表phantom component 幽灵子件picking order 领料单pipeline stock 管路库存plan-do-check-action cycle 计划 -执行-检查- 行动循环planned order receipts 计划定单收料planned order releases 计划定单发出planning

15、 bom 计划材料表planning horizon 计划期间planning time fence 计划时栅point of use 使用点primary stockroom 基本仓priority control 优先次序控制priority planning 优先次序规划preventive maintenance 预防性维护process flow chart 制程流程图process manufacturing 流程式生产product configuration system 产品构造系统product family 产品族product line 产品线product load

16、profile 产品负荷表product structure 产品结构表product sub-line 产品副线production activity control 生产活动管制production rate 生产速率production plan 生产计划production planning 生产规划production run 生产连project-based production 项目式生产projected available balance 预计可用量projected on-hand 预计在库量pseuo bom 假材料表pull signal 拉式讯号pull system 拉式系统purchase order 订购单purchase reuisition 请购单quantity-per 单位用量quick response 快速反应rated capacity 评估产量raw material 原材料reasonableness test 合理测试receiving order 收料单refill kanban 补充看板n



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