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1、镇 江 高 专 ZHENJIANG COLLEGE 毕 业 设 计 (论 文)合并式功率放大器Combined type power amplifier系 名: 电子信息系 专业班级: 电气自动化 学生姓名: 张涛涛 学 号: 100201140 指导教师姓名: 门宏 指导教师职称: 教授 2013 年 05 月目 录摘要 .1引言 .3第一章 设计方案 .41.1 总体方案 .41.1.1 放 大 器 的 功 能 .41.2 总体框图 .5第二章 电路设计 .52.1 电源电路 .52.2 合并式功率放大器 .72.3 前置放大器 .72.4 音调控制电路 .102.4.1 功放原理 .14

2、2.5 音频功率放大电路 .152.6 运行结果分析 .202.7 保护电路 .20第三章 总体仿真 .273.1 仿真 .273.2PCB 板设计 .273.3 印制电路板的制造 .28第四章 安装与调试 .294.1 元件的安装 .294.2 电路的调试 .294.3 性能指标 .29总结 .30致谢 .31参考文献 .32附录 .33- 1 -合并式功率放大器专业班级:电气 101 学生姓名:张涛涛指导教师:门宏职称:教授摘要 合并式功率放大器的作用是给负载 RL 提供一定的输出功率,当 RL一定时,希望输出功率尽可能大,输出信号的非线性失真可能小,且效率尽可能高。由于合并式电路采用直接

3、耦合方式,为了保证电路工作稳定,必须采取有效措施抑制零点漂移。为了获得足够大的输出功率驱动负载工作,故需要有足够高的电压放大倍数。因此,性能良好的合并式功率放大器应由输入级、推动级和输出级等部分组成。按照各级功能及技术要求,首先确定整机电路级数及电压增益分配,而后分别选择设计各级电路元器件及参数。从功放级向前逐级设计。但还是有不足之处;音频的变化范围较小,对电路功能的分析有不够详细。音频功率放大器是一个技术相当成熟的领域,在现代音响普及中,得到很大的发展和应用。音频功率放大器不仅仅是消费产品(音响)中不可缺少的设备,还广泛应用于控制系统和测量系统中。这款功放采用了典型的 OCL 功放电路,为全

4、互补对称式纯甲类 DC 结构,功放的每一级放大均工作于甲类状态。输入级和电压放大级采用线性较好的沃尔漫电路,差分管及电流推动管分别为很出名的 K170、J74(可用 K389、J109 孪生对管对换)对管和 K214、J77 中功率 MOS 管,功率输出级为 2SC5200 和2SA1943 大功率东芝管并联输出,功率强劲,驱动阻抗 2 的喇叭也轻松自如,毫不费力。综合运用了我们前面所学的知识。设计完全符合要求关键词:合并式 功率放大器 双声道 Combined type power amplifierAbstract Combined type power amplifier is the

5、role of provides certain output to load RL, when RL is fixed, want to output power as high as possible, small nonlinear distortion of the output signal, and the efficiency is as high as possible. Because of the complicated circuit adopts a direct coupling mode, in order to guarantee the circuit work

6、 stable, - 2 -effective measures must be taken to suppress the zero drift. In order to obtain the output power is large enough to drive the load of work, so we need to have enough high voltage amplification factor. Therefore, the good performance of the combined type power amplifier by the input sta

7、ge, promote the level and output level components. Audio power amplifier is a very mature technology field, Audio power amplifier is a very mature technology field, in the modern audio popularization, development and application of great. Audio power amplifier is not only consumer products (sound) e

8、quipment indispensable, but also widely used in the control system and the measurement system.in the modern audio popularization, development and application of great. Audio power amplifier is not only consumer products (sound) equipment indispensable, but also widely used in the control system and

9、the measurement system.This amplifier uses a typical OCL power amplifier, full-complementary symmetrical pure class a DC structure, power amplifiers are working at every level of magnification in a state. Input amplifier and voltage amplifier with better wall diffuse linear circuits, difference in c

10、harge and current drive pipe were very famous K170, J74 (K389, J109 twin tube on the power tube) and K214, J77 MOS, power output stage for 2SC5200 and 2SA1943 high power Toshiba tube parallel output, power strong, driving impedance 2 ohms speaker is relaxed, effortless. Comprehensive use of our previously learned knowledge. The design fully meets the requirementsKey words:The combined type power amplifier dual track- 3 -引言在现代音响普及中,人们因生活层次、文化习俗、音乐修养、欣赏口味的不同,令对相同电气指标的音响设备得出不同的评价。所以,就高保真度功放而言,应该达到电气指标与实际听音指标的平衡与统一。设计并实现合并式功率放大器,功率放大器的作用是给音响放大器的负载RL(扬声器)提供一定的输出功率。



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