7 突破英文中形容词和副词的翻译

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《7 突破英文中形容词和副词的翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《7 突破英文中形容词和副词的翻译(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、7 突破英文中形容词和副词的翻译形容词和副词的翻译方法中英文主语的特点中英文里范畴词的翻译方法以及“同指”译法形容词和名词修饰名词的顺序及翻译等问题He lost nearly ten pounds.He nearly lost ten pounds.Europeans believe that they are moving beyond power into a self-contained world of laws and rules and transnational negotiation and cooperation.欧洲人认为,他们正在超越权力,进入了一个相当完备的法制、跨国

2、谈判和合作的世界。When the reply came a few months later they were enrolled as a full member, but Chus membership was kept a secret from outsiders.回信几个月之后来了,他们都被录取为完全的成员,但是朱德的党籍一直对外界被保持着秘密。过了几个月,回信来了,两人都吸收为正式党员,但是朱德的党籍对外一直保密。短句“剥洋葱”FullMore than eight years have passed since Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping and I

3、joined hands to establish full diplomatic relations between these two great nations.自从邓小平副总理和我联手在我们两个伟大的国家之间建立了正式的外交关系以来,已经过去八年多了。They were enrolled as full member.Chus membership was kept a secret from outsider. I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-

4、line, and had no way of thinking how near the harbor was.我在我的教育开始之前就像那条船,只是我没有罗盘和声音的绳子,也不知道海港究竟有多近。我在开始接受教育之前,就像一条船,只是没有罗盘,没有测深绳,也不知道离海港有多远。I was like that ship before my education began.A flicker of disappointment and depression passed over Clydes face.Sounding-lineHow near that harbor wasChow was

5、a quiet and thoughtful man.周恩来是一个安静的而且有想法的男人。形容词和副词的延伸译法He is a very rich man.“同指”译法21 世纪是人类利用和开发海洋的新世纪。In the 21st century, people will have new opportunities to utilize and explore the ocean.When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly, I was flushed with childish pleasure and pride.当我

6、最后成功地写对了这几个字母时,我脸红着带着天真的高兴和骄傲。我终于把这几个字母写对了,这时我天真地感到无限愉快和骄傲。Succeeded, correctlyWhenWas flushedChildish, pleasure, prideIn the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way a great many words, among them在以后的几天里,我就学着用不能理解的方式来拼写了许多单词,其中一些是。 。 。在接下来的几天里,我就学着拼写,虽然并不能理解,但是却也能拼写出来很多单词,其

7、中一些是。 。 。In the days that followedIn this uncomprehending wayGradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the water flow more quietly, in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.后来,河面渐宽,河岸退却,水流的更加平静,最后,它们都流向了大海,与海水浑然一体,看不出任何

8、痕迹,从而失去了单独存在的意义,而毫无痛苦之感。He tried to piece the broken vase together in vain.三个方法:1)用形容词和副词的延伸含义;2)形容词和副词的互换;3)长的形容词和副词可以单独成句。形容词修饰名词还是名词修饰名词重要?前置定语还是后置定语重要?靠近中心词的定语还是远离中心词的定语重要?中:后置形+前置形+后置名+前置名+中心词英:前置形+前置名+中心词+后置名+后置形A common view of the worldThe all-important question of powerEuropeans believe tha

9、t they are moving beyond power into a self-contained world of laws and rules and transnational negotiation and cooperation.欧洲人认为,他们正在超越权力,进入了一个相当完备的法制、跨国谈判和合作的世界。中国正在加快建立一个相当完备的 防扩散 的 出口控制体系。China is speeding up the establishment of a relatively perfect export control system of non-proliferation.Tak

10、ing his cue from Ibsens A Dolls House, in which the heroine, Nora, leaves home because she resents her husbands treating her like a child, the writer Lu Xun warned that Nora would need money to support herself; she must have economic rights to survive.从易卜生的玩偶之家一书中得到启示,在那里,女主人公娜拉离家出走,是因为她憎恨她的丈夫对待她像对待

11、小孩一样,作家鲁迅警告,娜拉要有钱才能养活自己,要有经济权利才能生存。现在分词做状语+定语从句+主句中文关联词的双双出现SheExercise:Tombs and temples of ancient Egypt follow the Nile well into Sudan. Driving southward form Cario into the valley, I entered a landscape that owed little to the present era. For the next 1,800 miles the thin blue ribbon of the Ni

12、le, flowing slowly north, unwound over brown soil and green fields, some only a few yards wide, others as broad as an Iowa confield. At the edge of the fields, rising in dramatic hills or stretching flat to the horizon, lay the brown barren deserts.I had the illusion that I was driving through one i

13、mmensely long, narrow farm. The villages and towns were usually perched on the edge, so as not to waste arable soil and because there was a need, before the High Dam tamed the Nile, to live beyond the reach of annual floods. The road followed the course of the Nile, now passing through the fields, now drawing a black line separating them from the desert.


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