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1、FCI-Standard N 193 / 22. 11. 2006 / GBBORZOI- RUSSIAN HUNTING SIGHTHOUND(Russkaya Psovaya Borzaya)FCI-St n 193/22.11.062TRANSLATION : R.K.F., revised by U. Fischer, R. Triquet and J.Mulholland.ORIGIN : Russia.DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE ORIGINAL VALID STANDARD : 25.10.06.UTILIZATION : Hunting sightho

2、und, racing and coursing hound.CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 10 Sighthounds.Section 1 Long-haired or fringed Sighthounds.Without working trial.BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Russkaya Psovaya Borzaya has been an integral part of the national culture and Russian history for 9 centuries. The French Chr

3、onicle of the XIth century shows that three Borzois accompanied the daughter of the Grand Duke of Kiev, Anna Iaroslavna when she arrived in France to become the wife of Henri I. Among the owners and breeders there were many famous people including Tsars and poets : Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great

4、, Nicolas II, Pushkin, Turgenev. The creation of the famous kennel Pershinskaya okhota by the illustrious breeders the Grand Duke Nicolai Nicolaevitch and Dimitri Valtsev had great importance. From the end of the XIXth century, the Borzoi is seen in the biggest breeding kennels of Europe and America

5、.GENERAL APPEARANCE : Dog of aristocratic appearance, of large size, of lean and at the same time robust constitution, of a very slightly elongated construction. Females are generally longer than males. Strong bone structure but not massive. The bones are rather flat. Muscles lean, well developed, e

6、specially on the thighs, but not showing in relief. Harmony of form and movement is of prime importance.FCI-St n 193/22.11.063IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : In males the height at the withers is equal or barely superior to that from the summit of the croup to the ground. In females these two heights are eq

7、ual. The height at the withers must be slightly inferior to the length of the body. The depth of the chest is approximately equal to half the height at the withers. The length of the muzzle, from the stop to the tip of the nose, is equal or slightly superior to that of the skull, from the occiput to

8、 the stop.BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : In its everyday life the Borzoi has a quiet and balanced character. At the sight of game it gets suddenly excited. It has a piercing sight, capable of seeing very far. Its reaction is impetuous.HEAD : Viewed from above as well as from the side, lean, long, narrow,

9、 aristocratic. Seen in profile, the lines of the skull and muzzle form a long, slightly convex line, the line of the sagittal crest being straight or slightly oblique towards the well marked occipital protuberance. The head is so elegant and lean that the principal veins show through the skin.CRANIA

10、L REGION :Skull : Narrow; seen from above : elongated into an oval shape; seen in profile, almost flat. Stop : Only very slightly marked.FACIAL REGION : Nose : Large, mobile, considerably prominent in relation to the lower jaw.Top of muzzle : Long, filled out in all its length, slightly arched near

11、the nose. FCI-St n 193/22.11.064Muzzle : The length of the muzzle from the stop to the tip of the nose is equal or slightly superior to that of the skull, from the occiput to the stop.Lips : Fine, clean, well fitting. The eye-rims, the lips and the nose are black whatever the colour of the coat.Jaws

12、/Teeth : Strong underjaw. Teeth white, strong; scissor bite or pincer bite.Eyes : Large, very slightly prominent, expressive, dark hazel or dark brown, almond-shaped, but not slit-eyed, set obliquely.Ears : Small, thin, mobile, set on above the eye level and backwards, pointing almost towards the na

13、pe of the neck when not alert. The tips of the ears are situated near each other or directed downwards along the neck and close to it. When the dog is alert, the ears are carried higher and on the sides or forward; sometimes one or both ears are erect like horse ears.NECK : Long, clean, flattened la

14、terally, muscled, slightly arched, never carried high.BODY :Withers : Not marked.Back : Broad, muscled, elastic, forming with the loin and croup a curve which is more pronounced in the males. The highest point of this curve is situated ahead of the middle of the loin or in the region of the 1st or 2

15、nd lumbar vertebra.Loin : Long, prominent, muscled, moderately broad.Croup : Long, broad, slightly sloping. The width of the croup measured between the two hip bones (iliac crests) must not be less than 8 cm.Chest : Of oval cross-section, not narrow, yet not wider than the croup, deep, well develope

16、d in length, spacious, reaching down almost to elbow level. The region of the shoulder blades being flatter, the chest gets gradually wider towards the false ribs, which are short; seen in profile, it forms a change in slope. The ribs are long, slightly prominent. The forechest is slightly prominent in relation to the scapular-humeral articulation.Belly : Well tucked up, the underline rises abruptly towards the abdomen.FCI-St n 19


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