english book 5 课后答案

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1、一:fill in the blank with the words givenLesson 9 174 页Involve experience urge 催促 敦促 recognize bear1. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.2. The tall girls went out and returned presently, bearing each a tray with portions of

2、 something.3. Brooklyn isnt the only city in the United States to _experience_ the urban renewal.城市更新4. An accident in which more than fifty vehicles were _involved_ caused the death of six people.5. They _urged_that the library be kept open during the vacation.6. Lesson nineLesson 10 194 页Not becau

3、sebut because all told 总共 worth onbasis Trickle 细流1. As the hour grew late, the speaker grew tired; the torrent of words became a _trickle_2. He does it _not because he likes doing it, _but because_ he thinks it right.3. The problems were going to be settled _on_a realistic_basis_4. His evidence was

4、 not _worth_a button.5. _All told_, some 60 million Europeans have immigrated to the Americas.Lesson 11 214 页In terms of 以。 。计算 在。 。方面 tackle 处理 go out of business 歇业 have a word with 与。 。商谈 confirm monitor 监控Plausible 貌似有理的 associate with 和。 。来往 desirable 令人满意的 narrow down 缩小范围1. A lot of small gro

5、cers have _gone out of business_since the advent of the supermarkets.2. His parents told him not to _associate with_John.3. The contest has been _narrowed down_ to four competitors.4. The rumor that John had been a spy was later_confirmed_ by an old document.5. Everyone has his own problems to _tack

6、le_.6. His argument sounds very _plausible_.7. He _monitored_the whole TV debate to be sure the contestants got equal coverage.8. For that job it is _desirable_ to know something about medicine.9. Mary promised to _have a word with_John about it.10. The children ate a great many hot dogs at the part

7、y _in terms of_ money, they ate $20 worth.Lesson 12 237 页When where since but as because or until although so that if after 1. Treat others _as_ you wish them to treat you.2. _Since_ you have come here, you might as well stay for a while.3. Let go of me, _or_Ill scream.4. John did not beat his wife

8、_because_he loved her.5. _Where_there is water, there is life.6. John was watching TV _when_ Mary rushed into the room.7. He asked for Marys help, _but_ she refused.8. We had to wait _until_we found the lost student.9. _although_ it was very difficult, they still finished it ahead of schedule.10. Il

9、l go there _if_ you go there too.11. They shut the windows, _so that_ the neighbours wouldnt hear the radio.12. They succeeded only _after_ they had tried more than 50 times.Lesson 13Chunk 大块 resignedly 服从的 strident 刺耳的 尖锐的 herald 通报、预示 look up 仰望 pant 喘气 watchful 警惕的 guttural 喉音 peer 凝视 skirt 绕过 mo

10、ss 苔藓1. It is hard to imagine that such a sweet little girl could have a _strident_ voice like that.2. Nothing seemed to escape the _watchful_ eyes of the guard.3. By the time he reached the top, he was _panting_ so hard that he could not even talk.4. As night fell, they decided to _skirt_ the fores

11、t instead of going through it.5. The watchman _looked up_ and _peered_ at the visitor over his glasses.6. A rolling stone gathers no _moss_. 7. He always eats a _chunk_ of cheese at breakfast.8. Are there any _guttural_ consonants in the English language?9. The singing of the cuckoo _heralds_ the co

12、ming of spring.10. She shrugged her shoulders _resignedly_, knowing it was useless to argue with him now.Chunk resignedly strident herald look up pant watchful guttural peer skirt moss 11. It is hard to imagine that such a sweet little girl could have a _ voice like that.12. Nothing seemed to escape

13、 the _ _ eyes of the guard.13. By the time he reached the top, he was _ _ so hard that he could not even talk.14. As night fell, they decided to _ the forest instead of going through it.15. The watchman _ and _ _ at the visitor over his glasses.16. A rolling stone gathers no _. 17. He always eats a

14、_ of cheese at breakfast.18. Are there any _ _ consonants in the English language?19. The singing of the cuckoo _ _ the coming of spring.20. She shrugged her shoulders _ _, knowing it was useless to argue with him now.Lesson 14 278 页Refrain from 克制 忍住 避免 favour split up 分裂分离 associatewith lapse into

15、 陷入1. There are countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to _associate_snails_with_food.2. I wish he would_refrain from_ scattering his ash all over the carpet.3. John speaks properly in school, but in the company of friends he will_lapse into_slang.4. A system which protected and _favoured_ such abuses was bad from top to bottom5. The native people of the Americas_split up_into a great number of tribes who spoke different languages.Lesson



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