b1 unit 6 text 2 英汉对照(原unit2)

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1、英语泛读教程 1-Unit Six-Text 2 英汉对照 1Text TwoSleeping Ugly1 Princess Miserella was a beautiful princess if you counted her eyes and nose and mouth and all the way down to her toes. But inside, where it was hard to see, she was the meanest, wickedest, and most worthless princess around. She liked stepping

2、on dogs. She kicked kittens. She threw pies in the cooks face. And she nevernot even oncesaid thank you or please. And besides, she told lies. 2 In that very same kingdom, in the middle of the woods, lived a poor orphan named Plain Jane. She certainly was. Her hair was short and turned down. Her nos

3、e was long and turned up. And even if they had been the other way round, she would not have been a great beauty. But she loved animals, and she was always kind to strange old ladies. 3 One day Princess Miserella rode out of the palace in a huff. (A huff is not a kind of carriage. It is a kind of tem

4、per tantrum. Her usual kind.) She rode and rode and rode, looking beautiful as always, even with her hair in tangles. 4 She rode right into the middle of the woods and was soon lost. She got off her horse and slapped it sharply for losing the way. The horse said nothing, but ran right back home. It

5、had known the way back 课文二睡丑人1 如果你看的只是她的眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴,一直看到脚,米萨雷拉都堪称一位美丽的公主。但在她的内心,在那无法看到的地方,却充满了卑鄙与邪恶,可以说她是最差劲的公主。她踩小狗,踢小猫,把馅饼扔在厨师的脸上,而且从来没有说过一次“谢谢”或“请”。除此之外,她还说谎。2 同一个王国里,在树林深处,住着一个贫穷的孤儿叫普莱恩简。她长得当然很一般:她的头发短,而且耷拉着,长长的鼻子向上翻。不过,就算一切都与目前的状况相反,她也绝不是一个大美人。但是,她喜爱动物,对陌生的老妇人总是非常友善。 3 一天,米萨雷拉公主乘着怒气出了皇宫(怒气可不是一种马车的

6、名字。它是一种发脾气,是公主惯有的那种)。她驾着马车跑啊跑 ,虽然头发乱蓬蓬的,她看上去还是一样的美丽。4 她来到树林中,很快便迷了路。她跳下马,狠狠地鞭打它,怪它跑错了路。马什么也不说,径直跑了回去。其实它一直都知道回家的路,只是不告诉米萨雷拉罢了。现在漆黑的树林里只剩下公主孤零零地一个人。她英语泛读教程 1-Unit Six-Text 2 英汉对照2all the time, but it was not about to tell Miserella. So there was the princess, lost in a dark wood. It made her look eve

7、n prettier. 5 Suddenly, Princess Miserella tripped over a little old lady asleep under a tree. Now little old ladies who sleep under trees deep in a dark wood are almost always fairies in disguise. Miserella guessed who the little old lady was, but she did not care. She kicked the old lady on the bo

8、ttoms of her feet. Get up and take me home, said the princess. 6 So the old lady got to her feet very slowlyfor the bottoms now hurt. She took Miserella by the hand. (She used only her thumb and second finger to hold Miserellas hand. Fairies know quite a bit about that kind of princess.) 7 They walk

9、ed and walked even deeper into the wood. There they found a little house. It was Plain Janes house. It was dreary. The floors sank. The walls stank. The roof leaked even on sunny days. 8 But Jane made the best of it. She planted roses around the door. And little animals and birds made their home wit

10、h her. (That may be why the floors sank and the walls stank, but no one complained.) 9 This is not my home, said Miserella with a sniff.10 Nor mine, said the fairy.看上更漂亮了。5 突然,米萨雷拉公主被睡在树下的一位年老的矮个妇人绊了一下。在漆黑的树林深处,睡在树底下的年老妇人都是仙女装扮的。米萨雷拉猜到了她是谁,但贵为公主的她才不在乎哩。她踢了踢老妇人的脚底,说道:“起来,送我回去。”6 老妇人半天才站起身来,因为她的脚板还很疼。

11、她拉起公主的手(不过她只用大拇指和食指去拉她的手。对于这样的公主,仙女非常了解)。 7他们走啊走,走到了森林的深处。在那儿,发现了一间小屋。那就是普莱恩简的屋子。屋子阴沉沉的,地板下沉,墙壁发臭。即使在阳光明媚的日子,屋顶也会漏水。 8简却充分地利用了小屋。她在门的周围种上了玫瑰花,小动物和小鸟也和她住在一起。(或许这就是为什么地板下沉,墙壁发臭的原因吧。不过谁也不曾抱怨过。)9 “这不是我的家。”公主轻蔑地说。10 “也不是我的。”仙女说。英语泛读教程 1-Unit Six-Text 2 英汉对照 311 They walked in without knocking, and there

12、was Jane. It is mine, she said. 12 The princess looked at Jane, down and up, up and down. Take me home, said Miserella, and as a reward I will make you my maid.13 Plain Jane smiled a thin little smile. It did not improve her looks or the princesss mood. Some reward, said the fairy to herself. Out lo

13、ud she said, If you could take both of us home, I could probably squeeze out a wish or two.14 Make it three, said Miserella to the fairy, and Ill get us home.15 Plain Jane smiled again. The birds began to sing. My home is your home, said Jane. 16 I like your manners, said the fairy. And for that goo

14、d thought, Ill give three wishes to you.17 Princess Miserella was not pleased. She stamped her foot. Do that again, said the fairy, taking a pine wand from her pocket, and Ill turn your foot to stone. Just to be mean, Miserella stamped her foot again. It turned to stone. 18 Plain Jane sighed. My fir

15、st wish 11 她们没敲门便走了进去,看到简在屋里。简说:“这是我的家。”12 公主看着简,上上下下反复打量。她说:“带我回家。作为报酬,我会让你做我的侍女。”13普莱恩简淡淡地笑了笑。但这并没有使她变得好看些或让公主的心情好一些。仙女自言自语道:“给一些报酬。”她大声说道:“如果你能把我们两个人都送回家,我或许能实现你的一两个愿望。” 14公主对仙女说:“如果你答应实现三个愿望,我就能让大家回家。”15 普莱恩简又笑笑,鸟儿们开始唱歌。简说: “我的家就是你们的家。” 16 “我喜欢你待人的态度,”仙女说,“那么我就实现你的三个愿望吧。”17公主很不高兴。她跺着脚。仙女从口袋中掏出一根松木魔杖,指着公主说:“再跺脚,我就把你的脚变成石头。”只是为了讨人厌,公主又跺了一下脚,结果脚就变成了石头。英语泛读教程 1-Unit Six-Text 2 英汉对照4is that you change her foot back.19 The fairy made a face. I like your manners, but not your taste, she said to Jane. Still, a wish is a wish. The fairy moved the wand. The princess shook her foot. It was no l


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