a trip along the three gorges教学设计

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《a trip along the three gorges教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《a trip along the three gorges教学设计(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高一英语必修 4 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges教学设计模块整体解读及分析:【话题】A Trip Along the Three Gorges【教材分析】本模块以 A Trip Along the Three Gorges 为话题,以游记的形式介绍了长江三峡的风光、古迹以及沿途的所见所闻,带领学生走进长江,了解长江,畅谈长江。使学生学会一些关于江河峡谷的词汇,并运用所学知识简单描述旅游经历,介绍风景名胜及地理位置。通过本模块学习,学生要对祖国自然人文遗产有初步了解,激发学生热爱祖国河山的热情。本模块主要复习情态动词,学生在初中阶段的学习中已经对情态

2、动词有了初步的了解。通过本模块的学习,应使学生进一步了解到情态动词有一定的词义,表示某种感情和语气,但不能单独作谓语,要和其他动词一起构成谓语。常用的情态动词有:can (could), may(might), must, have to, shall(should), will(would), need, ought to, used to, dare 等。结合情态动词和听力部分的学习可以帮助学生掌握表达义务、许可、禁止的相关用语。本模块的写作任务是写一篇游记文章,记述自己在旅行中的经历,所见所闻,切身感受。【学情分析】本次使用的是能力较好,相对比较活跃的班级。自主探究意识和小组合作意识较强

3、,能够积极、主动地与其他同学共同研究学习,这是本节课几个关键问题设计的基础。三峡有关的信息,学生或多或少通过书本、媒体有所了解,但几乎没人去过,因此学生会对相关三峡的话题有一定的期望值,本模块让学生运用所掌握的知识和信息,在 speaking 部分中进一步讨论关于这一话题的内容,了解更多的信息,激发学生参与课堂的兴趣。【教学目标】1 语言知识目标:(1)Pronunciation 复习“意群与停顿” 。(2)Words and expressions: Page 116 Module 5(3)Important sentences: We could see the sun setting b

4、ehind the white pagoda.Every , every stream that joined , every was heavy with the past.On a distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters.At least we have two more.(4) Grammar 复习情态动词尤其是表示能与不能的情态动词的用法。(5) Function 学习表示义务、允许和禁止的常见表达方式。2 语言技能目标:(1) Listening 能听懂有关长江三峡地理、历史等人文情况的语言信息;在听的过程中能够明白表示义务

5、、许可、禁止等功能的表达。(2) Speaking 运用本模块所学词汇和短语介绍与长江三峡有关的情况;在表达中能够正确恰当地使用情态动词。(3) Reading 阅读中能识别新学词汇、短语并根据上下文正确推断其意义;正确理解介绍三峡之旅的阅读文章;阅读时能快速准确地把握文章大意。(4) Writing 运用本模块所学词汇和短语,完成所有书面练习;能够按照空间顺序记叙游览某地的经历并适当就加入个人观点。3 情感态度:热爱祖国的悠久历史和大好河山,为文化遗产和自然遗产的保护做出自己的贡献。4 文化意识:进一步了解我国丰富的旅游资源和旅游文化,增强向外国友人积极介绍我国风景名胜的意识。5 学习策略:

6、学会搜集英文版旅游指南、风景介绍、地图、游记等材料,通过经常阅读这类材料提高自己的英语水平。【教学重点】(1) 掌握一些与地理和旅游相关的词汇;(2) 学习正确描述地理方位及介绍地理场景的表达方式;(3) 复习表示义务、允许、禁止的句式。【教学难点】(1) 情态动词在表示职责、允许和禁止时的不同语气;(2) 正确使用地理及方位名词。(3) 学会用所学内容描述家乡或介绍旅游行程。【课时安排】第一课时:Introduction + Reading and vocabulary第二课时:Grammar第三课时:listening and speaking第四课时:Writing 【教学方法】Ask

7、and answerFast-reading and careful-readingStudent-centered vocabulary learningDiscussion, listening and retellingIndividual, pair or group work to finish each task【教具】Tape-recorderComputer【评价方案】针对教师所设计的问题,能否积极思考;能否从纷乱的信息中整理出所需信息并予以有效的取舍、组合、拓展,最终完成对文本文体的识别和主旨大意的归纳;能否主动与他人分享学习成果,总结出游记类文章的基本框架并运用到实际的语言

8、交际中。【教学过程】(teaching procedures)Step 1: Pre-reading Lead-in:T:Whats the weather like today? S: T:Good weather can often give us a good mood, so I guess you must be very happy yes? Then do you want to go out to have a travel? S: T:Ok, today I will take you to a very beautiful and attractive place. Do

9、you know where it is? S: T:Now please look at the screen , there is a poem and the name of the place is hidden in the poem, you can read and have a guess. S: The Yangtze RiverT: Now lets have a trip along the Three Gorges together. First how much do you know about the Yangtze River?S: T: Ok, you can

10、 get more information about it through the three questions.The Yangtze River is the _ river in the world.A. longest B. second longest C. third longestThe worlds biggest dam was opened on the Yangtze River in _. A. 2001 B. 2003 C. 2005It flows from the Himalayas in the west to the Pacific Ocean in th

11、e _.A. south B. north C. eastS:Learn some common sense about the Three Gorges.(设计意图:选用李白的“下江陵” ,引出文章主题,并尝试通过问题、通过视频、通过图片,给学生以直观的感受,让学生更多地了解有关长江的情况。为学生阅读文章做好铺垫。 ) VocabularyT: Now lets do a guesswork. A beautiful picture on the screen and can you guess the meaning of these words according to the pict

12、ure?cliff slopevalleywoodpeakshoretempleA _is a large area of flat low ground.A _ is a larger hole in a cliff or a mountain.caveA _ is a large area of flat high ground.plateauS: Learn some new words according to the picture.(设计意图:以图片的形式直观地向学生展示新的词汇,为阅读课文扫清障碍。单词记忆对学生而言是个难点,图片记忆的方式比较形象,可以加快学生的记忆速度,延长记

13、忆时间)Step 2: While-readingT: Do you want to get more detailed information about the Three Gorges? Ok, now please turn to page 42 and 5 minutes for you to look through the whole passage, after that you should try to describe the route ok? Here we goS: Comprehend the passage for the first time and desc

14、ribe the route that the writer took.T: Ok, anyone can tell us the name of the places they pass by?.get on the boatWu GorgeXiling GorgePara.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5Para.5(设计意图:快速限时阅读,把课文作为整体来处理,检查学生对课文中内容表层的理解,养成良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读技能。) Para. 1T: I have two choices for you, and we can see the conditions of

15、the two boats are quite different, so if you are the visitor, which one would you like to choose? ExpensiveNot crowdedFor travelersCheap CrowdedFor goods and tradersBoat A Boat BS: T: Ok, read the first paragraph carefully and try to find out which one does the author chooseS: Read the first paragra

16、ph and find out the answer to the question.T: We know the author chooses boat B. I have a task for you, can you use just one sentence to tell the three pieces of information? S: Discuss in groups and get the answer. (ex.)They get on a cheap and crowded boat, which is mainly for goods and traders.(设计意图:学生小组活动,在快速阅读对课文表层理解的基础上深层理解第一段,并学会用所学


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