practice test two四级

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1、Practice Test TwoPart Writing (30minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: My View on Golden Weeks. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1. 黄金周的出现使顾客和商家受益2. 但也有人认为它带来麻烦3. 我的看法Part Reading Comprehens

2、ion (Skimming and Scanning) (15minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) If the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) If the statement co

3、ntradicts the information given in the passage;N G (for NOT GIVEN) If the information is not given in the passage.For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Introduction to the oldest wineIt is official. Traces of the oldest known wine in the world have been

4、 confirmed by an international research team composed of Chinese, American and German scientists. Through a barrage of tests that looked at ancient organic compounds preserved in pottery jars that were discovered from Neolithic relics at Jiahu in Central Chinas Henan Province, they were able to reve

5、al that a mixed fermented(酶,发酵) beverage of rice, honey and fruit was produced around 9,000 years ago. This discovery pushes the Chinese history for making alcoholic drinks back by 4,000 years and claims the mantle as the worlds earliest wine, beating the previous best by at least 1,000 years. Also

6、in Henan, known as the cradle of Chinese civilization, the scientists found liquids that were more than 3,000 years old and had been well preserved inside tightly closed bronze vessels.Excavated from an elite burial area in the city of Anyang in the Yellow River Basin, the vessels date back to the S

7、hang (1600-1046 BC)and Western Zhou dynasties (1046-771 BC). They contained specialized rice and millet wines. They had been flavoured with herbs, flowers and tree resins, and were similar to herbal wines described in the Shang Dynasty oracle inscriptions(甲骨文 ), according to researchers. The researc

8、hers involved claim the discoveries from both sites provide the first direct chemical evidence for early fermented beverages in ancient Chinese culture, and will broaden the understanding of the key technological and cultural roles that fermented beverages played in China. The discoveries were publi

9、shed in the December issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, or PNAS. Fragrant liquids The prehistoric beverages at Jiahu paved the way for the unique cereal beverages that were found at Anyang, said Patrick McGovern from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and

10、 Anthropology. They are from the proto-historic in the second millennium BC.McGovern is the chief American scientist who involved in the research and a renowned wine brewing historian. The vessels excavated from Anyang were sealed well for their day. And although the lids have long been corroded, ev

11、aporation was prevented. Scientists believe the vessels and their contents - besides serving as burial goods to sustain the dead in the afterlife - also had links to funerals where the living hoped to communicate with the deceased ancestors and gods, after drinking from them. The aroma of the liquid

12、s inside the tightly lidded jars and vats, when their lids were first removed after some 3,000 years, suggested that they indeed represented Shang and Western Zhou fermented beverages, McGovern noted. Aroma is something. McGovern is an authority, having led the discovery of the earliest barley beer

13、in 1992 in western Iran. The beer dates back to 3500-3100 BC. Two years later also in Iran, at another Neolithic site there was evidence of the earliest wine, which dates back to 5400 BC. Universal phenomenon Throughout history and around the globe, humans at every level of complexity discovered how

14、 to make fermented beverages from sugar sources available in their local habitats, according to McGovern. The reason for such a widespread phenomenon of fermented beverages may have, he suggests, derived in part from ethanols combined pain-relieving, disinfectant and profound mind-altering effects.

15、Moreover, fermentation helps to preserve and enhance the nutritional value of foods and beverages. Because of their perceived multiple benefits, fermented beverages have played key roles in the development of human culture and technology, contributing to the advancement of agriculture, horticulture

16、and food-processing techniques. Among all strata of ancient society, they marked major events, from birth to death, as well as victories, auspicious occasions and harvests, McGovern added. The royal and the rich, were particularly drawn to the beverages, the researchers noted in their PNAS article. In certain cases, such celebrations could also develop into large-scale secular or religious ceremonies for the whole of society. China is no exception but w


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