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1、世界最优秀的管理学学术期刊根据 Academy of Management Journal的 1992年 12月号和 Strategic Management Journal的 1999年 2月号上各一篇评价性论文,世界最好的前 20本管理学学术期刊是:Academy of Management Journal, December 1992, Vol.35, P934Strategic Management Journal, 1999, Vol.20, P2891. Administrative Science Quarterly2. Academy of Management Journal

2、3. Journal of Applied Psychology4. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process5. Strategic Management Journal6. Academy of Management Review7. Personnel Psychology8. Industrial and Labor Relations Review9. Industrial Relations10. Journal of Management11. Decision Science 12. Journal of Occupa

3、tional Psychology13. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science14. Journal of Management Studies15. Management Science16. Human Relations17. Journal of International Business Studies18. Harvard Business Review19. Journal of Vocational Behavior20. Journal of Organizational Behavior1. Journal of Applied Ps

4、ychology2. Academy of Management Journal 3. Administrative Science Quarterly4. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process 5. Strategic Management Journal6. Academy of Management Review7. Personal Psychology8. Harvard Business Review9. Human Relations10. Industrial and Labor Relations Review1

5、1. Journal of International Business Studies12. Management Science13. Research in Organizational Behavior14. Journal of Management15. California Management Review16. Journal of Vocational Behavior17. Long Range Planning18. Journal of Management Studies19. Organization Science20. Industrial Relations

6、世界最优秀的管理学学术期刊的网址期刊名称网址Administrative Science Quarterlyhttp:/ of Management Journalhttp:/www.aom.pace.eduJournal of Applied Psychologyhttp:/ Behavior and Human Decision Processhttp:/ Management Journalhttp:/ of Managemen

7、t Reviewhttp:/ Psychology http:/ and Labor Relations Reviewhttp:/ Relationshttp:/ of Managementhttp:/ Sciencehttp:/

8、tmJournal of Occupational Psychologyhttp:/ of Applied Behavioral Science http:/ http:/ of Management Studieshttp:/ Sciencehttp:/mansci.

9、 Relations http:/ of International Business Studies http:/ Business Review http:/ of Vocational Behavior http:/ http:/ of Organizational Behavior http:/

10、 in Organizational Behavior http:/ Management Review http:/ Range Planning http:/ Science http:/国际著名的伦敦金融时报经广泛咨询,选出了四十份全球最有份量的学术期刊,作为它每年的商学院评级的标准,用以衡量各商学院的研究质量。商学院愈多

11、文章于该等期刊发表,所获分数便愈高。有关期刊名称及发行机构罗列如下。Journal of Accounting and Economics (Elsevier) The Accounting Review (American Accounting Association) Journal of Accounting Research (University of Chicago) The American Economic Review (American Economic Association, Nashville) Journal of Political Economy (Univer

12、sity of Chicago) Econometrica (Econometric Society, University of Chicago) Journal of Business Venturing (Elsevier) Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (Baylor University, Waco, Texas) Journal of Small Business Management (Blackwell) Journal of Finance (Blackwell) Journal of Financial Economics (El

13、sevier) Review of Financial Studies (Oxford University Press) Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley and Sons) Academy of Management Journal (Academy of Management, Ada, Ohio) Academy of Management Review (Academy of Management) Administrative Science Quarterly (Cornell University) Human Resource

14、Management (John Wiley and Sons) International Journal of Human Resource Management (Routledge) Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (Academic Press) Journal of Applied Psychology (American Psychological Association) Journal of International Business Studies (Academy of International

15、 Business) Management International Review (Gabler) Journal of Marketing Research (American Marketing Association) Journal of Consumer Research (University of Chicago) Journal of Marketing (American Marketing Association) Management Science (Informs) Operations Research (Informs) Journal of Operations Management (Elsevier) Information Systems Research (Informs) MIS Quarterly (Management Information Systems Research Center, University of Minnesota) Harvard Business Review



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