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1、2015 年英语四级阅读练习及答案(1)页 12015 年英语四级阅读练习及答案(1)Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A ),B, Cand D ). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on

2、 Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Peoples tastes in recreation differ widely. At a recent festival of pop-music in the Isle of Wight, crowds of teenagers flocked to listen to their favorite singers and musicians. Th

3、ey went with single railway tickets and slept in the open, a very risky thing to do in the climate of Britain, even in August. They were packed together like sardines for four days. There were innumerable thieves, a gang of roughs tried several times to break things up, and police were everywhere. A

4、t the end of the festival many young fans found themselves broke, with no money left,and they had difficulty in getting back home. Most people would consider these conditions a nightmare of discomfort; the fans appeared to enjoy it all enormously.Even in the overcrowded United Kingdom there are larg

5、e tracts of open un-spoilt country, where people with more traditional tastes can go for quiet, and for the sense of freedom they derive from contact with nature. In the national parks especially, modern development of housing and industry is strictly controlled. Visitors may walk for miles through

6、landscape of the greatest beauty and wildness, and often of considerable historic or scientific interest. Along the coasts of some of the maritime counties, public pathways have been created; these paths stretch for many miles along cliffs that look out on the Atlantic Ocean or the English Channel.

7、Another path,lying inland, goes along the range of mountains in the north of England. It is called the Pennine Way. Here, the long-distance waller and the nature-lover can find much to enjoy, without feeling disturbed by large numbers of their fellows.Yet few people make full use of the national par

8、ks established for everyones benefit. The commonest thing nowadays is for family groups to motor out to a beautiful spot and park their cars in a lay-by ( 英国的路旁停车带 ). A picnic basket is produced, along with a folding table and chairs, a kettle and a portable stove. They then settle down to a picnic

9、in the lay-by beside the car. Apparently their idea of enjoyment is to get into the fresh air and amongst the country sights and sounds without having to wall a yard. They seem almost to like to hear and to smell the traffic.56. In Britain it is very risky to _.Ago with a single railway ticket Blist

10、en to pop-music at the festival C. sleep in the openDpack together in crowds57. At the end of the festival, many young fans_.Awere arrested by the policeBhad spent most of their money C were sleeping outDbecame quite penniless58. Even in the overcrowded United Kingdom there are large_.2015 年英语四级阅读练习

11、及答案(1)页 2Atracks through the open country Bareas of country without soil C areas of countryside not developedDexpanses of land where nobody works59. Public pathways are created for people to_.Acommute to workBenjoy long-distance walking C. wall to maritime countiesDvisit the historic or scenic sites

12、60. Family groups nowadays like to_.Ahave meals out of doors by the road-sideBgo for a walk away from home C drive out past the beautiful placesDhear and smell the animalsPassage One【参考译文】人们对于休闲娱乐的品位大相径庭。在英国怀特岛最近举办的一次流行音乐节上,青少年们成群结队地去听他们最喜爱的歌手和音乐家演唱。56他们只买得起去音乐节的单程火车票,甚至不惜露宿街头,在英国那种气候条件下,即便是在八月份,他们的

13、这种行为也是非常危险的。他们像沙丁鱼一样在音乐节上挤了四天。音乐节现场有数不清的盗贼,一伙暴徒几次三番试图捣乱,而且到处都是警察。57 音乐节结束后,许多年轻歌迷发现自己身无分文,想要回家都很困难。大多数人都会认为这种情形简直像噩梦一样叫人不爽,但是歌迷们似乎仍乐在其中。58即便是在英国这样拥挤的国家,也有一大片一大片未遭破坏的乡村地区,在那里,有着更多传统品位的人们可以寻求安静以及他们在同大自然接触过程中产生的自由感。特别是在国家级公园所在的地区,房产和工业的现代发展受到严格限制。游客可以步行几英里,游览极度迷人而又十分原始的风景,以及大量历史和科学景点。59一些海滨县城修建了公路;这些公路

14、沿着悬崖峭壁一直延伸,而这些峭壁则紧挨着大西洋或英吉利海峡。在内陆还有另一条公路,沿国北部的山脉修成,被称作奔宁公路。在这里,远途旅行者和热爱大自然的人能够收获不少乐趣一而不会有被大批其他游人打搅的感觉。国家级公园是为造福公众而修建的,然而,很少有人能够充分利用这一资源。60现下最为常见的事情就是,全家人一起开车去一个美丽的景点,将车停在路边的停车带。他们全生野餐篮、折叠式桌椅、一把水壶和一台便携式火炉,然后在自己车的附近安顿下来,开始一顿野餐。显然,他们对娱乐的观点是呼吸新鲜空气,身处乡间,不用行走一步就能欣赏美景,听闻乡村之声。他们似乎很喜欢用耳朵和鼻子去感受乡问的车马交通。56 C定位:

15、根据题干信息词 risky 可将答案定位到第一段第三句。解析:该句提到:“他们( 青少年们) 只买得起去音乐节的单程火车票,甚至不惜露宿街头,在英国那种气候条件下,即便是在八月份,他们的这种行为也是非常危险的。 ”故选 C。57 D2015 年英语四级阅读练习及答案(1)页 3定位:根据题干信息 atthe end ofthefestival 可将答案定位到第一段倒数第二句。解析:该句提到:“音乐节结束后,许多年轻歌迷发现自己身无分文,想要回家都很困难。 ”故选 D。became quite penniless 即意为“ 身无分文”,是对 broke 和 with no money left

16、的同义转述。58 C定位:根据题干信息 even in the overcrowded United Kingdom 可将答案定位到第二段第一句。解析:原文提到:“Even in the overcrowded United Kingdom there are large tracts of open Hrlspoilt country(即便是在英国这样拥挤的国家,也有一大片一大片未遭破坏的乡村地区)”选项 C 中的 not developed 是原文中 tinspoilt 的同义转述,故为正确答案。59 B定位:根据题干信息 public pathways 可将答案定位到第二段第四句。解析:原文提到,一些海滨县城修建了公路,在内陆,沿英国北部的山脉也有一条公路。远途旅行者和热爱大自然的人能够收获不少乐趣,而且不会有被大批其他游人打搅的感觉。可见,开辟公路就是为了让人们能够享受远足,享受



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